Dropshipping Product Research Course: How to Find Shopify Products in 2021

When building your online store, the biggest question will be about the right products to sell. Dropshipping product research can be the difference between making a six- or seven-figure profit and a big fat zero. After all, it’s essential to fill your online store’s inventory with top-quality merchandise that you can sell affordably to your customers. By choosing winning items to sell, the amount of profit you can generate is limitless. So, buckle up and learn how successful dropshippers find Shopify products for their businesses. 

1: Peek Into Amazon Best Sellers

Arturo showing how to use Amazon search results to find Shopify products

You can browse Amazon Best Sellers to generate a list of best-selling and winning products that refreshes every hour. Although Amazon features many branded products, such as Nike, Apple, Lego, and so on, you can still find numerous non-branded products to sell on Shopify. 

To identify a winning product, try to find the most popular generic products and then figure out if they are available on Oberlo. If that is the case, take that product and start selling it on your own. Simply put, if the product is a best seller on Amazon, it can be the same thing on your dropshipping website. The strategy is to take a generic product, create an enticing brand behind it, and begin selling. 

2: Utilize Wish to Find Shopify Products

Wish is another eCommerce platform that features its best-winning products with sellers. The platform has very active reviews plus a rating section that helps you research popular products. Besides, plenty of their winning products are purely generic, making it easier to feature similar effects on your online store.

Another exciting thing about Wish is that most products are designed to be bought impulsively. Such kinds of products are perfect to market on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. When browsing through Wish, ensure you choose colorful, fun, and unusual products as they often become winning products. 

3: Spy on Your Competition 

Snooping on eCommerce stores similar to yours can give you a great idea about the best product to sell. Find successful online stores and analyze what they are selling. Even if you don’t find the same item they’re offering, you can get good ideas from their success. For example, if you’re starting an eCommerce store in fashion, you can get current trends by visiting a famous fast-fashion store such as H&M.

The strategy is to identify successful online shops in your niche and get the best of what they’re offering. By going through your competition’s website, you will find patterns and connections you can utilize for your own success.

4: Check eBay Watch Count 

The eBay watch count lets you see the most popular products on eBay. You can search based on keywords connected to your niche or store. But to get more specific results, go with a more detailed description. 

Obviously, the winning items for your online store are those with the highest number of views. However, if your search is more specific, views will be fewer, and that’s completely normal since many shoppers don’t go into specifics when searching for an item. 

5: Try Oberlo to Find Shopify Products

Oberlo is the gateway to thousands of products that you can find on AliExpress. Besides having access to one of the largest eCommerce stores in the globe, you can view the most popular products over the last month or half a year. That allows you to check if the item is a continuous success or just a current trend.

Oberlo also allows you to see a lot of helpful metrics on each product, including how customers rate products, by browsing through their comments. Other statistics include imports, giving you information about the number of stores selling that exact product and those that launched in the last month. 

Types of Products to Pick for Your Dropshipping Store

Shopper browsing through engaging products and ads

Let’s face it; there’s no way you’ll find a product or niche that appeals to everyone. Therefore, picking the right demographic of shoppers is key to having a successful dropshipping store. Some items that can make your eCommerce store a success include:

Products Related to Hobbies

People who are really into a hobby will buy anything to fulfill their interests. Examples are pet products, tools, stickers, equipment, merchandise, sporting gear, and more. 

Products Targeting Business Customers

Business customers are a great group to target since they usually buy in bulk and become recurring customers. If you can build a good reputation with business clients, they’ll bring in cash for the long haul.

Products That Solve a Problem

People continually seek ways to make their lives smoother, and most successful business ideas are often based on that notion. For example, washing machines and robotic vacuum cleaners make life easier, and people will feel relieved by investing in them. Of course, you need to do your research well to identify products that solve modern-day problems.

Hard-to-Find Products

You don’t want to offer products that shoppers can purchase at any store close to them, such as batteries. If you want to capture paying customers, you need to find Shopify products that are not easily available in their area. In such cases, they’ll be willing to pay well for the item and wait for the shipping patiently. For example, getting medieval knight armor might be impossible in many Halloween shops. So, consumers will have no option but to order it online.

Get Help From Ecommerce Empire Builders as You Find Shopify Products

Arturo showing how to find products on AliExpress after researching product ideas

Overall, marketing is the biggest driver of sales for dropshippers. Since your online store is probably not well-known already, your business can’t just rely on organic reach or reputation. You need to employ a well-executed advertising campaign and offer a product that is easy to market. Ecommerce Empire Builders can help you through dropshipping product research to identify winning products for your online store. Click here to reserve a seat at the Ecommerce Empire Builders masterclass and push your online business from struggling to thriving. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for marketing strategies and tips.

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Why Your Shopify Dropshipping Store Isn’t Making Sales

If you find that you’re not making the kinds of sales you want to with a new or existing Shopify dropshipping store, one of the most common reasons why your Shopify dropshipping store isn’t making sales is because you chose the wrong product to sell. To boost your sales and get better results from your store, there are certain criteria to consider as you optimize it. 

Struggling With Selecting the Right Product for Your Store

Many dropshippers make the mistake of either selling the wrong product or failing to effectively market their products, which means their dropshipping store isn’t making sales. If you’re not generating the number of sales you want to experience based on your goals, there are some steps you can take and examples to follow that will help you get through your current slump. It can be discouraging to enter dropshipping, only to find that your products aren’t moving. Still, there are ways to identify the issue and make the necessary changes to your strategy.

The three main criteria to consider when your dropshipping store isn’t making sales with your current products are:

  1. How does your product save time? 
  2. How does your product save money?
  3. Does your product have a “just gotta have it” appeal?

You need to meet at least two of these criteria for your product to have a chance to succeed. People want products that provide clear benefits. Alternatively, they want to be impressed with a certain “wow” factor that differentiates your product from the rest. Subsequently, if you can save your customers time or money or leave them in awe, you’ll be able to move your product. Of course, you’ll fare even better if you can meet all three criteria. So start researching products that check all those boxes.

To give you a better idea of which products are worth selling through your dropshipping store, including platforms like Shopify, we’ll go over some live examples of winning products.

Example #1: Glow-in-the-Dark Self-Adhesive Tape

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing how glow-in-the-dark tape can be a great product

One product we found that appeared to be doing well and met at least one of the criteria we’re looking for is a brand of glow-in-the-dark tape. Homeowners can use this to decorate their homes. They can also make certain rooms stand out, or they can create pathways and improve safety in other ways. 

When thinking about the type of audience this product would appeal to, one niche that came to mind was gamers. Many gamers want to decorate rooms with different LED lights and other decor that would mesh well with this glow-in-the-dark tape.

