Mastering Facebook Ads for Dropshipping

In the fast-paced domain of e-commerce, employing robust advertising strategies that significantly enhance revenue is crucial. With a focus on high click-through rates (CTR) and low cost per click (CPC), the techniques underpinning the “Mastering Facebook Ads for Dropshipping” approach have been pivotal in generating nearly $83,000 from high-ticket sales. Exceptionally, these methods have yielded ads with up to a 10% CTR, dramatically surpassing the industry average of 2% and setting a new benchmark for advertising efficiency. In this blog, we go over how we were able to make Facebook ads profitable.

Crafting the Perfect Ad Script

The construction of an ad script is considered crucial for the success of any campaign. A methodical structure is recommended, beginning with an engaging hook that captures attention. Following this, the problem the product solves is identified, creating a sense of urgency or need. The script then agitates the problem, making the need for a solution more pressing before introducing the product as the solution. This format has been applied with notable success, as demonstrated in a live session where an ad for an ab roller was crafted, encompassing each of these critical components.

Leveraging Modern Tools for Enhanced Ad Creation

The use of both user-generated content (UGC) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools in creating effective advertisements is explored. Each method comes with its own set of benefits and potential drawbacks. User-generated content offers authenticity and relatability, which are key in converting viewers into customers. Conversely, AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are employed to assimilate and utilize product information effectively, enabling the creation of highly persuasive ad copy. The balance between these methodologies can be pivotal in crafting campaigns that are both creative and impactful.

Investing in Quality for Better Outcomes

The importance of investment in high-quality ad creation is underscored, and linked directly to enhanced sales and conversions. An effective ad not only increases visibility but also significantly boosts engagement and customer acquisition costs. A compelling call to action is often the final piece of the puzzle, urging potential customers to make a purchase decision, thereby driving the success rates of the advertising campaigns even higher.

In the fiercely competitive world of Dropshipping, success often hinges on the effective marketing of high-ticket items. A strategic approach to Facebook advertising isn’t merely beneficial; it’s essential for survival and growth. Meticulous planning is the cornerstone of any successful campaign, allowing marketers to target their audience accurately and efficiently. Creative execution breathes life into ads, making them compelling and engaging for potential customers. The strategic use of technological tools, such as AI for ad personalization and data analysis, enhances the effectiveness of campaigns. Together, these elements combine to drive remarkable sales outcomes, turning potential customers into actual buyers and maximizing return on investment.

Let The Ecommerce Empire Builders Launch Your Business

Starting an e-commerce business can be time-consuming and challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. Specifically, if you have the financial resources but lack the time to invest in building your business, then the Ecommerce Empire Builders team can help.

With over 20 years of combined online business experience and millions of sales generated, the Ecommerce Empire Builders team not only possesses extensive expertise but also profound knowledge. As a result, they are fully prepared to help you succeed in the dynamic world of e-commerce. Our team will build your new business personally, tailoring it to your unique needs and goals. We manage product research, supplier selection, and store setup, freeing you to focus elsewhere as your business grows.

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Unlocking the Secrets to a High-Converting Dropshipping Ad

The effectiveness of Facebook advertising is a crucial factor in determining a business’s success in the highly competitive dropshipping industry. A calculated strategy demonstrates that a $10,000 ad spend can generate a significant amount of revenue—specifically, $35,000. Emphasizing the creation of a single, meticulously designed commercial takes precedence over the traditional method of releasing multiple ads and creatives. Legends like Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert’s renowned marketing strategies have served as sources of inspiration, highlighting the critical importance of emotional connection and storytelling in the production of powerful advertising content. In this blog, we go over unlocking the secrets to a high-converting dropshipping Ad.

The Strategic Crafting of Product Demonstration Videos

Assembling a diverse collection of videos that showcase your product in action is essential. These videos should mirror the engaging and fast-paced style of TikTok. Ideally, you would feature the product across a variety of settings. This approach ensures that you capture and keep the viewer’s attention throughout the advertisement. Emphasizing this strategy goes beyond a mere suggestion; it is deemed critical. Maintaining the focus of potential customers in today’s fragmented digital landscape requires such innovative tactics. This method is not just a recommendation but a fundamental component for engaging a broad audience effectively.

A thorough approach is taken when creating an advertisement script, breaking it down into its parts. The script takes on the customer’s problem head-on in the beginning, setting the stage for a compelling and relatable story. The answer is introduced quickly, which emphasizes how important it is to keep the viewer’s attention by providing instantaneous relevance and attraction. Thus, the skill of screenwriting involves not only the story framework but also the deliberate pacing and placement of important information in the advertisement.

Enhancing Involvement via Problem Agitation and Solution Presenting

An approach called problem agitation is used following the initial presentation of the problem and the introduction of the solution. To strengthen the viewer’s emotional bond with the story, this entails going back to and extending the first recognized issue. The strategy tries to elicit a deeper contemplation of the viewer’s circumstances by going into detail about related obstacles. This will slowly lead the viewer to view the promoted product as a concrete answer to their problems.

Keeping the Emotional and Logical in Check

A well-rounded strategy is used to describe the product’s advantages, using both rational, empirically supported claims and emotive pleas. By anticipating and addressing any potential objections from the audience, this well-balanced delivery helps to strengthen the argument for the product. The exposition of rational benefits is succeeded by an investigation of affective benefits, guaranteeing that the advertisement strikes a chord with prospective clients on several levels.

Simplifying Complexities through Analogies

Employing analogies emerges as a highly recommended strategy, aiming to simplify complex product benefits for a wide audience. This approach, in turn, effectively demystifies the product’s functionality, thus making its advantages both clear and easily relatable. As a result, analogies become crucial in seamlessly connecting sophisticated product features with the everyday experiences of potential customers, thereby enhancing understanding and relatability.

