Mastering High-Profit Digital Dropshipping

Digital dropshipping is revolutionizing the dynamic e-commerce sector with its unique approach. It ingeniously combines the profitability of digital products with the ease of selling physical items. This innovative method differs significantly from traditional models focused solely on physical goods. As 2024 approaches, mastering digital dropshipping is crucial for entrepreneurs aiming to maximize online profits. In this blog, we go over Mastering High-Profit Digital Dropshipping that can bring profits to your business and value to your customers. 

Strategic Blending of Physical and Digital Sales

Sales of both physical and digital products are cleverly combined as part of the main concept of digital dropshipping. Businesses first concentrate on selling tangible goods since they are easier to market and sell than intangible products. Buying tangible products gives customers confidence and comfort. But the true magic happens after you buy it. Digital goods are offered as extras, such as order bumps, regular upsells, or pre-purchase upsells. This might include everything from templates to eBooks to in-depth video courses, providing clients with more value and improving their overall buying experience.

Increasing Profit Margins

One of the biggest benefits of adding digital products to your sales funnel is the amazing increase in profit margins. Digital products do not have production or transportation costs, in contrast to physical products. Their creation and promotion are the main sources of their expenses. As a result, once a digital product is created, it may be sold repeatedly for a significant profit without incurring new expenses.

Techniques for Effective Implementation

Focusing on order bumps and upsells with digital products is a sensible place for people to start when they are new to digital dropshipping. When used effectively, these strategies can raise average order value considerably. A successful order bump can transform a routine transaction into a chance to earn more money, as demonstrated by numerous niches.

Purchasing and Producing Digital Goods

Making the correct digital product choices is essential to success. Sites like provide a large selection of digital items in both pre-made and customizable formats, targeting a variety of specialized markets. For dropshippers looking to incorporate high-quality content into their digital deals, these resources are priceless.

Techniques for Pricing and Product Bundling

Combining several digital goods into one bundle, like a set of ten to fifteen eBooks, is a successful strategy in digital dropshipping. A higher price point, such as $29.99 to $39.99, at launch, fosters a sense of value. Customers may be further enticed by subsequent discounts or downsell offers, which will increase the deal’s appeal while keeping good profit margins.

Integrating Physical and Digital Products to Increase Value

Combining real and digital goods into a single sales strategy raises offers’ perceived value and dramatically increases profitability. By improving the complete shopping experience and accommodating a broader range of client preferences, this well-rounded strategy increases customer happiness and loyalty.

Useful Implementations and Actual Achievements

This digital dropshipping concept has been effectively applied in practical settings and is not merely theoretical. This strategy has already been embraced by numerous companies, who have benefited from higher consumer involvement and profitability. This real-world implementation in a variety of industries highlights how flexible and successful the digital dropshipping model is.
In summary

To sum up, digital drop shipping offers modern e-commerce businesses a creative and extremely successful strategy. Traditional dropshipping models can benefit from the integration of digital products, which can increase profit margins and provide clients with more value. Learning this tactic will be essential to maintaining your competitive edge and being successful in the fast-paced world of Internet sales as the digital marketplace develops.

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Mastering Digital Dropshipping Niches for Profit

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, digital dropshipping stands out as a beacon of opportunity in 2024. This realm, where entrepreneurial spirit meets the digital marketplace, offers a unique blend of flexibility, profitability, and personal fulfillment. As we delve into the intricacies of this business model, it becomes clear that success hinges not just on the products one chooses to sell, but also on the passion and understanding behind each choice. In the blog, we go over mastering digital dropshipping niches for profit and passion that will help your customers while growing your business.

Discovering Your Ideal Niche

In the evolving landscape of digital dropshipping, the selection of a niche is a crucial first step. The fusion of personal passion with a profitable niche creates a foundation for success. Consider immersing yourself in hobby niches, as they often present a diverse range of products, both physical and digital. For instance, woodworking, photography, gardening, cooking, and wine-making are not just hobbies; they’re gateways to profitable dropshipping ventures.

Hobby niches stand out for two significant reasons. Firstly, they typically encompass a wide array of physical products, enabling business scalability. Secondly, they are ripe with high-margin digital offerings like ebooks and courses. Additionally, these niches open doors to affiliate marketing opportunities and partnerships, further enhancing potential revenue streams.

Passion: The Driving Force

Engaging in a niche that resonates with your interests is not just enjoyable but also vital for sustaining motivation and commitment. This personal connection ensures greater resilience and a deeper understanding of the niche, factors that are instrumental in navigating the challenges of a dropshipping business.

Starting a business should be more than just a commercial venture; it should align with your interests and knowledge. Ventures disconnected from your passions or understanding face a steeper path to success. A business that reflects your interests not only survives but thrives.

Enhancing Skills Through Digital Products

Hobby niches have a unique advantage: customers are often eager to improve their skills. This eagerness makes educational digital products, such as tutorials and guides, especially attractive. Catering to this desire for skill enhancement can be a lucrative aspect of your digital dropshipping business.

