Exploring the Dynamics of a Newly Launched Dropshipping

In the recent unveiling of a new business by a digital marketing agency that specializes in dropshipping, remarkable success was witnessed. Within the first month of its launch, sales exceeding $8,500 were reported, showcasing a robust start. A unique approach was adopted, integrating both physical and digital products under what is termed “digital dropshipping.” This integration facilitated not only versatility in the offerings but also enhanced the scope for scalability. Impressively, consistent sales growth was observed, with daily earnings of $440 and $488 being recorded at the outset. In this blog, we are Exploring the Dynamics of a Newly Launched Dropshipping and how it is profitable every day.

Strategic Platform Utilization

The choice of platform for this venture is Storefunnels.net, lauded for its adept handling of digital dropshipping challenges. The capabilities of this platform extend beyond simple ecommerce functionalities; it supports the creation of stores and funnels, and streamlines email marketing efforts. Notably, it boasts features such as one-click upsells and subscriptions, which are pivotal in enhancing user engagement and retention, without the necessity for additional applications.

The Critical Role of Upsells and Downsells

It has been recognized that upsells and downsells play an instrumental role in augmenting revenue. Through these strategies, an additional $2,000 was contributed to the monthly sales figures. This considerable increase in profitability highlights the efficacy of well-implemented upsell and downsell tactics. Such strategies are not just supplementary; they are central to the financial architecture of successful dropshipping businesses.

In-Depth Revenue Breakdown and Strategic Insights

A detailed analysis of the revenue streams reveals significant insights. Upsells alone generated $700, while downsells added another $437. Another pivotal strategy employed is the use of “order bumps,” or pre-purchase upsells, which alone brought in $712. These figures underscore the substantial impact that strategic selling techniques can have on overall revenue.

Price Adjustment Strategies for Optimized Profitability

Pricing adjustments based on conversion rates are being strategically employed to ensure maximized profitability without deterring customer purchases. Consequently, the fine-tuning of prices, as suggested by the meticulous analysis of conversion metrics, supports the endeavor to strike a balance between affordability and business profitability. Furthermore, this approach not only caters to optimizing revenue streams but also attentively considers customer price sensitivity, thus maintaining a competitive edge in the market. This delicate equilibrium ensures that the business remains attractive to consumers while securing healthy margins, essential for long-term sustainability and growth.

Operational Strategies and Forward-Looking Advice

The significance of incremental changes is heavily emphasized, thereby advocating for a methodical approach to business adjustments. By making one change at a time, the impact can be clearly understood. Consequently, this enables more informed decisions in future strategies. Additionally, utilizing a team or an agency to manage these optimizations is recommended. This ensures professional oversight and strategic adjustments that align with overall business growth objectives. As a result, businesses can achieve a higher degree of precision in their operations, fostering sustainable development.

Future Prospects and Strategic Expansion

With a promising start to the business, there is palpable excitement about its prospects. Expectations for continued growth are high, supported by strategic planning and robust operational tactics. The potential for future case studies based on this business model promises further insights into effective dropshipping strategies.

The case of this newly launched dropshipping business in 2024 provides a profound insight into effective ecommerce strategies. By leveraging digital and physical product integration, strategic platform usage, and sophisticated sales techniques, the business not only achieved impressive initial success but also set a foundation for sustainable growth and profitability. The strategies employed here serve as a benchmark for upcoming ventures in the digital commerce space.

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Revealing Profitable Niches for Digital Dropshipping Mastery

Entrepreneurs, especially beginners in the rapidly changing world of e-commerce, have identified a distinctive combination of selling physical and digital items as a profitable path. They praise the novel strategy known as “digital dropshipping” for its fusion of the ease of selling physical products with the substantial profit margins of digital services. Below, we examine the top niches in this field that are ready for exploitation. In this blog, we are revealing profitable niches for digital dropshipping mastery which you can build a successful business in.

The Survival Niche’s Significance

In the face of unpredictable world events, the survival niche has become a fantastic opportunity. The survivalist market is served by a wide range of physical and digital items, which further emphasizes its relevance. Amazon is a vital resource for confirming the potential in this market, as it offers a wide range of sellers and knowledge-based goods like books. To measure persistent market interest, it’s also advised to use Private Label Rights (PLR) items for digital sales and to closely examine Google Trends data.