The Intricacy of Using Testimonials

Make a deliberate shift away from direct sales pitches and instead, opt to feature testimonials prominently on your landing page. This strategic move leverages social proof to sway buying decisions by highlighting the experiences of others. Furthermore, a deep understanding of consumer psychology uncovers the compelling influence of shared experiences over traditional direct sales tactics, thus strongly favoring the use of testimonials.

Creating a unique, well-considered ad sets you apart in the competitive dropshipping market. Success demands investing in ad creation, involving strategic planning and a deep understanding of consumer psychology. This strategy raises the bar in dropshipping advertising, making advertisers stand out and significantly boosting their success chances.

Look into our Done For You Services

Success in dropshipping goes beyond statistics and market trends. It’s about making sincere connections with your audience and your products. We at Ecommerce Empire Builders are experts in this field. With our Done For You Services, eCommerce dreams become realities. We improve and streamline your web presence with the Ecommerce Platinum Program. Utilize our knowledge to navigate the world of social media and paid advertising. In addition, we provide backend and email marketing services and the management of brand ambassadors. Do you want to up your e-commerce game? To find out more, click here.

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Mastering Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Success in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Facebook advertising stands out as a critical tool for ecommerce entrepreneurs aiming for growth and consistency in their sales outcomes. The journey to mastering Facebook ads is filled with learning curves, from strategizing on ad spend to enhancing ad creatives. This blog post delves into effective strategies that can be employed to achieve consistent results with Facebook advertising, focusing particularly on the ecommerce sector. In this blog, we go over Mastering Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Success in 2024. 

Navigating the Challenges of Ad Consistency

It has been observed that fluctuations in sales and conversion rates are common occurrences when it comes to Facebook advertising. Entrepreneurs often find themselves in a cycle where scaling up successful ads might not always lead to sustained success, sometimes resulting in unexpected losses. This unpredictability underscores the importance of developing a strategic approach to Facebook advertising that can weather the inherent volatility of the platform.

The Crucial Role of Average Cart Value

A key strategy for effectively sustaining advertising costs focuses on maximizing the average cart value. By choosing products or services with generous margins, advertisers can keep their advertising spend competitive. Therefore, targeting products with high markup potential or adding additional upsells can significantly boost the average cart value. This approach not only enhances profitability but also serves as a safeguard against the ups and downs of advertising costs.

Strategic Product Selection and Pricing

To successfully navigate Facebook advertising, you should identify and promote products you can buy at a low cost and sell at a premium. The perfume industry stands out as a perfect example of this approach. Here, manufacturers produce products at relatively low costs and sell them at high prices, leveraging brand value and consumer perception. Furthermore, by targeting high-priced products, you can reduce competition from novice entrepreneurs and appeal to a market segment with less sensitivity to price. Consequently, this strategy leads to healthier profit margins.

Enhancing Ad Click-Through Rates

Lowering acquisition costs through improved ad CTRs is another strategy that merits attention. This can be achieved by refining ad creatives with compelling storytelling, high-quality content, and engaging hooks that captivate the audience’s attention. Such enhancements are beneficial not only for keeping potential customers engaged on the platform but also for securing more favorable ad distribution from Facebook, owing to the platform’s algorithms favoring content that retains users for longer durations.

The Importance of Offer Quality

The quality of the offer presented in the ad campaign is crucial for its success. The advice emphasizes making significant investments in testing different ad sets to identify the most profitable ones. This strategy underscores the necessity of conducting thorough product research and gaining a deep understanding of the target audience’s needs. A product that genuinely solves a problem or fulfills a desire is more likely to resonate with potential customers, making the ad campaign more successful.

Adopting a Resilient Mindset

Finally, the importance of maintaining a resilient mindset through the ups and downs of advertising is discussed. Continuous improvement in the offer’s quality, ad creatives, and understanding of the target market is essential for achieving consistent success. Entrepreneurs should view challenges not as setbacks but as opportunities for growth and refinement of their advertising strategies.

In conclusion, achieving consistent results with Facebook ads in the ecommerce domain requires a multifaceted approach, combining strategic product selection, pricing, ad creative optimization, and a strong focus on offer quality. By embracing these strategies and maintaining a growth-oriented mindset, ecommerce entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities of Facebook advertising and realize their business’s full potential.

Look into our Done For You Services

Success in dropshipping goes beyond statistics and market trends. It’s about making sincere connections with your audience and your products. We at Ecommerce Empire Builders are experts in this field. With our Done For You Services, eCommerce dreams become realities. We improve and streamline your web presence with the Ecommerce Platinum Program. Utilize our knowledge to navigate the world of social media and paid advertising. In addition, we provide backend and email marketing services and the management of brand ambassadors. Do you want to up your e-commerce game? To find out more, click here.

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Unlocking Dropshipping Success with ChatGPT-4

In the constantly evolving world of dropshipping and eCommerce, staying ahead of the competition is essential. Innovative tools are continually emerging, and savvy entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for ways to improve their business strategies. One such groundbreaking tool that has been making waves in the eCommerce industry is ChatGPT-4, an AI-powered content generation tool that promises to revolutionize online marketing efforts. This article will delve into the power of Unlocking Dropshipping Success with ChatGPT-4.

Embracing AI-Powered Tools for eCommerce Success

OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 surpasses its predecessor, GPT-3.5, with improved content quality, creativity, and relevance. The model has been lauded for its ability to generate engaging and persuasive ad copy, particularly for Facebook ads and video sales scripts. For dropshipping and eCommerce businesses, this powerful AI tool can be a game-changer in crafting effective marketing campaigns and driving sales.