Deep diving into your chosen niche is essential. Engaging with relevant online communities, following niche influencers, and understanding customer preferences lays the groundwork for your business. This immersion is key to tailoring your products and marketing strategies effectively.

The Art of Selling Digital Products

Selling digital products is less about the product itself and more about the solution it offers. Successful digital products address specific problems with clear, concise, and direct solutions. This focus on problem-solving is what differentiates a successful digital product from a mediocre one.

For those new to dropshipping, a mix of digital and physical products is recommended. This strategy simplifies the initial selling process with physical products while using digital products as valuable upsells, enhancing overall profitability.

Understanding Your Audience

Grasping the various levels of expertise within your niche – from beginners to experts – is crucial for targeted marketing. Each group has distinct needs and preferences, and tailoring your approach accordingly can significantly boost your business’s effectiveness.

Resourceful eBook Creation

For creating eBooks, platforms like and are invaluable. These resources can jumpstart your eBook creation process, whether you choose to purchase ready-made content or create your own. The key is to focus on resolving specific issues within your niche.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Finally, it’s important to approach digital dropshipping with realistic expectations. Recognized as a challenging business model, it demands top-notch marketing skills and high-quality product offerings. Understanding this upfront sets the stage for a more strategic and informed business approach.

In conclusion, the realm of digital dropshipping in 2024 holds immense potential for those willing to merge their passions with practical business strategies. By carefully selecting your niche, understanding your audience, and creating value-driven digital products, you can carve a successful path in this dynamic and rewarding field.

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Digital VS. Physical Products In E-commerce 2024

Choosing the appropriate product type is a critical choice for entrepreneurs in the ever-changing world of online commerce, as it can optimize both profitability and market presence. Understanding the differences between selling real and digital goods online becomes essential as we move closer to 2024. This investigation provides information about the most profitable and practical e-commerce strategies. In this blog, we go over Digital VS. Physical Products In E-commerce 2024 and which one you should be focusing on in your business.

Profitability: Digital vs. Physical Products

In terms of profitability, digital items are particularly noteworthy. Their capacity to produce once and sell endlessly without incurring repeat manufacturing expenditures is what makes them so appealing. Profit margins are greatly increased by this model. On the other hand, the continuous costs of production, shipping, and storage for physical objects have an impact on their profitability. However, because of customer preferences and commercial demands, they continue to be relevant.

Logistics and Fulfillment: Simplifying the Procedure

Digital product fulfillment and logistics provide a simplified experience. Due to their ethereal nature, they can be instantly provided to clients, doing away with the difficulties associated with physical logistics. Physical goods, on the other hand, call for a more sophisticated approach to logistics that includes handling, shipping, and warehousing. To guarantee effectiveness and client pleasure, these factors necessitate meticulous preparation and implementation.

Customer Service: A Comparison Study

Physical items frequently have a simpler equation in customer service. Most of the relevant questions are simple, including tracking shipments and delivery schedules. On the other hand, digital items could need more complex customer service. This is especially true for products that require customized services or educational content, which call for a higher level of interaction and problem-solving from the vendor.

Automation: The Digital Advantage

Automation is revolutionizing the digital product industry. These products can be produced and marketed with little to no continuous assistance, providing a more passive source of income. Physical products still require manual steps and may experience delays due to their tangible character, even though they also benefit from some automation in the purchasing and shipping processes.

Product Selection: Range and Variety

The range of products available in the physical and digital domains differs dramatically. Physical goods provide a wide range of options to meet the requirements and tastes of a wide range of consumers. Despite their restricted selection, digital items have a distinct value because of their specialized content, which includes ebooks, courses, and templates. This lack of diversity highlights their attraction rather than undermining their potential.

Simpleness of Sale: Recognizing Consumer Behavior

Selling physical goods is frequently simpler and involves taking advantage of consumers’ impulsive purchases and the tangible attractiveness of the merchandise. Even if they could be more specialized, digital items need a more sophisticated sales strategy. The sales process is more involved but also more lucrative when sellers can properly express the value and cater to the specific needs of their target audience.

Strategic Suggestion: Combining the Finest Elements of Both Worlds

A hybrid strategy is advised for business owners who want to succeed and be resilient in the long run in e-commerce. It is possible to increase profitability and market reach by fusing the benefits of physical and digital items. This tactic enables diversification by meeting a range of customer demands and weighing the particular benefits and drawbacks of every kind of product.

In conclusion, digital vs. physical products in e-commerce 2024 is something you should be diving deeper into in order to grow your business. There is more than one option when it comes to digital versus physical e-commerce goods. Each has unique advantages and difficulties. Through a strategic grasp of these dynamics and their application, firms may position themselves for long-term growth and success in the dynamic digital economy.

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Mastering Digital Dropshipping In The New Era of E-commerce

In the evolving world of e-commerce, the trend of digital dropshipping has emerged as a game-changer. This innovative approach focuses on selling digital products, such as courses, ebooks, podcasts, guides, and manuals. A significant advantage of this model lies in its potential for repeat sales without the burden of high costs typically associated with physical products. In this blog, we go over mastering digital dropshipping in the new era of e-commerce that can instantly boost your business’s profits. 