Gardening’s Allure as a Niche

The gardening niche stands out for its wide selection of tangible items and the potential for digital gardening advice. To verify this niche, you must thoroughly search for a range of vendors on websites like Amazon and examine books with high ratings. While there is a recognized seasonal dip in interest, the gardening specialty continues to have lasting significance.

Woodworking: An Unmatched Potential Niche

The woodworking industry earns praise for its enormous potential, mainly due to the ongoing need to restock consumables like supplies and tools. This generates continuous chances for sales. Identifying a variety of vendors, finding relevant digital items, and using Google Trends to verify consistent interest over time are examples of validation strategies. The steady demand in this area indicates its profitability.

Painting: A Useful and Adaptable Specialization

The painting niche is well-known for its consumable products, which include canvases, paints, brushes, and a variety of styles and techniques. Excellent prospects for monthly subscriptions or the sale of replenishment products are presented by this diversity. As with other niches, validation entails a careful analysis of product variety and Google Trends’ confirmation of interest, which points to this as one of the best options.

The Value of Choosing a Niche

Choosing a niche based on both personal interest and market validation is the key to success in digital dropshipping. Emphasizing the first stage of Amazon research, deliberate use of PLR items for digital services, and long-term trend analysis as crucial tactics, this strategy ensures business owners have a solid foundation for navigating the lucrative waters of digital dropshipping.

In summary, the digital dropshipping environment offers an abundance of opportunities for those ready to explore the subtleties of niche selection and market validation. With the right strategy and dedication, the path to unmatched success in the e-commerce industry remains wide open.

Look into our Done For You Services

Success in dropshipping transcends mere statistics and market trends. It hinges on forging genuine connections with both your audience and your products. Here at Ecommerce Empire Builders, we stand as experts in this domain. Through our Done For You Services, we turn eCommerce dreams into tangible realities. Moreover, our Ecommerce Platinum Program is designed to enhance and streamline your web presence. By leveraging our expertise, you can skillfully navigate the complexities of social media and paid advertising. Furthermore, we offer backend and email marketing services, alongside managing brand ambassadors, to bolster your e-commerce strategy. Are you looking to elevate your e-commerce game? To find out more, click here.

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Digital VS. Physical Products In E-commerce 2024

Choosing the appropriate product type is a critical choice for entrepreneurs in the ever-changing world of online commerce, as it can optimize both profitability and market presence. Understanding the differences between selling real and digital goods online becomes essential as we move closer to 2024. This investigation provides information about the most profitable and practical e-commerce strategies. In this blog, we go over Digital VS. Physical Products In E-commerce 2024 and which one you should be focusing on in your business.

Profitability: Digital vs. Physical Products

In terms of profitability, digital items are particularly noteworthy. Their capacity to produce once and sell endlessly without incurring repeat manufacturing expenditures is what makes them so appealing. Profit margins are greatly increased by this model. On the other hand, the continuous costs of production, shipping, and storage for physical objects have an impact on their profitability. However, because of customer preferences and commercial demands, they continue to be relevant.

Logistics and Fulfillment: Simplifying the Procedure

Digital product fulfillment and logistics provide a simplified experience. Due to their ethereal nature, they can be instantly provided to clients, doing away with the difficulties associated with physical logistics. Physical goods, on the other hand, call for a more sophisticated approach to logistics that includes handling, shipping, and warehousing. To guarantee effectiveness and client pleasure, these factors necessitate meticulous preparation and implementation.

Customer Service: A Comparison Study

Physical items frequently have a simpler equation in customer service. Most of the relevant questions are simple, including tracking shipments and delivery schedules. On the other hand, digital items could need more complex customer service. This is especially true for products that require customized services or educational content, which call for a higher level of interaction and problem-solving from the vendor.

Automation: The Digital Advantage

Automation is revolutionizing the digital product industry. These products can be produced and marketed with little to no continuous assistance, providing a more passive source of income. Physical products still require manual steps and may experience delays due to their tangible character, even though they also benefit from some automation in the purchasing and shipping processes.

Product Selection: Range and Variety

The range of products available in the physical and digital domains differs dramatically. Physical goods provide a wide range of options to meet the requirements and tastes of a wide range of consumers. Despite their restricted selection, digital items have a distinct value because of their specialized content, which includes ebooks, courses, and templates. This lack of diversity highlights their attraction rather than undermining their potential.