This product may not appear on the surface to save customers time or money. However, it absolutely features that “just gotta have it” element that’s likely to drive people to buy it, largely on impulse. Additionally, there are ways to position this product in such a way as to convince customers that it will save them time or money.

For instance, this tape’s low cost could make it a far more cost-effective replacement for more expensive LED lighting fixtures. Those often cost up to thousands of dollars just to test and install. It’s also incredibly easy to install compared to conventional LED lighting systems, which saves them time. Combined with the third criterion of the “wow” factor discussed, these benefits are likely to drive far more sales with this product.

Example #2: Plastic Clothes Folder

This unique product caught our eye due to its effectiveness at showing precisely how it saves customers time. This is a plastic clothes folder that makes it easier for children and adults alike to instantly fold their clothes. The AliExpress page for this product even shows the basic steps for using this product to fold a T-shirt in no time.

The most obvious advantage of using this product is that it saves time. Customers don’t need to spend any time carefully folding their shirts. They simply place them in the open clothes folder and follow the basic folding pattern. The product also features that “just gotta have it” component that’s likely to attract a lot of potential buyers. 

It may not be easy to show how this product saves money. But the two aforementioned criteria make this one a likely success for dropshippers.

Example #3: Golf Glove Holder

Screen grab of Peter Pru assessing the viability of a product

Many golfers experience the issue of their gloves getting increasingly wrinkled and crusty over time. This golf glove holder advertises that it solves this issue.

Ultimately, the main criterion this product meets is the ability to save more money. These holders can preserve golf gloves for longer and ensure that golfers get more use out of them. In addition, this product has that “just gotta have it” appeal for golfers. This is particularly strong for those who play very frequently and might otherwise more quickly wear out their gloves. 

What makes this product especially appealing is the fact that it’s not commonly found. The perceived rarity of this product can lend to that “wow” factor that differentiates it from other more common golf products. Golfers who invest in this product are therefore more likely to feel like they’re part of an exclusive group. After all, it may not be as easy to find at their pro shop or other stores.

By saving money and impressing audiences, this is another product that meets two of the three criteria that contribute to a successful product.

Choose and Market a Product That Meets These Crucial Criteria

Online entrepreneur finding products to sell online

If your dropshipping store isn’t making sales, don’t just give up. Based on these example products, you can do some of your own research to find products that are similarly successful. Just be sure you’re meeting two out of the three critical requirements. If your product can save time and money or save one or the other while giving off that desired “wow” factor, that’s great. You can be on your way to increasing sales with your dropshipping store. With hard work, you can turn it around when your dropshipping store isn’t making sales.

Are you interested in learning more industry tips and tricks to succeed with dropshipping? There are many ways to build a winning online business with the help of sales funnels and other strategies. To learn more about how to succeed in your specific niche or even find a niche if you’re not currently in one, reserve your seat at our free eCommerce masterclass. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for more insights and tips.

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2 New Ways to Conduct Product Research and Find Winning AliExpress Products

One of the best platforms to locate products for dropshipping businesses is AliExpress, and we’ve discovered two new ways to make it even easier to find winning products through them. To use these methods and find winning AliExpress products, you won’t require any paid tools. Instead, you can actually save time and money by using these strategies to pin down the perfect product using AliExpress alone. 

Here we’ll jump into these strategies to help you get the most from AliExpress and succeed with your dropshipping business.

1. Browse by “All Popular” Categories

The first method for easily finding winning products is to search for products in the “All Popular” category. You can do so by scrolling all the way down the homepage to the “Browse by Category” section in the footer. 

You’ll see a list of different categories to choose from. The list includes “All Popular,” “Product,” “Promotion,” “Low Price,” and “Great Value,” among others. Here, simply select “All Popular,” and it will take you to the next page featuring every popular category. 

Once you open the next page, you’ll see a list of popular categories in a wide variety of niches, including arts and crafts, bowling, bathroom products, computer cables and connectors, camping and hiking, and many more. Specifically, under each niche, you’ll see lists of the most popular keywords that people are entering when searching for trending products. 

For example, under the “Fishing” niche, one of the top keywords is swimbait. When you click on that term, you’ll be taken to a page showing all of the products on AliExpress that feature that keyword. 

All results are sorted by “Best Match” by default. So you can find winning AliExpress products that use that popular search term. This makes product research infinitely easier than simply trying to determine what’s best to type into the search bar to begin the research process. 

Browse Through Other Categories

Screen grab of Peter Pru showing how to use AliExpress categories

In addition to the most popular categories, we also recommend looking at products in some of the other categories available to you. For instance, if you choose the “Low Price” category, you can see a list of search terms pertaining to some of the cheapest products in your niche. 

Generally, we suggest you start browsing “All Popular,” followed by “Low Price,” “Great Value,” and “Reviews.” These are the four best categories on AliExpress to find winning AliExpress products. Using this method, you can easily figure out what’s trending in your niche to give you a good launching point.

2. Look Through the “Top Ranking” Section

Screen grab of Peter Pru explaining Top Rankings on AliExpress

The second method we’ve found helps locate the perfect item to sell is by taking a look at the “Top Ranking” section of the site. At the top of the AliExpress homepage, you’ll see the “Top Ranking” tab. This will take you to a page that lists all of the top-ranking products on AliExpress. 

We aren’t entirely sure how they develop these lists. But they’re conveniently broken into different niches, including “Picked For You” to start. Some of the niches you can choose from include consumer electronics, home and garden, health and beauty, and accessories.

We looked for some examples in the Home Improvement category. In this category, we viewed a list of top-selling and top-ranking products that included LED lighting for the home, night lights, measurement and detection devices, and more.

Starting with Your Mass Market and Narrowing It Down to Find Winning AliExpress Products

The big advantage of this section is that it breaks each niche into sub-niches to explore even deeper. This is crucial because we always recommend starting with your mass market and then narrowing things down to specific sub-niches. 

When you click into those specific sub-niches, like “Indoor Lighting” within the home improvement niche, you’ll be able to see an extensive list of popular products within that sub-niche. Some of the products we saw in this sub-niche included:

  • LED string lights for holidays
  • Multicolored LED light strips
  • Different types of bulbs for various garlands

You can then include these products for main offers, order bumps, upsells, and parts of subscription boxes. When you view each product, you can also further determine if it’s right for you based on all the details included. When looking at a page for LED lights, for example, you can see the:

  • Average star rating
  • Product reviews
  • Number of orders
  • Discounts

From there, you can do your due diligence and dive even deeper into each product. You may want to look at the supplier and make sure that they’re reputable. You can also test the product before offering it on your eCommerce platform.