Advantages of Selling Digital Products

The digital realm offers a lucrative opportunity for e-commerce entrepreneurs. Digital products stand out due to their ability to significantly boost profitability. This is particularly relevant in the face of rising advertising costs. Creating these products usually requires minimal investment, both in time and finances, making them an attractive option for sellers looking to maximize their returns.

The Role of Private Label Rights (PLR) Products

An intriguing aspect of digital dropshipping is the use of Private Label Rights (PLR) products. These are ready-made digital products across various niches, which can be legally rebranded and resold as one’s own. This flexibility allows sellers to quickly enter markets without the need for extensive product development.

Recommended Suppliers for Digital Products

For those interested in sourcing digital products, several suppliers are noteworthy. They include Plr. me, known for its premium content, albeit with a limited library. is celebrated for its vast range of niches and product types, and, a platform catering specifically to dropshippers, offers a wide variety of hobby-related niches.

Distinguishing Between PLR Product Types

An important consideration in digital dropshipping is understanding the types of PLR products available. Some are ready to sell, requiring no additional work, while others might need formatting or customization before they are market-ready. This distinction is crucial for sellers to align their offerings with their business strategies effectively.

Navigating the Market: Avoiding Scams

In the digital product marketplace, it is essential to identify reputable PLR suppliers to avoid scams. Engaging with trusted sources ensures the quality of the products and the legality of their resale.

Mastering digital dropshipping in the new era of e-commerce is important if you strive to grow your business. The shift toward digital dropshipping marks a significant transformation in the e-commerce landscape. By leveraging digital products, sellers can tap into a world of opportunities with lower costs and higher profitability. Understanding the nuances of this model, from choosing the right products to engaging with supportive communities, is key to thriving in this new age of e-commerce.

Let The Ecommerce Empire Builders Launch Your Business

Starting an e-commerce business can be time-consuming and challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. Specifically, if you have the financial resources but lack the time to invest in building your business, then the Ecommerce Empire Builders team can help.

With over 20 years of combined online business experience and millions of sales generated, the Ecommerce Empire Builders team has the expertise and knowledge to help you succeed in the world of e-commerce. Our team will build your new business personally, tailoring it to your unique needs and goals. We’ll handle everything from product research to supplier selection and store setup, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life while your business takes shape.

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A Guide to Digital Product Creation For Passive Income

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the creation of ebooks has emerged as a lucrative avenue for generating passive income. The integration of advanced tools like ChatGPT and Canva has revolutionized this process, making it accessible and efficient for creators of all levels. The essence of this transformation lies in the low-cost production and effortless distribution of digital products, paving the way for anyone to venture into the world of digital entrepreneurship. In this blog, we go over a guide to digital product creation for passive Income and how to implement it into your business. 

Streamlining the Ebook Creation Process

The journey of ebook creation begins with a well-defined topic. Imagine crafting a book on metabolism – this subject alone offers immense scope. The utilization of ChatGPT for writing content significantly streamlines the process. By setting a word limit per chapter, for instance, 500 words, the content remains concise yet informative. It’s crucial to focus on delivering value and actionable insights in each segment, ensuring that the final product is not just informative but also engaging and practical for the reader.

Perfecting Chapter Development

Precision in chapter writing stands as a cornerstone of effective ebook creation. The remarkable accuracy and relevance of content generated by ChatGPT play a pivotal role here. The ability to fine-tune the narrative, whether it’s continuing the flow or making necessary adjustments, adds a layer of customization, enhancing the quality and readability of each chapter. It’s this meticulous attention to detail that elevates an ebook from good to great.

Designing with Elegance and Clarity

Transitioning to the design phase, Canva’s role becomes indispensable. Selecting the right template is the first step in this creative journey. The objective is to ensure the design resonates with the content, making the ebook not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate. This phase is about blending aesthetics with functionality, creating a layout that complements the textual content, thereby enriching the reader’s experience.

Incorporating Engaging Visuals

The power of visuals in storytelling cannot be overstated, and this holds for ebooks as well. Crafting images that align with each chapter’s theme is a task where creativity meets technology. These visuals serve as more than just decorative elements; they provide context, enhance understanding, and make the ebook more relatable and memorable for the audience.

The Final Touches

The culmination of the ebook creation process is both exciting and critical. Adding a captivating cover image, a well-organized table of contents, and ensuring each chapter is formatted for maximum impact are key steps. It’s in these final touches that the ebook transforms into a polished, professional product ready for the market.

Ready for the World

The last step involves converting the ebook into a universally accessible PDF format. This format not only ensures compatibility across various devices but also readies the ebook for distribution on multiple platforms. Whether it’s selling on Etsy, Amazon, or any other digital marketplace, the ebook is now poised to reach a global audience, opening up endless possibilities for passive income.