Simpleness of Sale: Recognizing Consumer Behavior

Selling physical goods is frequently simpler and involves taking advantage of consumers’ impulsive purchases and the tangible attractiveness of the merchandise. Even if they could be more specialized, digital items need a more sophisticated sales strategy. The sales process is more involved but also more lucrative when sellers can properly express the value and cater to the specific needs of their target audience.

Strategic Suggestion: Combining the Finest Elements of Both Worlds

A hybrid strategy is advised for business owners who want to succeed and be resilient in the long run in e-commerce. It is possible to increase profitability and market reach by fusing the benefits of physical and digital items. This tactic enables diversification by meeting a range of customer demands and weighing the particular benefits and drawbacks of every kind of product.

In conclusion, digital vs. physical products in e-commerce 2024 is something you should be diving deeper into in order to grow your business. There is more than one option when it comes to digital versus physical e-commerce goods. Each has unique advantages and difficulties. Through a strategic grasp of these dynamics and their application, firms may position themselves for long-term growth and success in the dynamic digital economy.

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A Beginner’s Roadmap to Dropshipping Success

It can feel like you’re traveling through a maze when you first start dropshipping. Every turn brings new challenges and chances. In the complicated world of e-commerce, it’s not enough to just sell things; you also have to plan to meet customer wants, follow market trends, and make sure your logistics run smoothly. Many aspiring entrepreneurs often feel discouraged by the challenges of starting and growing an online business. However, a clear plan can make the path to success more visible and achievable. This guide aims to demystify the process by teaching you how to identify winning products, create an engaging online store, and attract visitors who will make purchases. In this blog, we unveil a beginner’s roadmap to dropshipping success. 

How to Find the Perfect Product

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, it’s important to find a product that your customers want. A good product isn’t just something that sells; it’s also something that solves a problem, can be marked up for a profit, and is easy to ship. The first stop on this journey is Amazon’s bestsellers tab, which is like a treasure chest full of products that fit these criteria and are just waiting to be found.

But that’s not the end of the search. For the market study, social media sites like TikTok and Instagram are gold mines. You can find out what people are interested in by looking into terms like #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt or #TrendingProducts. The key is to look at famous videos and read through the comments to see what people are saying.

Also, technology saves the day with software that helps you find products. Tools like Minea.com offer an analytical approach and give a lot of information about goods that might be winners. It has important details like pricing methods, shipping information, and the ages and genders of the people you want to reach, along with tips from ads that have worked in the past.

Crafting Your Online Storefront

Setting up your online store is the next step in your journey as a business. This site, Storefunnels.net, stands out as a top choice because it has many pre-loaded themes that make the process easier. It is very important to be professional, which is why you should make a different Google account for your business. This split not only makes things more professional but also helps with managing customer service well.

It’s important to think carefully about what to call your store. It should show what the product is really about, creating an immediate link with people who might buy it. Once a name is chosen, it is important to secure a domain. This process is made easier by providers like GoDaddy, which makes it easier to connect your name to your storefunnels.net account.

It’s the face of your business. When making it, you should keep things simple and important in mind. Websites like Fiverr and Canva make it easy to make images that fit with the values of your business.

How to Make Your Store Have the Most Impact

Now that the basics are in place, it’s time to set up your store in more detail. Storefunnels.net helps you with this step by walking you through choosing the right plan and adding the basic information that is needed. The next very important step is to import the goods you’ve carefully chosen from reputable stores like Minea.com, AliExpress, or cjdropshipping.com.

Pricing strategy is one of the most important parts of getting people. As a general rule, you should set prices at least three times what they cost. This way, when you offer discounts, people will think the items are more valuable. That’s not all, though. People need to pay close attention to the product page because that’s where the convincing text, stunning pictures, and real customer reviews come together to make a story that sells.

When making material, you shouldn’t undervalue the power of AI. It can help you write fun product descriptions, frequently asked questions and other things. Also, using gifs in product descriptions makes them more interesting and dynamic, and customer reviews are a great way to build trust and trustworthiness.

Driving Traffic and Amplifying Sales

Now that your store is open, you need to get people to come in. A practical way to start is with paid traffic from sites like Facebook or TikTok ads. With this plan, you can test the water and find out what works and what doesn’t.

As soon as you start making money, you need to start focusing on organic traffic sources. A lot of different ways can be used to do this, such as social media, blog posts, podcasts, and word of mouth. These strategies not only make you more visible, but they also help you get customers to stick with you.