Captivating Ad Copy with ChatGPT-4

For creating Facebook ads, ChatGPT-4 generates more comprehensive, engaging content than the GPT-3.5 model. A recent demonstration showed that when tasked with producing a 100-word ad for a fly fishing rod, ChatGPT-4 not only crafted a captivating ad but also suggested a product name, incorporated emojis, offered discount codes, and even provided an available domain name. The results generated by ChatGPT-4 were undeniably more creative and engaging than those produced by the GPT-3.5 model.

Powerful Sales Scripts for Maximum Impact

Unlocking dropshipping success with ChatGPT-4 is not limited to Facebook ads. The AI tool also excels at generating video sales scripts. “Comparing GPT-4 to GPT-3.5, the former delivered a more detailed, emotional script, while the latter was less engaging. The ability to create powerful sales scripts with ChatGPT-4 can significantly enhance the impact of marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to increased sales and business growth.

This is a picture of Open AI that will help us with Unlocking Dropshipping Success with ChatGPT-4

Strengthening the AI for Tailored Content

To maximize the benefits of ChatGPT-4, it is essential to use the same thread when working with AI. By doing so, the AI learns and becomes stronger within the context of the business or niche. This approach ensures that the generated content is more relevant, accurate, and tailored to the specific requirements of the dropshipping or eCommerce venture.

Versatile Content Generation for Dropshipping and eCommerce

The potential of ChatGPT-4 extends beyond just creating ads and sales scripts. Dropshipping and eCommerce businesses can leverage this AI-powered tool for various tasks, including generating product descriptions, writing blog posts, crafting email campaigns, and much more. With the right strategies in place, unlocking dropshipping success with ChatGPT-4 becomes an attainable goal.

Revolutionizing Content Generation for Dropshipping Success

In conclusion, ChatGPT-4 is a revolutionary AI-powered tool that can significantly enhance the content generation process for dropshipping and eCommerce businesses. Utilizing this advanced model, entrepreneurs create engaging campaigns that drive sales and foster business success. With the ability to generate captivating Facebook ads, video sales scripts, and other content forms, unlocking dropshipping success with ChatGPT-4 is within reach for those who are willing to embrace this innovative technology.

So, whether you’re just starting your dropshipping journey or looking to scale your existing eCommerce business, ChatGPT-4 can be a valuable asset. Integrating this AI tool into your marketing enhances content generation, optimizes campaigns, and unlocks your dropshipping or eCommerce potential.

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What You Need to Know About Unprofitable Facebook Ads and Dropshipping

Many businesses rely on unprofitable Facebook ads to create their dropshipping business. However, this strategy doesn’t work. Facebook’s entire business is predicated on you buying ads from them. They will never give you the tools to be so successful you won’t need them anymore. They’d be damaging their own business, and they aren’t going to put you ahead of themselves. 

You need to find a way to use unprofitable Facebook ads properly, and that means seeing them as a tool to create free traffic rather than relying on them to make a profit. This guide will give you a peek behind the scenes of Facebook and explain how the algorithm can keep you reliant on their ads instead of giving you the ability to break free and become successful.

Why You Can’t Use Unprofitable Facebook Ads to Make Money

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing how Facebook is a business

Facebook is a business itself, and the money it makes comes from your ads. It’s challenging to balance the amount you are paying for your ads on Facebook and the profit they produce. If you are actually successful and make a fortune on your Facebook ads, you’ll be able to afford more effective ad spaces, and you’ll stop using Facebook. It isn’t in Facebook’s best interest to allow you to make the kind of profit where you will be as successful as you desire.

Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t try to make you successful. Instead, it keeps you reliant on their ad space for customers. Facebook ads should therefore not be used to make money but to gather data to monetize your information.

The Key to Your Success Is Free Traffic

As long as you are paying other businesses to funnel people to your site, you are not making the kind of profit that you need. The key to creating your own business is to use the algorithms that other businesses use to your advantage. 

For example, gather data on your customers (just like social media sites do), so you don’t have to pay for ads on these sites. Instead, you can use the data directly and gain free traffic to your site. Any site that you buy ad space on needs to find a healthy balance between your success and their success. You will never come out on top in this balancing act.

Paid Advertising Can’t Be Your Only Way to Earn Money

Facebook optimizes its ads to meet whatever your cart value is, so you never quite get ahead of the algorithm. So, for example, if your average cart value is 20 dollars, Facebook will try to funnel you $20 customers. Still, as your business grows, instead of funneling you more customers, Facebook will optimize the ads so what your customer spends matches your new cart value.

With advertising as your main expense, you need Facebook to be sending you customers who have varying levels of spending — but they don’t. They’ll always match the type of customer they send you to your average cart value. They want to keep you dependent on their ads. That’s how they make money. They always try to balance your cart value with your average cost per purchase to keep you dependent on their ads.

Your Net Profit Will Not Increase by Spending More Money on Unprofitable Facebook Ads

Peter Pru discussing how Facebook ads can scale unprofitably

Facebook won’t help you get ahead to the point where you don’t need their platform anymore. They are going to continue to optimize your ads so as you make more money, you are also paying more per customer. They make their money off you purchasing their ads, and they will not prioritize you over themselves. It can feel like they’re keeping you on a treadmill.

As the customers you funnel into your business grow in value, the more you pay to attract those customers. It never ends. The more money you make, the more profitable businesses you will be facing when you bid for Facebook ads. Facebook ensures that everything scales in their favor so that you never make the profit you need to break out of your dependence on their platform.

The Secret Is to Do Your Own Optimization and Gather Your Own Data

If you are going to make real money on your dropshipping business, you need to get off this treadmill and make yourself some real money. You need to be able to control how much you spend on ads. Also, you need to decide how to use the information you get to make the ads work for you. The purpose of the ads will not be to make you money. The purpose of the ads is to gather valuable data instead. Then you can use it to funnel the type of customers you want to your site.