In summary, the modern ebook creation process, utilizing AI and innovative design tools, significantly empowers aspiring digital entrepreneurs. This efficient and user-friendly approach dramatically simplifies the journey from concept to a professional ebook. Emphasizing quality content, it offers a unique opportunity for creators to delve into the digital marketplace. Aspiring authors can now effortlessly transform their creative ideas into polished, market-ready ebooks, opening up new avenues for passive income. This evolution in content creation marks a significant leap forward for those looking to establish a foothold in the world of digital publishing.

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Boost Your Online Business Profits with Digital Products in 2023

Entrepreneurs are continuously looking for new chances to expand their firms and increase earnings in an ever-changing digital market. Selling digital goods is one of the most lucrative and effective ways to do this. This blog post will examine the main justifications for incorporating digital goods into your company and offer insightful advice on how to Boost Your Online Business Profits with Digital Products in 2023.

Digital Products’ Potential for Profit

The popularity of digital goods has skyrocketed recently and for good reason. With minimal costs associated with production and distribution, they offer a significant return on investment. Moreover, digital products such as ebooks, courses, and other informational content can be sold repeatedly, ensuring a continuous stream of revenue with each sale.

High-Profit Margins

Physical products often come with various costs, including storage, shipping, and handling fees. In contrast, digital products boast incredibly high-profit margins due to their low overhead expenses. By incorporating digital products into your business, you can offset advertising costs and put more money in your pocket. This approach ultimately leads to increased profitability and the ability to scale your business faster.

Instant Delivery and Reduced Customer Complaints

The quick delivery of digital goods to clients is one of their main benefits. As a result, there will be no need for tracking numbers and fewer chances of customers complaining about delivery delays. With digital goods, your customers may access their purchases right away, guaranteeing a simple and straightforward purchasing process.

Putting Money Into Business Growth

You may use the money you make from selling digital goods to promote your brand, build your clientele, and expand your business. Because there aren’t enough profits to reinvest in marketing activities, many entrepreneurs find it difficult to grow their businesses. By incorporating digital products into your sales funnel, you can increase your earnings per customer and reinvest those profits back into your business.

Minimal Customer Service

Digital products require minimal customer service compared to other business models. The primary concerns for customer support with digital products are refund requests or issues with email delivery. This reduction in customer service demands allows you to focus on other aspects of your business and continue to scale effectively.

This is a mockup of digital products and how it can Boost Your Online Business Profits with Digital Products in 2023

Discovering Digital Product Ideas

Finding the perfect digital product idea for your business is crucial to your success. Investigating websites like Etsy is a great method to get ideas. You can find a wide variety of digital products now available on the market by searching for “digital” followed by a certain specialty or phrase.

Look for expensive, top-selling digital products to use as models for your own inventions in order to increase your income. Offering high-quality digital products will help you draw in more clients and boost your revenue.

In conclusion, integrating digital items into your company is a strong way to boost revenue, expand your market, and lower customer support needs. You may position yourself for success in 2023 by investigating and simulating successful digital products.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Give storefunnels a try and experience the benefits of selling digital products firsthand. With storefunnels, you can effortlessly sell your digital products and watch your online empire soar. Start your journey today and unlock the potential of digital products for your business.

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How to Generate $25,000 in Sales with Digital Products

Are you interested in generating substantial income by selling digital products? In today’s blog post, we’ll explore a step-by-step guide on How to Generate $25,000 in Sales with Digital Products. Let’s dive right in and unlock the secrets to achieving this exciting goal!

Choosing the Right Niche:

The first step to creating a successful digital product business is selecting a niche. Ideally, you should choose a niche that aligns with your passions and hobbies. This will ensure that you stay motivated and engaged throughout the process. Additionally, make sure that people in your chosen niche are actively consuming content and are willing to pay for information products.

To validate your niche, start by researching the best-selling books and courses in your niche on Amazon and Udemy. Look for a high number of reviews and purchases, which indicates that people are willing to pay for information products in your chosen niche. Furthermore, check YouTube for creators who post content related to your niche regularly and have a decent following. This will help you understand the demand for content and the potential for selling digital products.

Creating Your Digital Product

There are several ways to create a digital product, such as an eBook or video course. One effective method is to use top-selling courses on Udemy as inspiration. Look at the course content and structure, and create a similar curriculum for your own product. To make your product unique, you can also incorporate information from bestselling books on Amazon.

Collaborating with Micro-Influencers

To create a high-quality video course, consider partnering with a micro-influencer in your niche. Look for someone who consistently posts content and has a small but dedicated following on YouTube. Reach out to them with a proposal to collaborate on your course, offering either a 50/50 split or an upfront fee for their services. This partnership will not only help you create an engaging video course but also boost your credibility in the niche.

Leveraging PLR Products

Private Label Rights (PLR) products are pre-made digital products that you can purchase and sell as your own. Websites like offer a wide range of PLR products in various niches. Investing in a PLR product is an excellent way to immediately increase your business margins, as you can sell the product multiple times and make a profit after the initial sale.