To be successful at dropshipping, you have to make smart choices about everything, from which products to sell to how to get people to your site. You must carefully think out each step and base it on your knowledge of how the market works. This plan provides entrepreneurs with all the necessary information to start dropshipping and build stores that not only attract customers but also keep them returning

Let The Ecommerce Empire Builders Launch Your Business

Starting an e-commerce business can be time-consuming and challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. Specifically, if you have the financial resources but lack the time to invest in building your business, then the Ecommerce Empire Builders team can help.

With over 20 years of combined online business experience and millions of sales generated, the Ecommerce Empire Builders team has the expertise and knowledge to help you succeed in the world of e-commerce. Our team will build your new business personally, tailoring it to your unique needs and goals. We’ll handle everything from product research to supplier selection and store setup, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life while your business takes shape.

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How to Identify and Validate Top Dropshipping Products

Choosing the appropriate products to provide in the fiercely competitive dropshipping market can make or ruin your business. Finding potentially successful goods is important, but so is confirming their viability using data from the real world. In this blog, we go over how to identify and validate top dropshipping products that can help your e-commerce business grow!

Utilizing Amazon to Verify Sales

Many people would question Amazon’s importance in the dropshipping industry. While it is not advised for Amazon itself to serve as a startup dropshipping company’s main sales channel, it can be a goldmine for product validation. A product’s popularity and potential drawbacks can be gleaned from Amazon’s enormous database and user-generated reviews. To protect against any modifications or alterations in Amazon’s policies or algorithms, you should diversify your sales channels and avoid relying only on the e-commerce giant.

Identifying Your Niche

Finding a niche can be difficult, especially when there are so many possibilities available. However, online behemoths like Amazon might be of great assistance in this area. Consider the gardening market as a good illustration. There is a wide range of products in this area, ranging from tangible goods like tools or planters to digital resources like eBooks or courses. Exploring these areas can help you find your way clearly and reveal untapped potential or underdeveloped markets.

Balanced sales distribution’s Importance

In dropshipping, it’s essential to make sure no one brand dominates. One brand’s dominance could signify a high level of brand loyalty, making it difficult for newcomers to stand out. Markets with fairly dispersed sales among different sellers typically have a friendlier atmosphere and provide a more equitable playing field. This equilibrium makes sure that a newcomer can compete with established players.

Closely Examining By-products and Brands

One cannot overstate the value of a thorough product and brand study. For instance, specialty products like gardening shelves or shoes might have a surprisingly large market. These observations highlight the significance of a “winning front-end product,” or the initial offering that attracts a potential client’s attention and compels them to learn more about what you have to offer.

Source products efficiently

Your items’ origin might have a considerable impact on both the quality and your profit margins. In this market, well-known platforms include CJ Dropshipping, AliExpress, and Alibaba. They offer a range of price points and cater to numerous niches. Alibaba, for instance, even offers resources like scripts to simplify communication with suppliers, promoting openness and precision in business operations.

this image represents How to Identify and Validate Top Dropshipping Products

Making Use of Advertising Insights

Advertisements can be a goldmine of information rather than just a means of promotion. Platforms like Facebook have enormous archives of advertisements that may be mined to see how rival companies are promoting related goods. One may forecast how a certain product could be promoted to a similar audience by looking at the response these ads receive.

What Sets a Product Apart?

When choosing products, there are three guiding principles to remember: they should either offer something new, save time or money, or both. Products that fit one of these criteria typically do incredibly well at the top of the sales funnel. They draw clients and provide the groundwork for prospective upsells.

Look into our Done For You Services.

Success in dropshipping goes beyond statistics and market trends. It’s about making sincere connections with your audience and your products. We at Ecommerce Empire Builders are experts in this field. With our Done For You Services, eCommerce dreams become realities. We improve and streamline your web presence with the Ecommerce Platinum Program. Utilize our knowledge to navigate the world of social media and paid advertising. In addition, we provide backend and email marketing services and the management of brand ambassadors. Do you want to up your eCommerce game? To find out more, click here.

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Winning Product Selection for Dropshipping

In the competitive world of e-commerce, success is determined by various factors. Among them, product selection stands out as a critical determinant in the growth and success of a dropshipping business. This comprehensive guide will provide insights into Winning Product Selection for Dropshipping, analyzing market demand, and ensuring mass appeal, focusing on adopting a strategic approach.