You want to be off of the Facebook treadmill as soon as you can. You might still use Facebook ads, but you won’t be using those ads as the entire marketing foundation for your dropshipping business. Instead, you’ll be using those ads to gather your own data and create your own audiences. It’s the only way you’ll ever get off the treadmill and make a decent profit.

How Ecommerce Empire Builders Can Help

Dropshipper using data from unprofitable Facebook ads to analyze traffic

Don’t use unprofitable Facebook ads as your only tool in starting your dropshipping business. Don’t set yourself up to fail! Use them to funnel sales to your website, but don’t rely on them for success. I have started businesses before, and I can help you start yours. Our team of eCommerce experts builds eCommerce websites with the right processes to streamline your conversions, traffic, and revenue.

We will teach you how to build your eCommerce empire by signing up for our training program taught by experts. When you have your own business and the insights to run it, you won’t constantly be stuck on a never-ending treadmill where your cart value always equals your cost per customer. If you want to know how to start and market your own business, click here to reserve a seat at our webinar. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for more insights and ad strategies.

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How to Make $250 a Day Online Without a Website

Are you wondering how to make $250 a day online, all for free and without a website? Facebook Marketplace dropshipping could be your ideal solution. 

As a Facebook dropshipper, you can make thousands of dollars promoting trending products from eCommerce sites such as Etsy, Amazon, eBay, and more. All you have to do is choose a trending product with a substantial value, such as furniture and other handmade products, and begin promoting it on Facebook Marketplace at a substantial profit.

With Etsy’s more than 4.3 million active sellers, the marketplace seems to be a goldmine for high-quality products. That’s why Etsy dropshipping often seems too good to be true. For instance, you could source quality handmade furniture for about $1,000 and sell it on Facebook Marketplace for as much as $1,250, making a profit of $250 on the spot. 

Facebook Marketplace Dropshipping Options for How to Make $250 a Day

Dropshipping is a business model that suits risk-averse entrepreneurs looking to begin an eCommerce business without the need to manufacture products, carry inventory, or ship the items to their customers.

Although you can opt for Shopify dropshipping, Amazon dropshipping, or eBay dropshipping, many people tend to prefer Etsy dropshipping for a variety of reasons, including:

  • The opportunity to sell handmade products: Etsy dropshipping allows you to sell a variety of handmade products which other popular dropshipping platforms don’t provide. So, you can sell unique and pricier products such as knitted blankets, handmade furniture, and other crafts.
  • Etsy is rich in certain niche-based products: If you want to sell handmade goods, wedding products, and printables, Etsy is an excellent marketplace for those niches. You might also be interested in dropshipping digital products or wedding accessories.

Why You Should Focus on How to Make $250 a Day by Dropshipping on Facebook 

Screen grab of Peter Pru on Etsy

Online store owners often spend a lot of money to reach out to new customers. However, Facebook boasts of more than 2.8 billion users, with most of them active several times each day. This creates a ready pool of potential buyers to reach out to with your products without spending a coin.

Besides, many marketing activities, such as gaining followers and posting content, are completely free on Facebook. Since some eCommerce platforms such as Etsy have one-click apps for linking products to Facebook, you can keep your product descriptions and inventory updated in real time.

If you want to reach a wider audience, Facebook advertising is quite inexpensive. Targeted ads can pull directly from your Facebook Marketplace. That means you don’t spend money advertising to users who have never shown interest in your products.

The Facebook marketplace customization tools are also pretty respectable. You can create a beautiful, clean storefront that showcases your products in different galleries. Additionally, you can leverage Facebook Insights to understand how customers respond to your products and posts. Typically, the infrastructure is set up for you, so you won’t need to worry about creating your payment gateway landing page. 

How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace for Free

Screen grab of Peter Pru showing how to use Facebook Marketplace

Once you know how to make $250 a day, it might be time to scale up your eCommerce business. In fact, it’s highly recommended that you automate your dropshipping business to break new barriers with your monthly earnings. However, if you’re in it for the short-term or want to make some extra dollars with a side hustle, you could manually import products to your Facebook Marketplace. 

Note that the process consumes quite some time when importing multiple products. Also, you’ll have to regularly refresh your supplier’s pages to make sure the stock levels and prices haven’t changed.

Having said that, here is how to import products to your Facebook Marketplace and begin your dropshipping business:

  • First, go to Facebook Marketplace and click ‘Create New Listing.’ 
  • When prompted for images of the product, grab the product images from Etsy or other eCommerce platforms that you want to sell from. You can either download and upload the photos or simply take screenshots.
  • When asked for the product description, simply copy the description from Etsy and paste it into Facebook. Do the same for the title, or create your own engaging title to encourage click-through.
  • Next, choose the right category. Set the condition to new and type in the brand name. Alternatively, you can simply name it “Branded” if you don’t want to disclose the brand details.

Pricing and Order Processing

When it comes to pricing, you’ll need to check the price from Etsy. Then increase it enough to cover your profit and the Facebook Marketplace 5% fee. Under Availability, select ‘List as in Stock’ to ensure you can continue selling the same product even after the listed item sells. Otherwise, the system will indicate “out of stock” status after a single sale. Once the item sells, head over to Etsy, add the item to the cart, and begin the checkout process. 

When prompted to key in the billing address, put your address. However, in the shipping address, use the customer’s address as placed on Facebook Marketplace. Now, here is the cool thing. Etsy will ship the item directly to your customer without you having to touch or handle the package.