This picture shows How to Generate $25,000 in Sales with Digital Products

Implementing Digital Products in Your Sales Funnel

To maximize your revenue, consider adding digital products to your sales funnel. You can use digital products as order bumps, upsells, or even send an email to your list promoting your new eBook or course. This strategy will help you increase your profits and enhance your overall business performance.

In conclusion, selling digital products is a lucrative business opportunity that allows you to create a product once and sell it repeatedly. By choosing the right niche, validating demand, creating engaging digital products, and leveraging partnerships and PLR products, you can make $25,000 in just 30 days. Don’t wait any longer – start building your digital product empire today!

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Success Story: How to Sell a Course and Make $1.5 Million

Welcome back, empire builders. Today, we have a long overdue interview with Felix from Giant Lifestyle. He’s been a part of our community in the past, and we haven’t talked to him since he was in our Inner Circle community years ago. Since then, he’s turned a $1,000 program of ours into well over a million dollars, and he knows all about how to sell a course profitably.

He’s here to show you how to take the same information we have here and use it to share your own information products. Felix has done this tremendously well — and thank you for jumping on here with us.

Back to the Beginning

For about ten years, Felix has been a full-time entrepreneur. But first, establishing a Giant Lifestyle YouTube channel was a labor of love. He wasn’t trying to make money out of it. He just enjoyed doing it. It was getting him by, but it just wasn’t hitting that next level. Then, he learned how to pitch his information products.

Eventually, Felix attracted enough interest in his online business, flipping diabetic testing supplies, and heeded a viewer’s encouragement to formally share his knowledge. We helped him learn how to package his offline skill set into a high-dollar course, and things started taking off. Felix went from making $5–10,000 per month to 30, 60, 90… and then he started hitting six-figure months.

“My life completely changed.” 

This is the power of online marketing; you’re amplifying a great idea others haven’t fully capitalized on yet.

How to Sell a Course: Stick With Your Foundational Idea

Screenshot of Peter and Felix discussing YouTube subscribers

Over 30 million people in America have diabetes, and they often wind up with a surplus of supplies. Felix glimpsed the profit potential of buying and selling diabetic test strips from a former colleague, though he was unwilling to show Felix how it was done. Felix persisted, reverse-engineering the process on his own and then sharing it with eager students.

It’s interesting how the obstacle he experienced with his former business partner corresponds exactly with the niche service he himself went on to conquer.

“I remember I was 20 or 21 when I made my first six figures…, providing a great service.”

As fast as it came, he needed better money management to keep it sustainable.

It’s exactly where I came from when I started Ecommerce Empire Builders on YouTube. I was just looking for a place to upload tutorial videos from a mastermind group I was in, where no one understood how funnels work — and to this day, I tell people, just go look at those videos.

It’s about more than selling courses. It’s about being an expert at what you do. This is how Felix was able to package his experience and strategies into a lucrative information product. Things that seemed like common sense to him were exactly what others needed to hear to achieve the same success.

You’ve Already Developed Your Pillar Content — Now Publish It

Whatever you’ve already gone through, the challenges you’ve overcome, we’re telling you: START A CHANNEL. That’s your pillar content, where all the other channels (Instagram, etc.) pull from — and it’s still a big, blue, wide-open ocean.

You don’t even need to generate subscribers at a massive scale to start making money. Felix, I’m sure you didn’t have your 50,000 subscribers back then, right?

“I had like 2,000. I just showed [my friend] how to do it in a partnership deal, and he just crossed 2,000 subs — and he’s making $2,000 a week.”

Felix is improving his own life and the lives of others by sharing his expertise on how to sell a course and other content.

“If you’ve got a skillset or an expertise in something, not only can you make a lot of money, but you could change a lot of lives. I’ve got students who make $10, $20, $30,000 a month from the information I gave them. It’s very fulfilling.”

Multiple Streams of Income

This is where multiple sources of income start happening. Your pillar idea/content sets you up for:

All along, you’re continually honing your original processes to a razor-sharp edge as you teach them.

“It’s still good to have some offline businesses — but with the power of the internet, all I need, really, is this laptop I’m talking to you on right now, an internet connection, cameras, and other equipment.”

It’s all about growing your channel/brand, deciding how to sell a course for continual success, and creating different experiences.

“I just want to make decent money, travel, and live life at the same time.”

Rhythms and Turning Points

Screenshot of Peter and Felix discussing the potential of niche content

This was when I asked Felix how he manages to travel with his most productive routines. Batching content whenever possible gets him through travel spurts, and he’s honest with himself about productivity. Establishing a temporary home base for a month or two becomes all the more valuable. Once it becomes exhausting, you can sign three-month leases between periods of jumping around.

Felix had this to say on the factors that initially brought his brand to the tipping point:

“I do four things. I have:

  1. Good titles
  2. Thumbnails
  3. Tags/descriptions
  4. Consistent content

If you can get a video to go viral… keep doubling down on it. Whatever… piece of content works, keep making content on that content.”