Take Some Time to Find the Ideal Product for Your Business

Dropshipper researching new products on AliExpress

Using these two methods to conduct product research, you’ll be able to more easily find winning AliExpress products. Products found on AliExpress could include core products to sell. You can also find smaller products you can include as order bumps, upsells, and elements of subscriptions. 

In any case, be sure to review various products. Figure out what’s most compatible with your sub-niches, not just your niche. You may find that products in one sub-niche inspire some passion in you while others interest you less. The important thing is to find products that you truly care about selling and that your customers will also enjoy. This is why you need to identify products that appeal to both you and your audiences. This will ultimately help you boost sales and experience success.

At Ecommerce Empire Builders, we’re here to show you how you can excel with your dropshipping business. We can teach you how to get the best possible results with your efforts, whether you need help:

  • Starting to find winning AliExpress products
  • Choosing a niche to focus on
  • Learning how to build the perfect website and sales funnel
  • Other aspects of dropshipping

The key is knowing how to approach your new business as you just start out. For additional tips on how to grow your dropshipping business and earn a full-time income online using AliExpress and other tools, register for our free eCommerce masterclass today. You can also find new insights and dropshipping strategies by subscribing to my YouTube channel.

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How to Sell Viral Products and Make $10k per Month: Ecommerce Empire Builders Success Story

Welcome back, Empire Builders! I recently interviewed Ryan Jameson, our latest $10k Per Month Club member, about his strategy. We had a great conversation filled with useful advice about how to sell viral products, so I’ve summarized it here. Check out the full video to watch the whole conversation. I’m really excited to share this with you so let’s jump right in.

Tell Us About Your Backstory and Journey So Far

Ryan Jameson: I started when I was young, selling online game currency, making and selling stickers, and using eBay and WooCommerce. I found Shopify around two and a half years ago and started dropshipping. I went from one niche to the next, trying to find something that worked with no success. Then one day, I came across your videos and started using ClickFunnels. Then around the end of last year, I tried selling a gadget and made around $5K, but the profit margin was low.

At the beginning of the year, when the UK lockdown started, I thought about the businesses that closed and what products people would need. I found a product, and, using what I learned about improving your offer, I created a product guide. That month, January, I made about $9k. 

Then, in February, I noticed that a product that solved a problem created by lockdown was selling well on my Facebook feed, and it had a good profit margin. I found a local supplier, so I would be able to offer 2- to 3-day shipping. That product made around $15k.

Peter Pru: I want to unpack that because you went through a lot. Some people might hear that and think you just got lucky and struck gold. But when you get right down to it, you had a good niche and a great offer. Half the battle is finding a niche with pain points and creating an offer around the solution.

One thing I always harp on is, what’s your differentiating factor? Why should they buy from you instead of someone else? In your case, you added a digital product showing them how to use it, which isn’t difficult, and that sets you apart.  

Did You Create Your Own Digital Products or Hire Someone?

Screen grab of Peter Pru and Ryan Jameson discussing how to create offers

Ryan: I did it almost all on my own. I started with a Google search to find out what the problem was and figure out the solution to quickly create an information product. The PDF how-to guide only took me a few hours to research and put together. But it helped me win sales over large competitors that were making a lot of money and running tons of ads. I’ve sold around 250 units in the last month, so adding an information product worked well.  

What’s Your Process for Creating Digital Products?

Ryan: I found a designer on Fiverr and hired him to make me a cover for like $5. I also had an offer stack image on the product page. Then I spent a couple of hours researching to write up the how-to guide on Google Sheets. I used automation to send the guide to customers after purchase, so it didn’t take any extra effort. It was fast and easy but really increased sales a lot.

Peter: Exactly! People often focus entirely on the product. Of course, you need a product that solves a pain point and provides value, but other people will be selling it, too. You need to give them a reason to buy from you instead.  

How Did You Find Your Supplier?

Ryan: Actually, I have an interesting tip. I went on eBay to find people who were already selling the same product. You can usually see their address and website on the page, so I found a local seller and went to their site. Luckily for me, they were banned from eBay, so I was able to sell their whole supply as part of my strategy for how to sell viral products.

Is This a Side Hustle, or Do You Want to Go Full-Time?

Screen grab of Peter Pru and Ryan Jameson discussing the importance of experimentation and testing

Ryan: I want to go full-time. I’ve been running simple funnels with few upsells and no subscriptions or retargeting ads on Facebook. I’d like to add them along with using Google Shopping to increase profits. Plus, I’ll be hiring a VA to help with customer service to save time. I got a photo of the products in the crates from my supplier as social proof to help with customer confidence and trust, as well. I plan to just keep expanding and improving to grow my business and my profits.  

Peter: I want to point out how being resourceful has helped you. Many people try one really obvious thing, like AliExpress. Then, if they can’t find the product they’re looking for, they throw up their hands and give up. You went to eBay and searched for local sellers. Getting that photo to help show people you have the products was smart, too.

You were thinking outside the box and thinking of imaginative solutions for how to sell viral products. That’s what you need as a business owner: resourcefulness, creativity, and adaptability. There’s always a way; you just have to be willing to find it. 

What Are Your Goals for This Year?

Ryan: Expanding. I’ve got Google Ads, and I’m running tests to see what works. Many products sell well if you offer them in packs of 1, 2, 4, and 6, but not this one. So next, I tried a 2-year guarantee as my upsell, and that worked. I plan to just keep testing, learning, optimizing, and expanding. 

Peter: You’re doing a lot of great things. I can’t wait to watch you hit all your milestones.

Any Final Words of Advice for How to Sell Viral Products?

Dropshipper learning how to sell viral products on his online storefront

Don’t just think about finding products in terms of what you like. A big part of how to sell viral products is looking at what’s trending right now. What are people currently buying? After that, it’s all about making the offer stand out so it makes sales. Also, don’t be scared to just jump in and try something. Learning is all well and good, but at some point, it takes action. Then, you can look at what went right and what went wrong to learn from experience.   

Okay, Empire Builders, hopefully, you enjoyed hearing what Ryan had to say and learned something from his experience about how to sell viral products. If you’re ready to take his advice and start building your empire, subscribe to my YouTube channel or check out my free webinar to learn how I made full-time income without touching a product or building a website. You can also get my $100K funnel template completely free just for showing up. Remember, your empire starts now!

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A New Way to Find Dropshipping Products Within Minutes

If you want to succeed with your dropshipping store, you need to know how to find the best products worth selling to your target market. Thankfully, there’s a new method of finding products that could earn you as much as $10,000 per month in as little as minutes. Here we’ll go over this way to find dropshipping products. We’ll show you how you can use it to build a winning dropshipping store for your business.