Wrapping Up Our Thoughts on How to Make $250 a Day Online

Dropshipper considering different strategies for how to make $250 online

To wrap it up, Facebook Marketplace dropshipping is a simple way to make $250 or more per day. You can do this without having a website or setting up a sophisticated ecommerce site. It is fun, exciting, and highly profitable! If you’ve looking for a perfect side hustle that’s seamless to run at home and profitable enough to earn you a decent income, then you need to give Facebook Marketplace a try. 

At Ecommerce Empire Builders, we can teach you how to stand out in the eCommerce space. Our experts can help you launch and scale your profitable eCommerce business. So register now to learn how to grow your own wildly profitable eCommerce business without a website or any past experience! For more insights and tips, also subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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How to When Know It’s Time to Move on to New Products

It may seem in your best interest to continue using a winning dropshipping product that’s previously gotten great results. But that’s not always the case. There are certain situations when it’s ideal to cut your losses, drop the product, and move on to new products. 

If you stick with a product that’s no longer generating the kind of income you want, you may wind up losing money if you don’t switch to a new source of revenue. So much of people’s success in dropshipping comes down to momentum and the encouragement it brings. But businesses lose drive when they’re bleeding money. This is why it’s important to know when to make the necessary transition to maintain that momentum.

In this post, we’ll go over when you should move on to new products as your current products begin losing momentum.

Test Your Facebook Ads to Determine Their Effectiveness

First, it’s important to know how often you should test your ads to determine their effectiveness in the sales funnel. This can help you gauge when it’s time to move on to new products — or a new strategy. 

Here we’ll be strictly referring to Facebook ads, which are commonly used. As an example, we’ll use an ad with a “free plus shipping” offer, which we recommend using when you’re just starting out as a broke beginner. Even if you make some mistakes with this offer, you can still make money.

For a typical ad with a “free plus shipping” offer, we would start with a budget of $250, which we spread to $30 per day across a six- or seven-day period. One mistake we see a lot of people make here is that they’ll spend around $30 on ads for one day. But they won’t make any money on them, so they turn them off entirely. Unfortunately, this is the mindset that many beginners have in dropshipping, which keeps them from being able to test ads effectively.

What you really need to do is invest a full $250 in a single week. This will more accurately show you how effective your campaigns are as you test your campaigns. Within a week, you can begin to see certain trends that stand out. For instance, you’ll likely find that certain days perform better than others. This can help you schedule your ads and determine when to expect sales.

Here’s why we recommend you give your ads seven days to work their magic or encourage you to move on to a new online business strategy.

Your First Three Days Will Be the Most Crucial

Breakdown of how to organize ad spending over the first three days

As we explore the first week of an ad campaign, the first three days will be the most important. The first day will be the day you launch your ads, followed by the next two days, all of which will have ads running for $30 per day. Throughout these three critical days, it’s important not to touch anything as you let your ads do their job.

During this time frame, you’ll want to keep an eye on a few key elements, including:


The first item to look at is your click-through rate (CTR) for each day, which should be around 2%. If your CTR falls around that mark, this indicates that people are actively interested in your ads. If your CTR is too low, you may need to change the ad creative to entice more people to click, be it a modified image, video, or text. Ideally, you should run ads using three different pieces of creative material to see which performs the best.

We suggest you look at the CTR regularly on days one and two. This can help you determine if it’s likely to continue increasing or remaining steady. After two days, if some ads still see low CTR, turn them off. Also, if ads don’t see more than a 0.5% conversion rate on day one, chances are this won’t increase through day three. 

Landing Page Stats

Once you’ve determined that your CTR is where it should be, it’s time to look at your landing page, at which point you’re looking at your funnel stats. Are people opting in? If not, this could indicate a problem with your landing page and the value of the offer. Your ideal opt-in rate should be at least 25%.

If your opt-in rate is below 25%, you may need to modify the offer to encourage more people. Generally, try modifying your current offer before you move on to new products entirely. In this case, we recommend using an offer stack image that serves as a visual representation of what you’re offering. Testimonials and lifestyle photos can also help enhance your opt-in pages.

Order Form Stats

If your ads and landing page seem to be functioning optimally, a problem could lie with your order forms. For a beginning offer, you should see a minimum conversion rate of 5%. 

For order forms that dip below that minimum conversion rate, there are a few ways to improve it. 

One way is to make sure you offer quantity break discounts for products of 2x to 8x. Here, you should highlight the 4x quantity break and autoselect it for the customer to encourage them to convert. 

Second, you have to name your product something unique and catchy that differentiates it from other more generic options. All of this can increase the perceived value of your product to get more people to purchase.

It’s worth noting that if you do not see the numbers you want on a small scale, they won’t likely improve on a larger scale. This is why you need to make the necessary changes early on if your campaigns are underperforming. If your ads don’t culminate in a high CTR, you need to focus on your marketing. This will drive more people to your sales funnel and purchases.

Look Ahead to the Rest of the First Week Before You Move on to New Products

Breakdown of how to organize ad spending over the first seven days

Generally, if your CTR is low and you’re not making any sales in those first three days, it’s often best to go back to the drawing board and tweak your ads, opt-in pages, or order forms. However, if you are making a few sales, the next several days will be important to monitor. 

For example,  your CTR may be over 2% and your opt-in rate may be around 25% by day four. Your order form might also be seeing a 3% conversion rate. These are all good numbers when starting out with your ads. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that early on in your campaigns, the Facebook algorithm will still be adjusting the targeting for your ads as it attempts to identify your customers. Because of this, your stats could potentially double later on as you feed the algorithm more customers.