What about paid advertising as part of how to sell a course?

“I had some success, and then Facebook just shut my ad account down. My YouTube organic was so strong that there were times where, working maybe… 20 hours a month, it was almost completely automated. I just never could get into ads… I just stick to organic.”

Peaks and Plateaus

He was pulling up to $70,000 a month doing almost nothing. But he noted that he suspects ads would get him to the next level. It’s true, and it takes a lot of money and effort — especially at first, as you discover which messaging works.

Paid campaigns still need a core of organic content. It makes people want to pick you compared to people who only have content from five years ago. If you do have that consistency, mixing in paid advertising is a huge credibility boost. Even basic retargeting ads for your video audience could be just $10 a day.

Felix brought up the question of whether paid ads stifle your organic reach. For our channel, we built a second channel for running ads to avoid these potential issues.

Other Factors to Felix’s Success

In our 30-minute discussion about how to sell a course, Felix and I hit on many other elements that proved invaluable to big long-term profits.

  • Felix takes a one-man army approach, but he has a virtual assistant and continually supports his affiliate base. This creates a wider profit margin, and it’s when my own profit margins were largest (before radical scaling forced me to accept a slimmer margin).
  • Flexible thinking and confidence that “there’s so much going around for everybody… you could get started with any niche, any business, at any time” matter.
  • We’ve also found that the market is veritably infinite. There’s no need to stress about others taking away your hard-won niche. Your message, personality, and brand will attract or create a whole new niche for yourself.
  • Diligence matters. He made 100s of videos before they made him a ton of money. With every video you make, even with just a few consistent views, you’re building credibility.
  • With Ecommerce Empire Builders, I honestly feel conversions were stronger when I had very few subscribers. Those were the highest-quality views from the most determined viewers.
  • Accept the complexities behind creating your pillar content, even when it seems like just “one simple thing.” Again, Felix was diligent, operating with commitment and consistency.

It’s All About Mindset and Consistency

To set your own schedule and work in a field with limitless profit potential, you just have to get past that barrier to feeling comfortable with being uncomfortable. Even when you’re getting just 20 or 30 views with something, you still need to do it every single day. That’s just part of how to sell a course. This requires trust in yourself. I asked Felix how he got past any initial self-doubt, wondering, “What am I doing? Is this a waste of time?”

His was a project of passion first and foremost, and he wasn’t totally dependent on its success. Slow initial profits didn’t even get to him, but the low numbers of subscribers did. With humility, his self-talk revolved around the conviction that if others had cracked the code, he could do it, too. He reiterated the importance of:

  1. Good titles
  2. Good thumbnails
  3. Strong tags
  4. Consistent content

He also added SEO to that list.

“If there’s other people doing it, anybody could be like me, anybody could be like you; they just don’t know what they don’t know. And if they’re able to obtain that information, it could literally change overnight.”

We won’t be surprised if we talk again in another four years and see each other at even new heights. The power of the internet has been so impactful for both of us that we can live anywhere and take care of our loved ones.

Felix’s Prime Takeaway About How to Sell a Course and Other Information

With so much content about making money online out there, I wanted Felix to leave us with the one core piece of advice he hopes new online business owners remember:

“Take action. I started my entrepreneur journey — I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad — in 2013, and now it’s 2022. Don’t let the people on the internet with the watches, and the cars, and the success, and the mansions fool you… Just keep going, and don’t quit. You really only fail when you quit.”

“If you quit, you already know what you’re going to get… That’s why I try to stay humble because as high as you go up, in a snap of a finger, you could fall and lose everything. If you’re at the bottom, the only place you can go is up — but you can’t go anywhere if you stop taking action.”

You can’t just go back to what you were doing when you hit setbacks, and you only need one big win to really put you up on a plateau, to see what’s possible, and to permanently motivate you.

“If you miss 100 shots, the next time you go back and take another 100 shots, I bet you won’t miss all of them.”

We hope our audience doesn’t take this lightly. Responsibility levels rise even, or especially when you start making retirement money. One of the Ecommerce Empire Builders team members, Jordan, has a saying, “New level, new devil.” When you want to reap the reward, you have to be willing to face new sets of problems. The secret to handling them is, as Felix said, “Just keep going, and don’t quit.”

Keep Going on Your Journey and Focus on How to Sell a Course

New content creator making his first video

You can take action now, with no risk, by mastering the tightly honed funnel system I used to create a full-time income online by signing up for my free Ecommerce Masterclass. Because I want you to succeed, I also include the funnel template that helped me and others earn $100,000 each month. If you have the diligence, passion, and conviction that Felix and I held throughout our journey, I’m confident it will work for you, as well. For even more advice, subscribe to the Ecommerce Empire Builders YouTube channel.

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How to Use These Free Digital Product Ideas for Easy Upsells

Welcome back, Empire Builders! If you’ve seen almost any of my videos or other blog posts, then you know that I think selling digital products is one of the best ways to make money online. A question I get a lot is how to find digital products to sell. So, today we’ll be going over where to get inspiration to discover hundreds of digital product ideas almost instantly. Let’s jump right in.