Take Full Advantage of the Facebook Ad Library

While the Facebook Ad Library is nothing new, the recent update has brought some interesting changes that can come in handy for dropshippers. If you’re unfamiliar with the Ad Library, it’s a tool that Facebook created to enable users to browse the many ads that companies are displaying. You can easily use this tool to get some ideas for your own ads. You can also see which ads perform the best. 

If you want to use the Ad Library as a way to find dropshipping products for your own store, you can take the following steps to get started.

1. Search for Ads With the New Search Function

Screen grab of Peter Pru using the Facebook Ad Library

The big game-changer with the Ad Library update is the search function. It allows users to search for ads across the massive library. The old-school method of looking for ideas was to simply visit Facebook’s main website and search for company names and products, but the Ad Library’s search capability makes this even more convenient.

In the new “Search Ads” section near the top of the main Ad Library page, you’ll be able to search ads by category. These categories include “All Ads,” along with specific categories. For your purposes, you’ll want to select “All Ads” first. From there, you can search by keywords or advertisers in the adjacent search bar. Use this as a way to find dropshipping products before zeroing in on more specific ideas.

When searching by advertiser, you can type in specific company names and see all the ads that they’re currently running. Otherwise, you can search by keyword, which would be a particular niche you want to target. When it comes to keywords, you can type in everything from individual product categories to industry-specific phrases and topics. 

For example, you can search for “get yours today” and see a list of results that include active ads. 

2. Look Through the List of Ads

After conducting your search, you’ll see a page with all the currently running ads based on the keyword you enter. When searching for “get yours today,” we found a wide range of products. This includes physical products such as tool kits and gym equipment. There turned out to be a lot of ads featuring this highly specific phrase. So you can probably find many other examples based on your niche.

3. Try a Wide Range of Keywords

As you look through the Ad Library and perform various searches, try other keyword entries that might yield optimal results. For instance, you could type “free plus shipping” to see what types of products primarily have customers pay for shipping costs. You could also look for items that are discounted with the phrase “50% off.”  

Keep in mind that not all the products you look through are going to be winners. Not all ads shown are necessarily successful. Some ads might have just been launched today, for example, with no real chance to gain traction and drive results. Meanwhile, other ads might be from months earlier and no longer as relevant. 

4. Research Individual Products and Companies

Unfortunately, this tool isn’t a perfect way to find dropshipping products. One of the downsides of using the Ad Library is that you can’t actually gain insight into ads’ performance. You won’t be able to see engagement such as likes, comments, or shares. So you have to dig deeper on your own. More experienced dropshippers might be able to determine whether an ad is good. But even if an ad doesn’t look great, the product it’s selling might be a favorite among customers. 

The best way to figure out how an advertiser is performing is to look at the company website. View their Facebook business pages. These can give you a better idea of how well ads are performing and the level of quality that competitors provide. Based on these aspects, you can determine how to approach your ad campaigns to get the kinds of results you want.

Use the Facebook Ad Library to Start Your Ad Campaign

Screen grab of Peter Pru showing how to filter ads through keyphrases

Whether you’re a veteran dropshipper or just trying to launch your business, the Facebook Ad Library is one of the best tools to use. You can now easily search for everything from the kinds of products you sell and types of offers to specific companies whose ads might influence your own. If you’re not using this tool, you’re missing out on one of the most effective ways to see what’s working and what isn’t. This can mean the difference between resonating with audiences and wasting ad spend.

However, remember that you will need to look closer at each ad that grabs your attention. You might find that ads are too new or old to be relevant. Alternatively, you may discover that a particular company isn’t a worthwhile competitor to mirror. Whenever you use the Ad Library, take the time to do your research. Then you’ll be able to get some winning ideas for your next ad campaign.

Learn More About How to Build Your Dropshipping Business With Ecommerce Empire Builders

Dropshipper brainstorming ways to market new product offers

The Facebook Ad Library can be an invaluable way to find dropshipping products. But there are many other elements that you need to consider when developing a dropshipping store. Do you want to find out more about how to develop a successful business and earn a full-time income online? The experts at Ecommerce Empire Builders are here to help. To get started on building your business and ensuring its success, register for the free Ecommerce Masterclass with Peter Pru today. We’ll show you how to get started without the need to build a website, touch the products you sell, or spend too much of your budget on pricey ad campaigns. For more insights as you develop your store, subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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7 Trending Summer Products to Sell in May and June

Empire Builders, I know that it’s intimidating to browse AliExpress looking for your next winning product, especially if you’re just getting started with your dropshipping business. So I’m sharing seven trending summer products that you could begin selling today, and they’re all perfect for someone that’s new to making money with dropshipping. But I’m not just here to give you these product picks. More importantly, I’m going to tell you WHY these are fantastic products. Like anything else, the process of choosing products is a skill you need to learn and develop over time.

Choosing trending summer products is more of an art than a science. But there are several key factors that can guide you in the right direction. Listen and learn since this will be one of the most important elements for building your empire!    

1. Waterproof Bed or Seat 

Our first winning product is part of the camping and hiking niche, which is going to do extremely well as we head into the summer months. People will be much more interested in outdoor activities, which means they’ll be buying all sorts of accessories. A product like this is great because it has multiple purposes. It’s a waterproof mattress that can also be used as a seat, and it rolls up into a small carrying pouch. This product is portable, comfortable, and perfect for camping or hiking. 

Searching for Quality Products

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing the outdoor and survivalist niche

The first criteria we can think about while choosing trending summer products is making sure that we hit on the fundamentals of what makes any product desirable. 

  • Does the product save time?
  • Can the product save people money?
  • Does it have a “just gotta have it” appeal because the customer really wants it?  

Ideally, you need at least one of these factors. But if you can find a product that has all three, that’s even better. Those are the products that really blow up. This waterproof camping bed definitely has all three elements since it’s inexpensive, convenient, and will make outdoor adventures more comfortable. 

What else do we like about this product? It has a very good star rating, a sizable amount of reviews, and also over 4,000 orders. That’s exactly what we want to see. If you want to choose some trending summer products, it’s absolutely crucial that you find a GOOD product. That means people like it, and it’s providing value for them. 

The next thing we look for is making sure a good, reputable supplier is offering the product. You can head to the detailed seller ratings page to review where they stand as far as “Item as Described,” “Communication,” and “Shipping Speed.” You want to make sure that all these ratings are above 4.5. In this case, the supplier of the waterproof camping bed passes the test with flying colors. 

2. Portable Hand-Pull Saw

Continuing with the outdoors theme as we head into summer, this small, portable saw can be used to cut down branches and small trees. This product can be used for many purposes, including to clear an area in the woods where the consumer wants to set up a tent. Portable saws are a specialty product that really resonates with people that have a passion for the outdoors. This product can be aimed at campers and hikers. Also, it’s definitely in the survivalist niche, which has been doing extremely well over the last year. So again, we have a useful product in a popular niche from a reputable seller. The saw is also a pretty cool product that looks great in video ads. 