Identifying Problem-Solving Products with a Wow Factor

A key consideration in selecting winning products is to identify those that solve specific customer problems. Often, products that address a unique need or incorporate an innovative twist have an edge over their competitors.

Transitioning into the dropshipping arena requires an understanding of what makes products attractive. Rather than opting for something ordinary, consider a product with a distinctive feature or a “wow factor.” An innovation that sets the product apart from similar options in the market creates a compelling proposition.

Assessing Market Demand Accurately

When it comes to building a thriving dropshipping business, the analysis of market demand is crucial. Understanding the seasonal or monthly trends in demand helps in aligning marketing and advertising efforts.

A tool commonly used for this purpose is Google Trends. It’s a free resource that provides insights into the popularity of specific products or niches over time. By capitalizing on these trends, businesses can maximize sales during peak periods and minimize potential losses during slower times. The importance of demand assessment can’t be underestimated; it’s an essential step in product selection.

Ensuring Mass Appeal for Sustainable Growth

Another vital aspect of product selection is ensuring that the chosen product has a broad appeal. Selecting items that resonate with a wide audience positions your business for long-term success and sustained growth.

For instance, an assessment of online communities and platforms related to the product can provide valuable insights into potential customer base size. Larger and more active groups typically indicate a broader audience, increasing the chances of scaling the business and generating significant profits. This strategic approach to targeting a mass audience forms the foundation for successful product selection.

this image represents Winning Product Selection for Dropshipping

Implementing Effective Research Methods

Research is not a one-time process; it requires ongoing analysis and adaptation. A well-researched approach involves exploring various platforms and tools to identify potential products.

One popular method involves utilizing platforms like TikTok to discover videos of products that have proven successful. By spending some time each day researching, you can compile a list of potential products to evaluate.

Remember, identifying potential products is only the initial step. Following this, a comprehensive evaluation must be undertaken, assessing whether the products genuinely solve a problem, exhibit demand in the market, and possess broad appeal.


Unlocking success in the dropshipping industry hinges on the careful selection of products that not only resonate with customers but also demonstrate proven market demand and broad appeal. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, entrepreneurs can significantly increase their chances of building a thriving business that drives substantial sales and profits. The process requires continuous effort and strategic planning but, when implemented effectively, leads to long-term success in the e-commerce industry.

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Revolutionary AI Tool Finds Winning Dropshipping Products

Finding a winning dropshipping product can make a world of difference in your business. One of the biggest reasons some people are successful with dropshipping versus those who aren’t is their ability to identify winning, demand-driven products before they blow up and become saturated in the market. This innovative platform is designed to give you an edge over your competition, allowing you to capitalize on emerging trends before others catch on. In today’s post, we’ll be introducing you to a Revolutionary AI Tool that Finds Winning Dropshipping Products that combine the power of AI and predictive analytics to help you uncover the next big dropshipping winners.

Introducing ScrapWave.com: The AI-Powered Dropshipping Tool

ScrapWave is the latest entrant in the world of AI dropshipping tools, and it’s already making waves with its unique approach to product research. This Revolutionary AI Tool finds Winning Dropshipping Products to help scale your business. Unlike traditional tools like Ecom Hunt or Pippi Ads, ScrapWave harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to predict winning dropshipping products before they become popular. By monitoring AliExpress sales data across a vast range of products, ScrapWave can identify items with increasing sales and alert you to potential opportunities, giving you a head start in capitalizing on these emerging trends.

How ScrapWave’s AI Mode Finds Winning Dropshipping Products

At the core of ScrapWave’s functionality is its AI mode, which sets it apart from other product research tools. By continuously analyzing sales data from various marketplaces, including AliExpress, the AI-driven platform identifies products that are starting to gain traction. As sales for a particular item begin to trickle up, ScrapWave will notify you immediately, allowing you to take advantage of the opportunity before it becomes widely popular. This AI-powered approach to product research gives you a competitive advantage, enabling you to source and sell unsaturated dropshipping products with high growth potential.

AI tool finds Winning Dropshipping Products

Using the AI-Powered Research Tool for the First Time

Explore all of the tool’s features and options to get the most out of the AI-powered research tool. For instance, you can select to filter products based on how they performed over various time periods, such as the previous 90 days, the past 30 days, or even the most recent 24 hours. With this versatility, you may focus your search to find goods that are popular and align with your business objectives.