If you want a real-time, step-by-step demo, then you can watch over my shoulder as I find products, react, and come up with ideas in this video.

The Benefit of Digital Products

The reason selling digital information products online is such a great way to make money is that after the first sale, it’s 100% profit. Then you can sell it hundreds or thousands of times without having to invest time or money in each copy. I always tell my clients that the best way to build a successful business is to have multiple revenue streams. Selling digital products is one of the fastest, easiest, and most profitable ways to make money online.   

Where to Do Digital Product Research

Etsy is a great place to get endless ideas for the best digital products. There are hundreds upon hundreds of people selling digital products on Etsy right now and making a killing! So there’s no reason you can’t do the same.

How to Use Etsy for Digital Product Research

Peter Pru discussing how to find digital product ideas on Etsy

Go to Etsy and find your niche in their category list. Most niches fall into a subset of one of these categories. However, if you can’t find one that quite fits your niche, just type “digital + [your niche]” into the search bar. If you sell to a particular audience, like moms, you can also search for things like “digital mom gifts” or “digital gifts for mom,” or even “digital gifts for her.”

Many people see the results and think, “Who would buy that?” While it may not make sense to you, look at the number of sales listed. The first product I found for “digital mom gifts” is a customizable and printable drawing of a mom and a dog sitting on a dock. All you can see is their backs and the water, yet it has sold over 27,000 copies at almost $16 each.

Remember: that’s pure profit. If something like this has so many sales, think of how well a product tailored to your niche can do. Imagine if you make it easy for customers to add to their order at checkout and it complements what they’re already buying, like creating an eBook on how to use a product and making that your order bump. It can be wildly successful. It’s incredibly easy to make money online today.

Many people working full-time see this and understandably think that, while passive income would be great, they don’t have the time to make custom prints or deal with emails. However, you don’t have to. You can hire a virtual assistant to do all that or sell one standard product instead of custom and automate the emails. Anyone can make it work.

Tailor Custom Digital Products to Your Niche

Selling custom art on Etsy is much easier than most people think. I always hear, “I’m not an artist. I don’t know anything about graphic design or high-end editing software. How could I sell custom digital art?” The truth is you really don’t have to be. Custom digital art can be completely formulaic. Sites like Canva let you edit photos, easily add graphics, and create templates or use one of theirs.   


Let’s say you sell physical products in the golf niche. Offer a commemorative photo for people who got a hole-in-one. They’ll send their picture, and then you can just add something simple like the date and the words “Hole-in-One.”


If you know people who love to fish, then you know they all have a story of when they caught a fish “this big!” and they all have a photo. Customize their photos with the date they caught it, the weight, measurements, and maybe even a quote if they want. It’s that simple.

Other Examples for Digital Product Ideas

Get in your customers’ heads. Imagine their goals and what they care about. Maybe they’d like a poem about their hobby. You can commission one from a writer on Fiverr. Then add some relevant graphics like golf balls, fish, or yarn, whatever makes sense in your niche, and sell it as printable wall art.  

Mining for Inspiration

Peter Pru showing how to brainstorm hundreds of digital product ideas

I have a very simple but effective trick for finding blog topics that works for this, too. Typing the word “digital: into the Etsy search bar brings up tons of suggestions like digital downloads and digital prints. Use this auto-suggest function to your advantage — type in “Digital A” then “Digital B,” and so on. You can find dozens of digital product ideas per letter.

For example, “Digital C” gets you digital coloring books. This is perfect for anyone in the arts and crafts or kids’ niche. “Digital D” brings up digital daily planners. You could create your own, get a template and add graphics, hire someone to make it, or just buy a premade PLR. We have plenty of step-by-step content explaining how to find PLRs and then make great digital products.

Think Outside the Box for More Digital Product Ideas

Business owner brainstorming digital product ideas for his online business

I’m not going to tell you to follow the exact steps I used to build my business. I don’t tell you what niche to pick or what to sell. Yes, you can have us build a business for you to get you started. But eventually, you’ll be the one running that business. That’s why I teach this way.

I designed Ecommerce Business Builders around teaching you the skills you need to have a successful business because once it’s up and running, you’ll have to make decisions and come up with ideas. So, we give you the tools to do that. It’s like the old saying goes, “If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

For example, to make a product like digital planners work for the fishing niche, look at the concept of planners through the lens of fishing. Fishing enthusiasts might want to keep a log of their fishing trips. So you can provide space for things like:

  • Date and time
  • Location
  • The weather
  • Bait and lure used
  • How well they worked
  • Number of fish caught
  • Notes

You could even sell a fishing calendar with relevant dates like the beginning and end of fishing season instead of holidays. Alternatively, have a tips section listing the best time of year, locations, bait, and conditions to catch specific kinds of fish. The possibilities for digital product ideas are endless.