There are some limitations with products like knives and saws, such as how you’re not allowed to promote them with Facebook ads. But this is still a fantastic product for anyone in the survivalist/hiking/camping niche. For example, you can use it as an upsell for another product or offer it to your email list.

3. Waterproof Pouch

As we’re thinking about what people like to do during the summer months, what else comes to mind? They’ll definitely be spending time at beaches, pools, rivers, etc. This is especially true as life gets back to normal and people are eager to hang out with others. Products for everything that has to do with having fun around water will be getting popular right now. Consumers can use this waterproof pouch to store their cellphone, earbuds, wallet, or other small accessories that they want to protect from sand and water. This pouch is useful, convenient, and extremely inexpensive. Another winning product!

4. Waterproof Bag

Our next product is really the same concept as the pouch and can even be considered complementary. That means the same consumer might want to purchase both! Which brings me to a really smart principle to be thinking about: how can you sell a customer the next thing that makes sense for their needs

Someone who’s getting ready to spend time by the water might need the pouch for their smaller valuables, but it’s common sense to also sell them a waterproof bag. They can store towels, an iPad, books, or anything else they want to keep safe. This product has many potential use cases beyond going to the beach, like for rafting and other active water sports. 

Get in the habit of thinking strategically for your business in this way. You don’t have to overcomplicate it — it’s often just about the next logical thing that makes sense for them to buy. Just make sure you pick a niche instead of trying to sell it to everyone. At the end of the day, what’s going to make you successful is connecting the RIGHT products to the RIGHT consumer who wants or needs them. This business is basically about helping other people by solving their problems. Put the customer first, provide value for them, and you won’t fail.

5. USB-Powered LED Crochet Hook

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing one of the trending summer products

Let’s head indoors, for now, to check out a fantastic product that’s part of the crocheting niche. This particular product is an electric tool that allows crocheting to be much faster than doing it with old-school needles. Hobbies like crochet, knitting, and sewing are all amazing niches with many passionate consumers. These indoor hobbies can be enjoyed all year round, are very popular, and inspire incredible loyalty. 

I also like these niches because they’re associated with both many physical products and many digital info products. A seller in this niche can create all kinds of compelling how-to digital products about different creative projects, which are great for upselling your customers and bumping up your revenue. 

6. Outdoor String Lights 

I’ve just moved to a home with a massive backyard, which means my wife and I are spending a lot of time looking at outdoor decor. We’re definitely not the only ones. Everything that has to do with outdoor decorations has become massively popular over the last year. There’s no end in sight to this trend as we head into summer, which makes it a great niche. But, even as I’m walking around with my wife being a consumer, I still always keep my dropshipper hat on. 

When I came across these outdoor string lights, I immediately wanted to check them out on AliExpress to see what the real prices are. These outdoor string lights are a fantastic product and will be perfect for backyard social gatherings. They also definitely have that “just gotta have it” appeal because they’re attractive, unique, and fairly inexpensive. That’s what you want in trending summer products for your stores.

7. Solar-Powered Lights

We round out our list of trending summer products with this genius product that consumers can attach to their patio furniture or any other elements of their outdoor space. It’s solar-powered, which makes these lights eco-friendly and inherently cool. They also solve an actual problem, which is a dark backyard. 

The best thing about this product? People will definitely want more than one! I always recommend that you offer quantity break discounts for two, four, six, eight, or more units. I recommend this strategy almost regardless of what kind of product you’re selling because consumers really can surprise you with how many units they’ll buy when there’s a discount involved. Needless to say, those multiple sales will really help your margins out. With a product like these solar-powered lights, where the customer is extremely likely to need several, offering quantity break discounts can add up to a substantial amount of income. This is a fantastic product.

Man working on his dropshipping stores in his backyard

You can learn much more about marketing these trending summer products — and how to plug the products into a winning sales funnel — by taking my e-commerce master class today! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for frequent tips and insights.

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Find Winning 8-Figure Dropshipping Products Today

Welcome back, Empire Builders! ​Recently, Alibaba had a trade show called March Expo, where suppliers showed off their latest products (including many winning 8-figure dropshipping products). It’s a bit like a smaller, online version of the Canton Fair, the biggest trade fair in China. Whether you haven’t begun building your business, you’re just starting out, or you’re already ​​established in a niche, taking advantage of training like these events will benefit your business now or in the future.

Learn how to leverage Alibaba, along with events like the Canton Fair and March Expo, to find high-profit dropshipping products on demand and start making profits today. These events display the hottest up-and-coming products gaining popularity. Many of them won’t be available outside of China for years, if ever. That’s why it’s such a great opportunity to get ahead of the curve, learn the trends, and capitalize on them long before your competitors have any idea these products exist. 

Start With Alibaba.com 

Go to Alibaba.com. You’ll see tons of promotions for the March Expo or, once the event has passed, trending seasonal items. Based on your niche, click the category you want to explore. When looking through the products, you’ll likely see many you’re familiar with and others you may never have even heard of. Try to identify potential 8-figure products worth selling. (You can also prepare for events and seasonal sales in the latter half of 2021 and even 2022!)

Avoid This Common and Costly Rookie Mistake

Dropshipper contacting the first supplier they find on Alibaba

One of the biggest mistakes that newbies make is finding a product and jumping in with a supplier — without knowing how to tell if they’re reliable or being able to recognize red flags. When people are just beginning, they’re understandably excited. To set your business up for success, however, one of the most important things is finding a reputable supplier.

The biggest limitation of selling physical products is logistics. You have to deal with things like confirming your suppliers ship orders on time, verifying that customers receive tracking numbers, ensuring sufficient inventory, and much more. A lot of this is the supplier’s responsibility. But you have to make sure your suppliers are doing their jobs properly. That’s why it’s so important to work with reputable suppliers.

Luckily, Alibaba shows the leading suppliers for each category and displays trust badges to help you decide who to work with. I always make sure my suppliers have a minimum of three to five years of experience. You’ll see that some have been in business for five years, while others have been around for as many as 18! 

How to Pick a Supplier

Let’s focus back on the subcategories; suppose that you want to start selling gardening supplies. Then click on “View More” to see all the products in that category. If you’re still new to e-commerce, you may feel overwhelmed with all the options and confused about how to pick products. That’s completely normal. My first and most important piece of advice about this is: NEVER find a supplier and immediately click “start order.” You’d be surprised how many people do that without thinking it through.