Look for items that grab your interest and have the potential to succeed as you browse the suggested products. For instance, you might come across a flexible LED light that can be applied in a variety of locations, including wine cabinets, restrooms, closets, and garages. Once you’ve found a product that looks intriguing, click the link to explore the AliExpress listing and learn more.

Analyzing Data to Identify Winning Dropshipping Products

When examining product data, one of the most critical aspects to consider is sales statistics. This information can provide valuable insights into the product’s performance over time and help you determine if it’s worth pursuing. For instance, you might find a product with steadily increasing sales, indicating that it could be an emerging trend. A product with a flat or declining sales graph might suggest that it has already reached its peak or is losing market interest.

To validate a winning product within your niche, start by analyzing its sales data. Look for patterns that indicate a growing demand for the product, such as a significant increase in units sold within a short period. For example, a product that goes from selling 12,000 units to 55,000 units in just a few months demonstrates that it has a strong demand and could potentially be a winning product in your niche.

In addition to sales data, it’s essential to consider other data points when determining if a product fits the winning criteria. For example, examine the product’s price history to see if it has remained stable or fluctuated over time. While this information may not be as crucial as the sales stats, it can still provide useful context when making decisions about whether to pursue a particular item.

Additionally, consider factors such as shipping times, product reviews, and supplier ratings. These elements can impact your customers’ experience and satisfaction, ultimately affecting your dropshipping business’s success.

Ensuring the Product Aligns with Your Niche

In addition to examining sales data, it’s crucial to ensure that the product aligns with your target audience’s needs and preferences. Consider whether the product solves a specific problem or enhances your customers’ lives in a meaningful way. If the product seems relevant and valuable to your target market, it’s more likely to be a winning item within your niche.

Identifying the Best Supplier for Your Winning Product

Once you’ve found a winning product using tools like Scrapwave.com or other AI-driven platforms, it’s essential to identify a trustworthy supplier who can provide quality products and timely shipping. Research various suppliers, considering factors such as product availability, shipping times, customer reviews, and overall reputation. Reach out to suppliers like CJ Dropshipping or USA Drop, who are known for their reliability and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Building a strong relationship with your supplier is vital for long-term success in dropshipping. Communicate openly and regularly with your chosen supplier, discussing your expectations and requirements. Ensure they understand the importance of timely shipping, product quality, and responsive customer service. By fostering a strong working relationship, you can create a smooth drop shipping experience for both you and your customers.

Let Ecommerce Empire Builders Launch Your Business

Starting an e-commerce business can be time-consuming and challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you have the financial resources but lack the time to invest in building your business, the Ecommerce Empire Builders team can help.

With over 20 years of combined online business experience and millions of sales generated, the Ecommerce Empire Builders team has the expertise and knowledge to help you succeed in the world of e-commerce. Our team will personally build your new business, ensuring that it’s tailored to your unique needs and goals. We’ll handle everything from product research to supplier selection and store setup, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life while your business takes shape.

Not only will we build and launch your e-commerce business, but we’ll also teach you the foundational strategies necessary for long-term success. Our goal is to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to manage and grow your e-commerce business independently.

You don’t have to navigate the world of e-commerce alone. With the help of the E-commerce Empire Builders team, you can launch a successful business without investing all your time and energy. By leveraging our expertise and experience, you’ll benefit from a professionally built e-commerce store and learn valuable strategies for long-term success. Apply now and take the first step toward launching your e-commerce empire.

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How to Find High-Ticket Dropshipping Products and Suppliers: Make Huge Profits Fast!

Hey guys! Aliakbar Gulshan, COO of Ecommerce Empire Builders, is here to walk you through high-ticket dropshipping. Today, we’ll look at exactly how Aliakbar got into the Empire Builders $50k Club using a high-ticket dropshipping funnel and how you can sell $200+ products to first-time customers using paid ads. Also, you’ll find tips on doing this effectively and why you should start high-ticket dropshipping today! Let’s jump right in.

Benefits of High-Ticket Dropshipping

While most beginner dropshipping advice suggests $20-$30 products, you can sell products up to $200+ using Facebook ads—and you should! Consider this: making $10,000 a month selling $30 products at a $5-$15 profit requires over 650 to 2,000 sales. However, with high-ticket products that make $50-$100 profits, you only need 100 to 200.