Throughout the last four days of that first week, you’ll want to figure out ways to optimize your current ads. You might introduce new ad creative on day five as you remove ads that aren’t yielding good results. Some ad creative is likely to do better than other images, videos, or text. So remove ineffective assets and replace them with ads that are similar to the ones getting results. You can also target new interest groups based on interest groups that responded favorably to your previous ads. 

Based on your campaign’s performance during the first seven days, you can truly get a sense of how well your ads, landing pages, and sales pages are doing. From there, you can decide what needs work and revamp your strategy accordingly.

Determine When to Cut Your Losses or Keep Moving Forward

Dropshipper adjusting his ads and monitoring results

In the first week of advertising, keep an eye out for issues during those first three critical days. If you’re making sales and seeing decent stats by day four, you can continue monitoring them for the rest of the week and optimizing your campaigns. 

Your CTR simply might not be cutting it in those first few days. So it may be time to optimize your existing ads or try new ones. If you’re not seeing any opt-ins or sales by the third day, you may need to try an entirely new offer or price point. You might even move on to new products if adjustments don’t seem worth the effort. 

To learn more about how to succeed with your dropshipping business and develop a winning funnel, register for my free eCommerce masterclass today. You’ll find out how to use ads and other fundamental elements to make a full-time income online, whether you’re new to dropshipping or looking for a way to improve your efforts. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more insights, whether you move on to new products or stick with your current item.

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A New Way to Find Dropshipping Products Within Minutes

If you want to succeed with your dropshipping store, you need to know how to find the best products worth selling to your target market. Thankfully, there’s a new method of finding products that could earn you as much as $10,000 per month in as little as minutes. Here we’ll go over this way to find dropshipping products. We’ll show you how you can use it to build a winning dropshipping store for your business.

Take Full Advantage of the Facebook Ad Library

While the Facebook Ad Library is nothing new, the recent update has brought some interesting changes that can come in handy for dropshippers. If you’re unfamiliar with the Ad Library, it’s a tool that Facebook created to enable users to browse the many ads that companies are displaying. You can easily use this tool to get some ideas for your own ads. You can also see which ads perform the best. 

If you want to use the Ad Library as a way to find dropshipping products for your own store, you can take the following steps to get started.

1. Search for Ads With the New Search Function

Screen grab of Peter Pru using the Facebook Ad Library

The big game-changer with the Ad Library update is the search function. It allows users to search for ads across the massive library. The old-school method of looking for ideas was to simply visit Facebook’s main website and search for company names and products, but the Ad Library’s search capability makes this even more convenient.

In the new “Search Ads” section near the top of the main Ad Library page, you’ll be able to search ads by category. These categories include “All Ads,” along with specific categories. For your purposes, you’ll want to select “All Ads” first. From there, you can search by keywords or advertisers in the adjacent search bar. Use this as a way to find dropshipping products before zeroing in on more specific ideas.

When searching by advertiser, you can type in specific company names and see all the ads that they’re currently running. Otherwise, you can search by keyword, which would be a particular niche you want to target. When it comes to keywords, you can type in everything from individual product categories to industry-specific phrases and topics. 

For example, you can search for “get yours today” and see a list of results that include active ads. 

2. Look Through the List of Ads

After conducting your search, you’ll see a page with all the currently running ads based on the keyword you enter. When searching for “get yours today,” we found a wide range of products. This includes physical products such as tool kits and gym equipment. There turned out to be a lot of ads featuring this highly specific phrase. So you can probably find many other examples based on your niche.

3. Try a Wide Range of Keywords

As you look through the Ad Library and perform various searches, try other keyword entries that might yield optimal results. For instance, you could type “free plus shipping” to see what types of products primarily have customers pay for shipping costs. You could also look for items that are discounted with the phrase “50% off.”  

Keep in mind that not all the products you look through are going to be winners. Not all ads shown are necessarily successful. Some ads might have just been launched today, for example, with no real chance to gain traction and drive results. Meanwhile, other ads might be from months earlier and no longer as relevant. 

4. Research Individual Products and Companies

Unfortunately, this tool isn’t a perfect way to find dropshipping products. One of the downsides of using the Ad Library is that you can’t actually gain insight into ads’ performance. You won’t be able to see engagement such as likes, comments, or shares. So you have to dig deeper on your own. More experienced dropshippers might be able to determine whether an ad is good. But even if an ad doesn’t look great, the product it’s selling might be a favorite among customers. 

The best way to figure out how an advertiser is performing is to look at the company website. View their Facebook business pages. These can give you a better idea of how well ads are performing and the level of quality that competitors provide. Based on these aspects, you can determine how to approach your ad campaigns to get the kinds of results you want.

Use the Facebook Ad Library to Start Your Ad Campaign

Screen grab of Peter Pru showing how to filter ads through keyphrases

Whether you’re a veteran dropshipper or just trying to launch your business, the Facebook Ad Library is one of the best tools to use. You can now easily search for everything from the kinds of products you sell and types of offers to specific companies whose ads might influence your own. If you’re not using this tool, you’re missing out on one of the most effective ways to see what’s working and what isn’t. This can mean the difference between resonating with audiences and wasting ad spend.

However, remember that you will need to look closer at each ad that grabs your attention. You might find that ads are too new or old to be relevant. Alternatively, you may discover that a particular company isn’t a worthwhile competitor to mirror. Whenever you use the Ad Library, take the time to do your research. Then you’ll be able to get some winning ideas for your next ad campaign.