1. Contact the Supplier

Contacting the supplier first allows you to discuss different pricing options and structures. With this simple step, you can get a better price for your 8-figure dropshipping products. If you reach out, they’ll often give you a better deal than the listed price. So, when you find a supplier that sells something of interest, go to their page. Look for indicators that they’re trustworthy. First, check the verification type. If it says “on-site check,” that means Alibaba sent somebody to physically inspect the location to make sure everything’s in order and the business is legitimate.

2. Do Business With a Manufacturer, Not Just a Trading Company

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing the difference between manufacturers and trading companies

Next, focus on the business type. This is one of the most important things! If you only remember one thing I say today, remember that the ideal business type is a manufacturer, meaning they make the products themselves. If it says, “trading company,” though, they’re basically a middleman who just dropships somebody else’s products to you. Sometimes they’ll be listed as a manufacturer and trading company which is fine. If you can avoid working with a trading company, you generally should. Most of the time, working directly with manufacturers gets you the best deal.

I know people hate to hear, “it depends,” but in this case, that isn’t always a hard and fast rule. You’ll usually get a better deal with a manufacturer. But there will be times when a trading company is cheaper because they’re working with multiple sellers and getting bulk discounts you couldn’t afford. Just do your due diligence first when you’re investing in potential 8-figure dropshipping products. Speaking of due diligence, always make sure that the supplier brings in a decent profit. If they’re selling all those products and only making 100k a year, they might be doing something wrong. Look for companies making at least a couple million dollars.

Make sure any supplier you consider has a quick response time and a high on-time delivery rate so that you know you can count on them. It also helps to use a supplier with multiple products in the same category. This way, if you want to expand into gardening tools or accessories down the road, you already have a supplier instead of having to start over and juggling two different manufacturers.   

Verify Your 8-Figure Dropshipping Products

Screen grab of Peter Pru discussing how to verify demand for product lines

Let’s say you see some products you think would work and you found a possible supplier who is reputable. But how do you know if the product(s) you chose is worth selling? Personally, I always like to leverage Amazon. They have powerful tools, millions of users, and so much data available and visible. Why not use it?

Just search your product on Amazon and see how much they’re selling for. Then, compare that price to the cost of buying it from your supplier to see your profit margin. Make sure they’re not dominated by one brand so that you can break into the market. Also, make sure that the product is actually selling by checking their seller rank to see if it’s under #20,000.

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, sign up for my masterclass for exclusive training to learn how I used a simple 5-page funnel to make full-time money without buying ads or touching a single product. You can also visit my YouTube channel for more insights about 8-figure dropshipping products, finding suppliers, and setting up your sales funnel. Remember, your empire starts now.

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The Easiest Way to Find Dropshipping Products in 2021

Empire builders, you have probably already discovered that knowing how to find dropshipping products can be a real challenge in the ecommerce industry. You can pour hours into market research trying to find those must-have niche products. Through my years in this industry, I have clocked tons of market research hours myself. However, I recently stumbled onto an amazing dropshipping hack. This hack allows you to find million-dollar dropshipping products in just minutes. Read on to discover the easiest way to find dropshipping products in 2021.

Done-for-You Market Research 

Like many in the ecommerce industry, I have spent countless hours conducting market research, finding winning products, and creating compelling offers. Of course, market research is vital in every successful ecommerce business. However, I recently stumbled upon a hack that can cut your market research efforts in half while still providing all the crucial information to find dropshipping products. I discovered this hack in a very unexpected way. I have to give credit to my wife and the TODAY Show of all things for leading me to this very valuable ecommerce information. 

One morning I went to go talk to my wife, and I found her watching the TODAY Show. The show was on their “Shop TODAY” segment. Being in the industry I’m in, the information pouring from the screen grabbed my attention. The host goes over the hottest must-have products of the day. The products the show pushes are marketed as life hack products. With millions of people watching the TODAY Show, they are creating a massive demand for these products. The increased demand for these simple gadgets is a dropshipper’s dream. The TODAY Show is truly providing done-for-you market research to dropshippers for free. Now, you just have to understand how to capitalize on it. 

Creating Amazing Dropshipping Offers 

Peter Pru discussing how the TODAY Show is a resource for product research

The great thing about the TODAY Show is that they also have a “Shop TODAY” website. This means all of the valuable market research they provide is free for you to reference at any time. Just head over to their website, and check out the countless articles they have. Each one of these articles contains valuable information on trending products you can start dropshipping today. From home decor to fashion to beauty products, the TODAY Show is laying out all of the must-have products of today. 

Once you find a product that goes along with your niche, head on over to AliExpress or Alibaba and find the best place to source the product. Both of these websites will have a ton of suppliers offering all of the products you found on the “Shop TODAY” website. I think some of the coolest products with the most potential on the “Shop TODAY” website are the kitchen gadgets. Everyone’s got to eat, so the kitchen niche is always going to have a demand. From cool little freezer trays to mini waffle makers to kitchen organization gadgets, there are just so many kitchen niche products to tap into. Once you have picked out your products and found the supplier that’s right for your dropshipping goals, it’s time to get to start digging a little deeper and putting together that winning offer.

Building a Six-Figure Sales Funnel

Peter Pru discussing how to find matching products for upsells

Now that you’ve found your next winning dropshipping product through the Today’s Show’s done-for-you market research, it’s time for you to do a little work of your own. You need to create a compelling offer with your cool life hack product. This is where your own market research skills come into play. One of the first places I suggest going to is Amazon. Amazon is the king of online shopping. While none of us will ever be able to beat Amazon, we can still create more compelling offers than them. Remember, the secret to dropshipping success is to create an irresistible offer. Anyone can sell a spatula, but not everyone can make a six-figure business out of selling spatulas. 

Once you’re ready to get down to business, head on over to Amazon. Go ahead and run a search on the product you are planning on selling. Once you find it, scroll down until you find the “frequently bought together” section. This information shows you what your target customers are interested in. Then you can bundle products that will attract the biggest number of customers possible. The products you find on Amazon and the “Shop TODAY” website will provide you free ideas for products and upsells pairings. I stumbled upon this new product discovery method in a unique manner. But it has already proven to be a valuable resource. Now that you know where to look, it’s time to get to find dropshipping products and build out your next six-figure sales funnel! 

Consult With the Pros 

While the TODAY Show may have been an unconventional place to discover a list of million-dollar dropshipping products, I’m so glad that I did. This is the easiest way I have ever found to conduct market research and find dropshipping products in all my experience in the ecommerce industry. The TODAY Show is creating a high demand for these products. So there is just so much potential to tap into here. I hope you take this information and use it to create your next great six-figure sales funnel. 

