Read These Five Books That Made Me a Millionaire Before 30

I’ve made millions of dollars online — but I didn’t do it alone. In fact, no one can do it alone. When you’re just starting out on any business venture, it helps to have mentors to guide you. People who have tried, failed, and forged through for success. It’s not always possible to have a mentor, however, which is why it’s great when someone distills their experience — or the experiences of other people — into a book. For years, I’ve read at least a book a week, including these five books that made me a millionaire. It puts me inside the mind of experts and advanced thinkers, exposing me to new ideas and ways of thinking. 

As an entrepreneur, books are one of the best investments you can make in yourself. They’re inexpensive and are often packed with knowledge and actionable advice you can use to learn, grow, and improve yourself. In this post, I’m going to talk about five books that made me a millionaire before I turned 30. I may have read them when I was young, but they can help people of any age become more successful. 

If I could have five books, forever, without any others, these would be the five. You may not have heard of some, but I promise you they will absolutely change your life.

1. Atlas Shrugged 

Screen grab of Peter Pru talking about Atlas Shrugged

This novel took me six months to get through. I first read it on my honeymoon in Greece and could not put it down. It was that gripping and effective. 

People have made movies based on this book. They’re all terrible. Stick with the original work if you want to absorb the key concepts and messages in its pages. 

The main concept you should take away from this book is to shift your mindset in life from being a consumer to being a producer. Most people drift through life endlessly consuming things: TV, food, clothing, or cars. The producers in this world are the ones that make all the money. 

This is something of a controversial book, but those are the ones most worth reading. Find this one today. It will take some time to work your way through it, but it will change the way you think about life. 

2. Breakthrough Advertising

This is the “Bible” of everything you need to know about advertising, sales, marketing, and persuasion. That’s a market flooded with resources and books on these topics, but this is the top one. Today you’ve got so many people telling you how to make money online. If you ask most of them, they’ll say this is on their bookshelf. 

It’s hard to find. I used to flip them for $300 a copy, dropshipping them from the direct supplier. That’s how in-demand it is. 

This is a masterclass in so many topics related to effective advertising, like writing copy. When I go through my copy of this book, every page has highlighted text on it. It’s dripping with value. 

A word of warning: it’s not a book you go through and read 20 pages at a time. You’ll find it better to read one page, let the concepts marinate in your head, and then go to another page the next day. 

3. No B.S. Wealth Attraction

Man reading an ebook on a tablet at home

The author of this book, Dan Kennedy, is someone I consider a mentor. He’s a legend in terms of not just marketing and advertising but also mindset and money. 

This is my favorite book of his many great ones. It will help you shift your “lack of abundance” mindset when it comes to wealth and money. Kennedy’s words show that creating wealth is about much more than action, though that’s a huge part of it. It also greatly depends on how you think about money and your ability to create wealth. 

Kennedy also offers a six-hour video crash course on YouTube. I highly recommend checking that out, as well. 

4. The 48 Laws of Power

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing the 48 Laws of Power

Robert Greene, the book’s author, has some other phenomenal work about social dynamics. This is a tough book to get through, as each chapter contains a different lesson packed with dense details. It contains stories from throughout history meant to demonstrate Greene’s specific point in each chapter and is dry at times. 

So how can you make it through this book, which can sometimes feel like a history or social studies textbook from high school? 

My recommendation is to get the audiobook to follow along with the book as you’re reading it. It teaches a lot of valuable best practices in how to succeed in today’s world. 

Plus, listening to the audiobook helps the stories resonate more as you experience them in another format. The lessons are well worth experiencing, so do whatever you can to get your hands on and read this book. (If you love audiobooks, that’s a great way to get through any of these five books that made me a millionaire.)

5. The 12 Month Millionaire

This one is a big book that is also controversial. Written by Vincent James, it has valuable lessons on every page. 

Why is it controversial? It’s because the author went to jail. But that doesn’t mean you should discount his experience and knowledge. In this book, he documented exactly how he made $100 million. He outlines the steps he took to build wealth quickly. 

I’d say those are lessons worth learning, no? 

It’s hard to get your hands on a copy of this one. You may have to find a PDF copy on eBay. There’s a good reason why it’s so in demand, though. It provides you with a blueprint for how to make $100 million.

That’s not to say it will be easy for you after reading this, but it at least gives you the informational infrastructure you can use to succeed.

I can’t recommend these five books that made me a millionaire highly enough. Reading them in and of itself won’t make you wealthy — you still need to take action. But they’ll give you plenty of useful life lessons and best practices you can then leverage into creating your own empire.  

If you’re looking for more valuable insight into how to make money online, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more tips. Also, sign up for this exclusive free webinar on the simple eCommerce funnel I used to create a full-time income online. 

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Running a Full-Time eCommerce Business | What Should You Expect?

Flexible hours, fancy cars, a lovely mansion, a nice watch, and traveling around the world — check. These are some of the things that attract most people, and possibly you, to starting an eCommerce or dropshipping business. But is it really the daily life you can expect once you have a full-time eCommerce business?