Learn More About How to Build Your Dropshipping Business With Ecommerce Empire Builders

Dropshipper brainstorming ways to market new product offers

The Facebook Ad Library can be an invaluable way to find dropshipping products. But there are many other elements that you need to consider when developing a dropshipping store. Do you want to find out more about how to develop a successful business and earn a full-time income online? The experts at Ecommerce Empire Builders are here to help. To get started on building your business and ensuring its success, register for the free Ecommerce Masterclass with Peter Pru today. We’ll show you how to get started without the need to build a website, touch the products you sell, or spend too much of your budget on pricey ad campaigns. For more insights as you develop your store, subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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How iOS 14 Hurts Facebook Ads (And What This Means for Dropshipping)

Many business owners and dropshippers are understandably worried about how Apple iOS 14 hurts Facebook ads. If you’re wondering about how the new update will affect your dropshipping business and the ecommerce industry at large, here we’ll go over this update and what it means for the future of dropshipping.

How iOS 14 Hurts Facebook Ads and Campaigns

If you’re unfamiliar with the specific change that the new update brings, iOS 14 users on iPhones will now see a prompt before opening certain apps. That prompt requests the user’s permission to track them “across apps and websites owned by other companies,” like Facebook.

Users are then given the option to “Allow Tracking” or “Ask App Not to Track,” too. If the user opts out of tracking, that could hinder advertisers as it prevents the user from seeing personalized ads. The new prompt and tracking option applies to many third-party apps, including Facebook and other social media channels. In fact, Facebook recently released a white paper that discusses how iOS 14 will affect ads on the platform. 

If you want to make sure that your ad campaigns can function in light of the iOS 14 update, Facebook recommends that you take certain actions.

How to Prepare Your Facebook Ads for the Update

Screengrab of Peter Pru explaining Facebook's response to the iOS 14 update

According to guidance from Facebook, if you intend to deliver ads for opt-ins or other conversion events that inspire people to take action on your website, you will be required to verify your website’s domain to prevent any potential disruption to your ad campaigns. Facebook states that you “may” need to verify your website. But you absolutely need to do it if you want to keep your campaigns in working order. Facebook makes it easy to verify your domain, so you should have this task completed in no time.

Another element discussed in Facebook’s white paper is the set of limitations on ad creation. For dropshippers, it’s important to note that “your pixel may only optimize for a maximum of 8 conversion events for each domain.”

In dropshipping, eight conversion events are more than sufficient. Just consider what the conversion events are in a dropshipping store, which consist of:

  1. Page views
  2. Initiating checkout
  3. Purchases

There will be plenty of workarounds for this limit. For example, you can create multiple domains that each have a series of conversion events. So this shouldn’t be a huge concern for you. This does bring us to our next limitation, however.

There are more changes in addition to a limited number of conversion events for each domain. According to Facebook’s white paper, “each app is limited to 9 iOS 14 campaign at once. Each campaign is limited to 5 ad sets in the same optimization type.”

This is one of the biggest ways iOS 14 hurts Facebook ads. The takeaway for us here is that dropshippers should separate their iOS 14 campaigns from others, such as desktop and other mobile campaigns for other devices. We’ve always recommended keeping your campaigns separate to gauge the performance of each one. But now, it’s even more important to separate iOS campaigns from desktop, Android, and others.

Will the iOS 14 Update Kill Dropshipping?

Screengrab of Peter Pru discussing iOS 14's opt-out options

With these and other limitations, you may still wonder if this is the beginning of the end for dropshipping. But it’s not — while iOS 14 hurts Facebook ads, it doesn’t cut off the advertising route entirely. There will be some changes in place that could influence your campaigns, but you’ll still have the opportunity to thrive with your iOS campaigns if implemented properly.

Remember, there are four main things to think about as you adapt to the new update and prepare your campaigns:

1. Your Ad Campaigns Will Still Reach Apple Users

Keep in mind that with this update, people will still be able to see ads. They’re given a choice to avoid tracking for more personalization, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll be opting out of ads entirely on Apple devices. You may not be able to target those users as effectively, but you won’t be entirely invisible to your audiences on these devices.

2. Make Sure Your Website Domain Is Verified

If you want your Facebook Ads campaigns to work for iOS 14 campaigns, you need to ensure your domain is verified. Facebook might claim that this isn’t always necessary, but there’s no doubt that it’s mandatory.

3. You’ll Be Limited to 8 Conversion Events

While eight conversion events per domain are more than enough to help your campaigns succeed, you should bear in mind that this limit exists. You can use multiple campaigns across several domains as a workaround.

4. You Can Only Run 9 iOS 14 Campaigns Simultaneously

With this limit on the number of iOS 14 campaigns, this update only emphasizes the importance of keeping your iOS 14 campaigns separate from others as you test ads for Apple devices.

In short, dropshipping isn’t going anywhere, even if other updates affect other campaigns in the future. It will impact retargeting efforts, but dropshipping is here to stay. Dropshipping has been around for a long time and consists of simply shipping products to consumers from your suppliers. It’s not reliant on AliExpress, Alibaba, or any other platform. There will always be ways to get around potential obstacles that could otherwise set you back. It’s about change, which has always affected ecommerce and dropshipping. 

The key is being able to adapt to these changes as you grow your business and navigate the evolving landscape. It’s equally important to avoid going into dropshipping alone. Try to follow people who have been in this business for a long time. Pay attention to what they’re doing. If you spend time with people who have plenty of dropshipping experience, you can learn how to apply their strategies to your own business. One of the most common elements of any successful dropshipping campaigns you’re likely to come across is the sales funnel.

Why You Need a Sales Funnel to Offset How iOS 14 Hurts Facebook Ads

Dropshipper planning changes to his ad strategy

One of the most integral components of any dropshipping business is a sales funnel. One of the main reasons many dropshippers are likely to suffer due to the iOS 14 update is that they don’t have a sales funnel. Many of those businesses depend on retargeting through Facebook Ads, which is not the right approach.