If you feel like you need more guidance with developing your mindset and growing your ecommerce business, then feel free to reach out to us today. At Ecommerce Empire Builders, we can help you build, launch, and scale your own profitable dropshipping business. To get the ball rolling, sign up for access to our exclusive free webinar today. Also, be sure to check our YouTube channel for even more free resources and insights into the dropshipping and sales funnel industries. Remember, your empire starts now!

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3 Dropshipping Product Research Hacks That Will Drive Your Business’s Success in 2021

One of the hardest things business owners face is figuring out what products they should stock. Each product you’re considering needs to be researched, not just for quality but also to make sure it’s something the members of your target market will love. You also have to make sure there is a high enough profit margin to justify selling the product. Not only is this research time consuming, but it’s also difficult to know where to start. If the idea of delving into product research has you feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath. We can help. We’ve put together some dropshipping product research hacks that take the stress out of product research.

These hacks will improve your confidence as a dropshipper and improve your time management skills. Best of all, they’re easy.

Cruise Over to AliExpress.com

When it comes to product research, AliExpress will become your best friend.

AliExpress was founded in 2010 and has spent the past decade becoming one of the most valuable tools in the savvy consumer’s product research toolbox. The website is designed to provide you with a safe online shopping experience and to help you connect with the suppliers who have the products that perfectly suit your business.

Once you’ve set up your AliExpress account, simply type VIP into the website’s search bar. It’s as easy as that!

Dropshipping Product Research Hacks on AliExpress

Screen grab of how to search for products on AliExpress

VIP Listings

The VIP search brings you to a page that presents you with links to a VIP supplier’s products. These links are supplier-created pages that were designed with the specific intention of making it easier for you, as a business owner, to connect with the suppliers you want to do business with. You won’t believe how much simpler your life becomes once you’ve gained access to your supplier’s VIP shopping experience. 

AliExpress’s VIP shopping experience doesn’t just allow you to get the best possible prices from your favorite suppliers. It also makes it possible for you to bundle some of your favorite products together. Some people don’t realize that they can use AliExpress’s VIP feature as a product research hack.

Instead of heading straight to your favorite supplier’s page, take a couple of minutes to look over the VIP listings. It won’t take you long to realize that this is a great opportunity to see products that are selling extremely well. What most people do is click on the first couple of products they see on the page. We don’t recommend this. We suggest clicking on the pages that only show a VIP logo.

Supplier Pages

When you visit the supplier’s page, you’ll find an assortment of valuable data that allows you to not only see the product and its various options but also read reviews. The page provides valuable insight into what currently appeals to consumers.

“Also Recommended” Pages

Take a look at the page’s “Also Recommended” links that appear on the VIP page you’re exploring. Looking at these “also recommended” products allows you to see products that usually complement whatever you’re already selling.

HINT: Recommended products can be a huge asset when you’re putting together a sales funnel!

We recommend that you not necessarily use AliExpress when you first start working with a supplier. It’s usually best to start by purchasing directly from the supplier and establishing a trust-based relationship. We feel that in the long run, working directly with the supplier saves you time and possibly even money.

Using additional keywords can help you streamline the process of finding VIP suppliers for your business. One of the keywords we like to use is dropshipping. We’ve also noticed that changing things up, such as simply writing drop-shipping instead, can reveal different products. Even small dropshipping product research hacks can help you find brand new opportunities.

We believe that using AliExpress is a great way for business owners who haven’t established a niche for themselves to find products and develop ideas.

Check Out Ecomhunt

Screen grab of using dropshipping product research hacks on Ecomhunt

Yes, Ecomhunt is a paid product research tool, but you can create an account for free to use these dropshipping product research hacks. The free account is pared down from the paid account, but it still provides you with a great deal of information and product research ideas. If you decide you want to use Ecomhunt to purchase products from suppliers, the subscription is only $20 a month. 

Ecomhunt has all sorts of tools that aid in your product research efforts. These tools include:

  • Product descriptions
  • Facebook ads
  • Profit calculators

Our favorite thing about Ecomhunt is the ability to sort through different products by niches. This saves so much time.  

Don’t Discount Amazon

Before we get into our third product research hack, we need to let you know that this particular hack isn’t really meant for the business owner who is just starting out. This hack is designed for businesses that already have established themselves as a niche and have a relatively solid understanding of their target market. 

Many business owners don’t realize that Amazon can be used as a product research tool. What we suggest is finding a product that you think would sell well in your niche. Open up its Amazon page and go to the bestsellers link that is listed under “product information.” Look at the top-level category. If the number ranks in the top 20,000 products, you automatically know that there is a great deal of demand for that product. 

How to Use Your Search Results

When you use this and similar dropshipping product research hacks, it’s extremely important that you only look at the top product level category. Ignore the bottom two. The lower categories are sub-categories and far more niche-specific. They don’t present a super accurate impression of how the product is selling. The biggest problem with using the sub-category to determine how a product is performing is that it’s difficult to determine how many people are actually purchasing products that fit that category and how many products are in the category.

Once you’ve determined that the product is under 20,000 in the top category, you can start exploring the sub-categories (ignore them if the product is over 20,000 in the top category). Click on one of the sub-categories. On the left hand of your screen, you’ll see a menu of similar sub-categories. When you click on an interesting sub-category, you will see the bestsellers. This is a fantastic way to discover products that you can incorporate into your sales funnel or even offer directly to your customers. Once you’ve found a few interesting categories, it’s time to go to either your favorite supplier or to find a supplier via Ecomhunt or AliExpress and place an order.

Get More Expert Tips and Business Advice From Ecommerce Empire Builders

Dropshipper researching products and creating his business

These three dropshipping product research hacks are just the tip of the product research iceberg. When you sign up for our free webinar, you’ll get several more insights that will help you find the products you need to create a successful dropshipping sales funnel and grow your business in 2021.

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24 Winning Q4 Dropshipping Products That Are Great to Sell on Facebook

Selling winning niche products is the key to success as a dropshipper. Whether you’re new to dropshipping or a veteran looking for new ideas for products to sell, there are plenty of ideas out there. The following are 24 of the top Q4 dropshipping products we’ve found to be very profitable. They can enable you to earn up to $50k per month with them. They sell especially well on Facebook.

1. Sushi Making Kits

As people are still forced to spend a lot of time at home due to the pandemic, they’re looking for fun things to do with the family. One of the Q4 dropshipping products that can help with this is sushi making supplies. Sushi making kits are some of the more popular products out there that people are buying. They allow people to turn their home into a sushi restaurant by including everything that’s needed to make maki or sashimi. 

Like with other kits, try to include lifestyle photos that highlight different scenarios in which customers might use the kit. For example, if you’re selling to families, show a photo of a family putting the kit together.