Sorry, but the short answer is no. 

Not what you expected, right? 

I know you’ve seen videos online and heard about eCommerce store owners making passive income and living the life. They go on vacations all over the world and own fancy sports cars. But before you brand me as a dream killer, let’s get some things straight first.  

First, a successful eCommerce empire can afford you such luxuries and possibly more. Secondly, whereas running such a business is not your typical 9-5 job, it also requires a lot of work. So, if you think starting an eCommerce business is your ticket to easy riches, think again.

Lastly, full-time eCommerce business owners don’t spend all day every day cruising on yachts or relaxing at a beach waiting for cash to trickle in. 

So, what’s it like in the day of a full-time eCommerce business owner? In this article, I’ll give you an overview of what my day is like as I ensure my business empire continues growing to provide you with a rough idea of what to expect. 

An Early Start

To ensure that my workload is easily manageable throughout the day, I like waking up early in the morning. Immediately after getting out of bed, I take a refreshing glass of cold water. 

In addition to increasing alertness and fueling your brain, drinking water the first thing you wake up has several benefits. So, I strongly recommend that you make it part of your daily routine.  

I Check My Slack Messages

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing his general workday

Running a full-time eCommerce business requires using several different tools and systems to streamline processes and enhance coordination. One such tool I use is Slack. It comes in handy when communicating with colleagues and clients. 

The last thing you want as an eCommerce store owner is bottlenecks or other challenges derailing the process. So, before attending to anything else, I take about 15 minutes to read and respond to my Slack messages. This ensures that all urgent matters are addressed before the workday officially begins. 

Get in Some Exercise for the Body and Mind 

As with most other things in life, it is difficult to run and scale your online business empire if you do not take care of yourself properly. Good health and a mind ready to take on challenges are invaluable assets.

This is why I spend one hour working out in the morning as I listen to an audiobook. For me, the audiobooks that I prefer are autobiographies. Then, after the workout session, I take a cold shower, making me even more alert and ready for work.

I Get to My Desk by Eight AM

Online business owner arranging client calls and meetings

Officially, my day begins at 8 AM. This is when I get to my desk and begin tackling the day-to-day activities of my online business. 

Some of these activities include:


Over the last five years, Ecommerce Empire Builders has been fortunate enough to grow from an unknown brand to a relatively popular one. During this period, our team has grown to over 30 people, and we always have plenty of clients at any given time. 

To ensure everything is going as planned, a significant portion of my day is spent meeting colleagues and clients. 

Client Work

The eCommerce journey has plenty of stops in between. If you are new to it, it may be intimidating to begin. This is why we assist people such as yourself in starting and running successful online empires. 

Depending on clients’ needs, budgets and availability, we offer different levels of support through services such as:

  • Business in a Box: This is for individuals who have the budget to start a full-time eCommerce business but not the time. Our team will handle all the tasks so that you do not have to worry.
  • Advertising Management: We help you reach your target audience by reaching them when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Some of our other services also include Facebook image creation, email sequences, and market research. As such, I also spend time handling such activities for my clients. 


As you prepare to venture into eCommerce, you should know that it’s anything but static. At any given time, there are developments taking place. These can range from products in high demand to effective marketing strategies.

Therefore, I spend a lot of time each week monitoring the trends and doing product research. This helps me and adjust my approach accordingly and ensure the support I offer clients is beneficial. 

I’d love to tell you that it only takes a couple of hours for me to get everything done, and the rest of the day is for me to use as I please, but that’s not the case. 

Usually, my day ends at 6 in the evening. Of course, I’ll have some 10–30-minute breaks now and then to rejuvenate. During these breaks, I love taking walks with my wife and daughter. 

Discipline Is Key

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing discipline as part of running a full-time eCommerce business

At this point, you now have a clear picture of what it takes to be a full-time eCommerce business owner. While it can be very rewarding, I strongly believe it’s not for everyone. 

This is because there’s not only a ton of work involved, but you will also have teams and clients counting on you. Depending on the scale and nature of your business, this comes with a lot of pressure. 

So, if you are not ready to take on such responsibilities, you’re better off not running an eCommerce business full-time. However, this is not to say you shouldn’t start one. As with most people, taking it as a side hustle is also an option.

Now that you know a day in the life of a full-time eCommerce owner is like, it’s time to start building your empire. At Ecommerce Empire Builders, we’re here to help you. Sign up for my free webinar, where I’ll take you through the steps I took to create a full-time income online. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel for insights and business tips.

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5 Realistic Daily Habits That Helped Me Become a Millionaire

Empire builders, there’s no real secret to success. But if you want to know what makes the most difference, it’s this: your habits. The simple fact is that whatever you achieve in life will be the direct result of the things you do, day after day. Once you understand that life is the cumulative effect of your habits, then it becomes REALLY important to have the right ones, and that means setting deliberate and realistic daily habits.