With a sales funnel, you can attract leads through multiple platforms and more effectively lead them toward a sale. You can build phone and email lists that go well beyond simply pushing ads on Facebook and hoping for the best. At the same time, it’s important to have ads on many other platforms. Creating a comprehensive campaign will give you the chance to succeed and overcome any challenges like how iOS 14 hurts Facebook ads — and any other updates that you’re likely to face.

Do you want to learn more about how you can use sales funnels to build a winning dropshipping store? Then reserve your seat at the free ecommerce masterclass from Ecommerce Empire Builders today. We’ll show you how you can create a successful business without relying on costly ad campaigns or the need to build a website.

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How to Use Ecom Cheetah for Unlimited Ecommerce Opportunities

There are a ton of tools for quick and convenient success in dropshipping and selling online. The problem is it can be incredibly overwhelming trying to sell your products with all the same software and tools that every other business in your industry are using. Ecom Cheetah serves to take the hassle out of selling online and give you the edge over competition in your ecommerce business.

Our new service, Ecom Cheetah, aims to make your ecommerce journey that much easier and help you grow your business with exclusive access to unlimited winning products and suppliers, Facebook ad images, offer stack image creation, and digital information products. Check out this quick breakdown and watch our video for more in-depth information on leveraging Ecom Cheetah in your ecommerce business. 

1. Find Unlimited Winning Products and Suppliers

First and foremost, we offer unlimited winning products and suppliers. A major issue in dropshipping is that many businesses are buying all the same software to get their hands on winning products. Industry-standard resources can be a great place to start for inspiration. But you run the risk of selling the same products as your competition. Your business will suffer if your customers can get your products from a thousand other businesses. 

That’s where Ecom Cheetah comes in and makes a difference for you and your business. We vet the supplier and handpick your products to tailor them specifically to you. Many ecommerce businesses fail because of market saturation and no brand differentiation. They’re trying to sell the same products on the same software as everyone else in the industry without any real differentiating factor that appeals to consumers. 

Your business needs to stand out from the crowd and offer unique, winning products consumers can’t get anywhere else. With Ecom Cheetah, we do all the work for you by finding winning products that best suit your business. We also vet the suppliers and send you on your way with products that are proven to sell. 

2. Gain Unlimited Facebook Ad Images

Screen grab of Peter Pru talking about Facebook ads

We also give you unlimited Facebook ad images to add variation to your Facebook advertising strategy. Ad images have the potential to be an excellent way to drive traffic from Facebook — as long as you have the right images and do it the right way. When done correctly, our Facebook ad images have a 3-5% click-through rate (CTR), which is well above the average CTR. It’s an amazing rate that will get consumers to wherever you’re driving traffic.

A 3-5% CTR takes away the hassle of getting people to your website. It makes it easier to focus more of your time on your business and your funnel — you’ve already pulled consumers in. All you need to do now is keep them on your page and close the deal. 

Ecom Cheetah offers you Facebook ad images with the potential of 3-5% CTR. It also offers an unlimited amount of Facebook ad images to utilize. It may sound excessive, but it is more effective for your business to use a multitude of ad images rather than one or two. The more ad images you have, the better!

The algorithm on Facebook thrives on variation. If you’ve been advertising on Facebook for a while now, you’ve likely figured this out. You need as much variation as possible because not every consumer is alike, and different images entice different people. It can sometimes take multiple ad images before the right one reaches the right consumer and drives them to click on it. It’s a daily test of variations so that you can convert as many Facebook users as possible with your ads. 

3. Use Unlimited Offer Stack Image Creation

Dropshipper browsing through digital information product options

Next, we provide you with unlimited offer stack images to enhance your website. In many cases, your products and digital bonuses are incredible deals. But your website lacks perceived value when the consumer lands on it. This can be a huge problem. No matter how much traffic you drive to your page, if they don’t see a significant amount of perceived value, then it was all for nothing. They will leave.

Online shopping already comes with the stigma of mistrust. If your business isn’t one the consumer already knows and has worked with previously, you have to earn that trust. You need a tremendous amount of perceived value the moment they land on your page. They’re going to be a lot less likely to make purchases if they don’t immediately see the benefits and value of what you have to offer. 

Our unlimited offer stack images cut out the risk of mistrust and restore credibility. It doesn’t matter if you’re offering one product or bundling it with other great products if you don’t have high-quality offer stack images to showcase it. Poor quality offer stack images are why many businesses see a good amount of their products in consumers’ carts but still aren’t making the sales they should be. You need crisp and clean offer stack images that successfully highlight your offer and elicit trust in your business. 

4. Create Unlimited Digital Information Products

Finally, we offer unlimited digital information products. It can’t be stressed enough how vital they will be to the growth and success of your ecommerce business. This is the most important offer we’re going to provide you with. Why? Because it can serve the purpose of adding more value to your products and enticing more customers to purchase. They can be offered as part of a bundle with a physical product or as a free bonus. Not to mention, they’re great for upselling orders, too. 

Businesses need to start leveraging digital information products right away. They’re extremely versatile, last forever, and can be updated easily when they fall behind in technological advancements. With Ecom Cheetah’s exclusive access to unlimited digital information products, your consumers will get more perceived value. You can add them as bonuses, bundles, or upsells. With more perceived value, consumers are more attracted to what you have to offer.

Don’t Miss Out

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing Ecom Cheetah

Here at Ecommerce Empire Builders, we provide you with nothing but the best tools for setting up your ecommerce business for success and tremendous growth. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to upgrade your business from being like the rest to differentiating you from the competition. Are you ready to upgrade your winning products, add more variation to your Facebook ad images, increase perceived value on your landing page, and add a versatile asset to start using for your business right now? Reserve a seat to our exclusive free webinar and check out our YouTube channel for more insights into growing your ecommerce business and increasing profits. 

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