Build Your Empire

Ready to build your empire and make a full-time income online? Then watch my free webinar to learn exactly how I built 6- and 7-figure businesses without ever even touching a product! Plus, because I value your time, I’ll give you my $100k funnel template completely free just for showing up. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for even more digital product ideas. Remember, your empire starts now!

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3 Easy PLR Websites That Make Money For You — Fast

There’s an old saying that goes, “Time is money.” It’s absolutely true. When you’re running a business, time is your most precious commodity. Preserving it frees you up to focus your energy elsewhere. Being able to make money is great, but being able to make it quickly is even better and will help you stand out from the pack. In this article, we’ll discuss how to create digital products quickly — and three PLR websites that can help you make them.

If you’re looking to create content to either sell or help you establish authority in your field, you may see it as a time-consuming challenge. You understand the need to develop this content, but you may not have the time or knowledge to dedicate to it. 

There’s a solution for this: purchasing the private label rights of prewritten ebooks for you to resell or redistribute online. 

What’s the benefit of doing this? You can help connect your audience with valuable, actionable content without having to dedicate time and resources to produce that content. You’ll be able to sell the material, helping your audience members while also making money. You’ll establish authority with your audience, becoming a reliable source of information while saving time you can dedicate to other pursuits. 

Let’s take a closer look at my three favorite PLR websites that I use to purchase prewritten ebooks so I can then sell them for a profit. I’m not affiliated with these — I’ve simply spent money on these sites before, and I know they’re legit. 

What Is PLR? 

First, let’s look at the definition of private label rights (PLR). These are products created by someone else that you can purchase the rights to. On PLR websites, you can purchase a batch of articles with different word counts for a nominal fee and then have the private label rights to publish or use that content in any way you see fit. 

You own the material once you pay for it. 

Once you have it, you can post the articles to your blog or website. You can give them away for free. It’s up to you. Once you spend the money, it’s your call as to how you use the resources

It’s not illegal, and you’re not infringing on anyone’s rights. As long as you buy the rights to the products, you can do whatever you want with them. That includes selling them as-is or making modifications to meet your audience’s needs better. 

You can:

  • Use it as an upsell on an existing purchase.
  • Give it away as a way to build your email list. 
  • Insert your name or business as the author. 

There’s no shortage of options when it comes to PLR. So, with that in mind, here are three vetted PLR websites that can help you make money fast. 

The PLR Store 

Peter Pru discussing The PLR Store

The PLR Store is one of my favorite go-to spots for PLR content. Whatever your niche might be, there’s likely content here for you to use. It has a simple interface and is fairly easy to navigate, enabling you to find content on your chosen subject area. 

(Quick aside: many PLRs come as “Plain Jane” documents. This provides you with an opportunity to spruce them up a bit, formatting them or adding book covers. This will make it more appealing to your customers. You don’t want to send your customers a boring text document. You want to give them something visually captivating that they’ll enjoy reading.)

Screen grab of Peter Pru showing the different PLR media types available

BuyQualityPLR isn’t bad, even though the website looks… Well, there’s no other way to say it. It looks terrible. It uses a clunky, old-school WordPress theme. But despite the lack of a compelling design, this site is well-organized. 

The site presents you with a variety of niches to choose from, making it easy to locate the subject or topic you’re most interested in. 

Once you choose a topic, you’ll then get to see all the PLR content available within that subject area. What’s cool about this is that many ebooks come with add-ons like video training and tutorials. The drawback is that these are a little more expensive. But that means if you edit it correctly, you can charge more for it. 

You’re spending a little more than you would with a simple ebook, but that increases the value you offer your potential customer. That means they’re going to be willing to pay more and will be more impressed with what you’re offering. 

Look at an example of an ebook that costs $37 with video training included. You can spend a little time editing the ebook and packaging the two as a comprehensive package. After you’ve made your initial $37 investment back, everything else you make off of it is pure profit. 

Alternatively, you can add the content as an upsell to an existing offer. These things will help the profitability of your business. You buy them once; you don’t have to pay for them every single time. 

Many of the ebooks are nicely edited when you receive them, or they come with really well-made videos. In these cases, you won’t have to do much work on the front end. You’ll get the material ready to sell, which makes the venture even more profitable for you. 

Customer reading an ebook selected from a PLR website

PLR Products is a massive PLR site with a ton of different content. This one is nice because it has the usual PLR products on topics like marketing, but it includes other topics such as pets or home and garden. 

Many people may not think they don’t have space for information products in their niche. The truth is, you’re likely just not looking hard enough. With sites like PLR Products, you can research content you can appropriate for your website or online marketing presence. 

Think of PLR products as a tool to help you make money fast. You can literally get started in under 25 minutes. 

Rather than dedicating precious hours to developing valuable content for your audience, delegate the task by purchasing prewritten material from these PLR websites. Fuel your content stream quickly with inexpensive, usable ebooks you can then deploy in a plethora of ways that increase your profits. 

If you’re looking for more valuable insight into how to make money online, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more tips. Also, sign up for our exclusive free webinar on the simple eCommerce funnel I used to create a full-time income online. 

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