High-ticket dropshippers are also less reliant on backend profits. It’s much easier to scale because there’s so much more money to work with. If you put your $100 profit back into Facebook advertising to gain customers, it’s likely to produce significant results.

Requirements of High-Ticket Dropping

fundamental points of a high-ticket dropshipping product strategy

People often worry that high-ticket products will be too expensive to sell, especially to first-time customers who don’t know you. But this business model is profitable. As long as you solve a big enough problem and their need is great enough, they’ll buy from you.

However, there are some requirements. You’ll have to build enough credibility to assure customers it’s safe to purchase from you. That means having several elements in place to signal your trustworthiness. Let’s break them down and look at how to accomplish them.

Customer Reviews

It’s important to have plenty of customer review videos explaining the benefits of the product. The best videos will show customers unboxing, using, and reviewing the product. They should primarily be available for you to use on TikTok. The key is to avoid big brands and use video reviews for off-brand products. Without these reviews, buyers won’t feel comfortable enough to trust you with their purchase.

Bridge Page

A bridge page — the landing page where you’ll send shoppers who click your ads — should describe the product in detail, list its benefits, show off its best features, and highlight the product’s value to ease consumer doubts and build interest. When Aliakbar was sending customers straight to the order page, the sales weren’t very high. As soon as there was a bridge page, the orders nearly doubled.   

Well-Designed Funnel

A funnel that makes your business look cheap or unprofessional is a huge red flag that will scare people away. People are constantly looking for an excuse not to buy, especially for high-ticket items. If you don’t take the time to create a well-designed funnel with custom graphics made for your business and professional-looking bridge, order, and upsell pages, people will be too suspicious to buy your product.


Creating a sense of urgency is an enormous factor in getting sales. Today’s consumers will often see a product they want but decide to wait to buy it. They might want time to think it over or decide to compare prices and brands. Often, when this happens, they’ll leave the page and never come back. They frequently end up not buying one at all.

So, you need to give them a reason to stay. They need to have a good explanation for why they should buy the product from you right now instead of waiting until later so they can take their time deciding. A sense of urgency accomplishes this.

A great way to create urgency is by making it clear to customers that you have a limited stock of products. Once they’re gone, you won’t have more on hand right away. So, if they want one, they have to act fast before someone else buys them up.

Fast, Reliable Shipping

Many dropshippers will order products from companies in China that take as much as 40 days to deliver. Customers don’t want to wait that long. You should be able to get them their product within two days of their order. That can be difficult for smaller businesses, though.

One strategy is using Amazon to find and fulfill product orders. Once you have steady sales and the business generates enough daily orders, you can find a supplier on AliExpress with stock in the US who could fulfill orders with two-day delivery via FedEx. Being able to advertise two-day shipping makes customers more likely to purchase.  

Finding High-Ticket Dropshipping Products

example of shopping around to find the right high-ticket dropshipping product to sell

When looking for good high-ticket dropshipping products, the first step is to type your niche into the Amazon search bar. That will reveal a wide variety of product options and their listed prices. When you see a product that you think would work, type the product name into the search bar.

Look for a variety of suppliers selling different versions and brands. Products with few suppliers could be a sign of high brand loyalty, meaning customers are less likely to buy from someone new. In that case, go back to the niche page and find another product.

Use this process to verify options until you find a product with a lot of suppliers selling different brands across various price points. A product with a large price range means you’ll be able to sell it at a higher price point and make a large profit.     

Want to Learn More About High-Ticket Dropshipping Products?

Dropshipper focusing on high-ticket dropshipping strategies

Okay, Empire Builders, that’s all we can cover here. However, if you want to learn more about finding and selling high-ticket dropshipping products, you’re in luck! There is a video tutorial on the topic as well.  

In the video, we go into more detail, give you an over-the-shoulder demo of the entire product identification and verification process, show you a great example funnel, discuss upsells, and provide helpful tips for using Amazon to fulfill your products.   

If you’re ready to take the next step and start building your empire today, watch my FREE webinar to find out how I built six- and seven-figure businesses without ever touching a product or building a site. It’s the best way to get ready to build your empire.  

Plus, I’ll even throw in my $100K funnel template to help you make a full-time income online completely FREE! It’s all yours at no cost just for showing up because I know your time is valuable, and I want to show you how much I appreciate you investing some of it in my webinar. Remember, your empire starts NOW!