Today I’m going to share something that I like to call BUILD, which are the five habits I do every single day. Following these habits over the last eight years has helped me build a business empire and become a millionaire. But these habits are not just about making money. In fact, one of the things that will really help you be successful in life is to become a well-rounded person. The realistic daily habits within BUILD allowed me to focus on key aspects of my businesses. But it also helps me excel in the other aspects of life. So how does BUILD work?

B Stands for Body: “How did you take care of your body today?”

Dropshipper starting his morning with exercise as one of his realistic daily habits

Being unhealthy means you get tired more often, you’re less productive, and you have a harder time concentrating. Are you going to have what it takes to build an empire in that state? I don’t think so, and that’s why health is so crucial for being successful.

The way I use the BUILD system is to sit down each quarter (or every three months) and come up with specific goals for each habit. In the case of the Body habit, your goal can be anything that you know will be excellent for your health. You might take a 45-minute walk, drink a green smoothie, or lift weights. It all depends on what works for you, which is what makes this system highly adaptable. Switch up your goals every quarter so that you can keep pushing yourself and make progress with your overall health. 

What I recommend, and what I do, is keeping track of your daily habits in a physical notebook by writing BUILD at the top of the page each day. Once you’ve accomplished the goal for your Body habit, you get the great satisfaction of circling that B each day. What that means is you’re taking care of your body and creating the foundations for success. 

U Stands for You: “What did you do today that you wanted to do?”

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing the 'U' in BUILD

Again, you really need to create a well-rounded life if you want to be successful. This goal is all about avoiding burnout and making sure you have the time to enjoy hobbies or interests.

Right now, my You goal is to get back into golf. This is a sport that I used to love years ago, but I had stopped at some point and kind of forgot about it. But now I’m back to playing golf at least once or twice a week and absolutely loving it. Your You goal might be playing chess, learning a new language, playing video games, or literally anything else.  Give yourself permission to enjoy doing something you really want to do every single day.

I Stands for Income: “Did you do something to make money today?”

This one is obviously key, and it will look totally different depending on where you are with building your businesses. When I was getting started, the goals for my Income habit were all about making sales. It was literally “Did I make $1000 today?”. 

My Income goals have changed so much since then because my businesses have grown, and now I have a whole team. At this point, I’m guaranteed to make money because I have a really solid foundation. That means the goals for my Income habit will now revolve around the broader picture of everything that I do with my team, like developing new ideas and building up the systems and processes that we’ve already put into place. 

Keep in mind that this goal can also be something that relates to making money in the future. Doing something that’s really going to help push your business forward definitely counts!  

If you’re just getting started with your business, you really just have to be honest with yourself about what are the best ways to institute this habit for your unique situation. I talk a lot about the important realistic daily habits for building income inside our Ecommerce Empire Builders Academy, including what I call The Daily 6 and The Daily 3. This is something I cover in the first module of the course, so make sure you check it out!

L Stands for Relationships: “How did you make business relationships that can help your empire?” AND “How did you take care of your family and friends today?”

Someone chatting with friends and family over video

Obviously, there are two kinds of relationships here, and they’re both essential parts of your realistic daily habits — and your life. When it comes to your professional relationships, you’re just not going to get very far if you don’t network with other individuals that can help grow your business. So try:

  • Reaching out to an influencer who promotes products in your niche
  • Making a strategic contact at a conference
  • Hiring someone to help you with certain tasks
  • Something totally different that suits your business

You should always be thinking about how to make and improve the relationships that can help your business. 

And then we get to relationships that are even MORE important, which include your family and friends. The BUILD system is truly designed to give you a well-rounded life. The money will come, but you definitely don’t want it at the expense of not having good relationships with the people closest to you. Make it a daily habit to spend that quality time with them, even if it’s just sending a quick text. 

D Stands for Development: “How did you develop yourself today?”

Learning is how you grow, and it should definitely become a daily habit. Personally, I love reading. My development goals will typically be reading a book or going through some sort of useful online course that can help me sharpen some skills. 

There’s really an endless number of ways to develop yourself through realistic daily habits. But the most important thing is that you have to actually implement whatever you learned. 

For example, if you’re reading this, or you’re watching a video on my Youtube channel, that’s great. But are you going to actually incorporate these habits into your life and do it consistently? Because otherwise, it doesn’t even count.

In general, development only works if you take action based on the things you learn. Remember that your time is, by far, your most valuable asset. If you learn about these realistic daily habits but never do anything useful with that knowledge, then it’s pointless to even learn about them. If you learn about my dropshipping hacks and never use them in your business, it’s pointless to know about them. Even worse, I just took your most valuable asset! Don’t allow that to happen. 

Make sure the time you spend on development is really providing value for you. Yes, even when it comes to my own content. Don’t just consume it for the sake of consuming it. DO something with it. Otherwise, it’s really just a distraction from your goals, and that’s the opposite of what I’m trying to do here.

Consult With the Pros

There’s so much more to learn about building a sustainable, profitable online business, and I’m here to teach you everything I’ve learned. Get started with your empire by taking this free Ecommerce Empire Builders webinar! You can also see more advice and dropshipping strategies on my YouTube channel.

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