2. Silicone Pastry Mat

Silicone pastry mats are also great in this stay-at-home environment, as many people are looking for ways to make cooking easier. Like many of the Q4 dropshipping products on this list, silicone pastry mats are great to sell because they save time, save money, and have that “just gotta have it” appeal. It’s a great choice for a one-product store. But they also come with many opportunities to upsell with cooking accessories and other products that help customers get the most from their purchase.

3. Vacuum Sealer

While this product is a bit more on the expensive side, costing around $30 to $50, vacuum sealers are great because they save money and time by helping people preserve fruits, vegetables, and other items. It may not be ideal as a core front-end product to sell, but it may make a great upsell opportunity.

4. Cross-Stitch Kits

Similar to sushi kits, cross-stitching kits are great to sell while people are stuck at home. Many people are getting into various hobbies, including cross-stitching. These kits fall under the embroidery niche, which we’ve found to be one of the best since it ticks every box in our criteria for dropshipping products.

5. Easels

screenshot of finding suppliers for easels

Easels are another great product to consider. They are often inexpensive on many sites, but they can sell for a lot on Amazon, which means they provide good markup value. As many people continually get into art, you’re likely to find a good market for easels.

Easels aren’t limited to the art niche, either. For example, people could use easels to prop up whiteboards, which they might use for business.

6. Cat Candy Snacks

There are plenty of opportunities in the pet niche, especially when it comes to holiday and Q4 dropshipping products. Pet owners are willing to buy just about anything for their pets, be it a dog, a cat, or any other companion. People spend a lot of time with their pets, so they’re often going to spend a lot of money on them.

One of the best things about the pet space is that innovations are always taking place. One example of a fun new product that doesn’t necessarily save a lot of time or money is cat candy snacks, which is essentially a little catnip tree that keeps cats occupied while providing them a nutritious snack. 

7. Electric Ball Cat Toy

This toy is a great example of a product worth upselling after pushing the cat candy snacks on the front end. It has tech appeal to it, and it’s relatively inexpensive. You can clamp it to a desk, table, or even a scratching post, and it’s very entertaining for cats, making it a likely popular upsell for a lot of pet owners.

8. IP Security Camera

New parents are always looking for products to keep their children safe, healthy, and happy. One of the more expensive products out there in this niche is a good baby-monitoring security camera. 

As a side note here, always order electronic products for yourself first to perform a quality check before selling.

9. Mini LED Headlamp

There are many niches for mini LED headlamps. You can sell this product to just about anyone in need of a convenient LED light source, such as fishermen who fish at night, hikers and campers, homeowners who need a hands-free flashlight while working on the house, and many others.

With Q4 dropshipping products like these, try to keep in mind that it’s best to sell to a specific niche rather than selling it to just anyone.

10. Fishing Reels

Fishing reels are another great upsell opportunity for other fishing gear. Sell a fishing reel with lures, fishing hats, and other products that aren’t as expensive. It’s a great moneymaker, as fishing reels cost around $100 in some places.

11. Fingerprint Padlocks

This is a clear example of a “just gotta have it” product that a lot of people are likely to want. It can save money and time, giving people a convenient and secure method for locking their valuables. It makes for a great stocking stuffer, which is an important consideration for Q4 dropshipping products. 

Also, it’s ideal for anybody interested in home security. It may not sell very well outside of Q4. But if you’re in this niche right now, then take the opportunity to add this product to your dropshipping queue or sell it to existing customers.

12. Folding Chair

Folding chairs are another product that people are more likely to buy on impulse. They can find a use for one for many occasions. There are also many niches you can sell it to. Everyone from soccer moms sitting at the sidelines of their kids’ games to campers in need of cheap and convenient seats to place around the campfire can use these chairs.

13. Hair Trimmers

Throughout the year, many people have been uncomfortable with going to salons and barbershops to get their hair cut. As such, hair trimmers and other grooming products are popular among people stuck at home who still want a haircut.

14. Mini Drones

A man wrapping holiday presents at home

Mini drones are also great stocking stuffers to consider for Q4. They are cheaper than many other larger drones that you’d find in stores. Also, many different people may want them, including parents looking for fun gifts for their kids. Just remember to try them out before you begin selling them.

15. Thumb Piano

The thumb piano is a product that’s ideal for a very specific niche. Even if you can’t find a use for it yourself, some people out there might use something like this on a daily basis in a particular sub-niche that’s worth targeting.

16. Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes and other makeup items are also popular among many audiences. One of the nice things about makeup brushes and other similar beauty products is that they wear out over time, which means you have the opportunity to earn repeat business.

17. Nail Art Tool

Another product in the beauty niche worth selling is a nail art tool. Similar to the hair trimmers we mentioned, this product is great for people who want to do their nails at home while unable to visit a salon.

18. Rolling Ball Cat Toy

Unlike the other cat toys discussed, this one is free-standing and curiously over-engineered. Products like this tend to sell a lot among pet owners because they look cool, feature remote control operation, and are generally good at keeping pets occupied for long periods of time.

19 and 20. Pet Carrier Backpacks

Because of the versatility of this product, we’ve decided to use it for two slots. Pet carrier backpacks are similar to baby carriers, allowing pet owners to strap their pets to their chest with a harness. This product is available for both dogs and cats, which means it’s great for two different niches: small dogs and cats. If you’re looking for a great gag gift to sell, this is it.

21. Pet Bandana or Scarf

Another fun product to get in the pet niche is a pet bandana or scarf for dogs, which comes with many variations. While you may think that these variations are a bit daunting to sell, there are plenty of opportunities to sell each variation in its own campaign.

22. Watercolor Pencils

Like other art supplies, watercolor pencils are great to offer. Not only can you pair them with paper, easels, paintbrushes, and other accessories that customers are likely to want, but customers who like them enough are likely to buy them again once they’ve depleted their supply. 

23. Storage Vacuum Bag

This product is a good complement to the food vacuum sealer. Whereas the vacuum sealer is good for keeping food fresh, storage vacuum bags can help with organization at home by sealing and storing clothes or other items. They’re also great for moving if people need to make more space in moving boxes.

24. Dog Muzzle

screenshot of shopping for dog muzzle suppliers

Not all dogs are the most well-behaved, and while they may not love these muzzles, their owners might. Unlike plain muzzle designs, you may find a market for muzzles that feature colorful and unique designs in addition to other dog accessories.

Choosing the Right Q4 Dropshipping Products Is Just the Start

All of these winning Q4 dropshipping products are some key examples of items that are suitable for many niches and sub-niches. If you can pinpoint which niche you want to target, there’s a market for just about any product imaginable. If you would like to learn more about how to start your career in dropshipping and maximize profits with winning products, reserve your seat at the exclusive, free Ecommerce Empire Builders webinar.

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