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Faster Shipping and Higher Revenue With an AliExpress Alternative: How Beginners Are Making $1000 on Day 1

While it may seem challenging and potentially costly, there are ways to make as much as $1,000 or more by getting one- to two-day shipping for new eCommerce businesses while using an AliExpress alternative. Let’s dive into how you can profit from one- or two-day shipping when launching your dropshipping business.

Turn to Amazon to Win With This Strategy

Hear us out here. Yes, we know that Amazon isn’t the most sustainable platform to rely on alone, but it is one of the keys to getting the ideal shipment setup for your business if you want to expedite shipping for your customer. The right strategy can help you get the best results when using Amazon as part of your approach.

To summarize, our expert went through the following steps:

  1. Received an order from a customer
  2. Went into his Amazon account
  3. Paid for the product and entered the customer’s details
  4. Marked the item as a gift 
  5. Shipped it to the customer within two days

We’ve found a couple of ways to implement this strategy successfully, so let’s get started on this AliExpress alternative.

1. Saturated Products

Screenshot of finding products in a saturated market

One of the products our expert managed to make $1,000 per week with was a saturated product—specifically, a product in the resistance bands niche. 

Today, resistance bands are among the most popular workout products out there. They help with strength-gaining exercises and are very easy to find at an affordable price, particularly on Amazon.

Seek Products With Ample Suppliers and Varied Pricing

When looking for the right product to target, whether it’s in fitness or another niche, the key is to find one with many suppliers offering the product at a wide range of prices. For instance, just looking again at resistance bands, there is such a wide variety of sets and suppliers at prices ranging anywhere from around $10 to $30.

When a customer orders one of these products, you would purchase it from Amazon through your account at a lower price and sell it at a higher one. Going back to resistance bands as an example, you might buy a set of resistance bands at the base price of $10 and sell it for closer to $30.

Increase the Value of Your Customer’s Order

Now, this isn’t simply about price markups; you want to add more value to your customer’s order than what they would get from Amazon without spending more on your end. In our case, we grouped the original product we ordered with about six to seven other niche-relevant digital products. These products included everything from workout guides and meal plans to complete glossaries for almost every workout you could do.

In other words, we sold a complete workout program in addition to resistance bands. We transformed a relatively mundane Amazon product that anyone could buy on that platform into a high-end bundle. That makes the markup worth the purchase. In the process, we were able to ship from the same supplier.

Don’t Worry About Customers Receiving Amazon-Labeled Packaging

One concern you might have with this AliExpress alternative is what customers might think if they receive an Amazon package instead of a package with your branding. 

Based on our experience shipping thousands of products through Amazon, we have received zero customer complaints regarding their packaging. But if anyone asks or complains, you can simply explain that Amazon helped get your products to them faster.

This particular model is ideal because it allows for faster product shipping, which is ultimately what customers care about the most. You can also satisfy customers with high-quality digital products that help put you above Amazon.

Our expert not only made his customers happy with their orders with this strategy, but he also managed to get 60 influencers to work with him to grow his brand faster.

2. High-Ticket Products

Screenshot of using Amazon to find products

The second strategy you can use is to go after certain high-ticket products, which entails the following steps:

Find Multiple Manufacturers of a High-Price Product in Your Niche

To start with, we took a look at some high-ticket products in the fitness niche. Using a portable pilates wheel as a launching pad, we looked for other brands offering the same type of product at relatively high prices. 

We were able to find multiple pilates wheel systems from multiple manufacturers at various prices. Then we identified certain quality differences between them. What you want to do is meet the quality of the product sold at the higher price, which will allow you to sell it at the same price.

Look for a Less Expensive Item That You Can Transform into a High-Ticket Product

Once you’ve found that high-ticket item, look for another essentially identical product from another manufacturer that’s going for a slightly lower price. In our case, our high-ticket pilates wheel sold at around $89. The one we planned to sell was priced at $59.99. If we increase the value of the latter product, we can sell it at the former’s price.

The way we would increase the value of the cheaper pilates wheel would be to use the same strategy as we used with saturated products; sell it with a combination of valuable digital items. These products may include pilates workout guides, other similar fitness booklets, ebooks, and more.

This strategy also helps you ship products faster while maximizing dropshipping profits.

How to Create Profitable Digital Products That You Can Repurpose and Resell

Dropshipper using Amazon as an AliExpress alternative

Are you curious about how to get a hold of those digital products you need to boost your products’ value? There’s a simple strategy we’ve used that can help you create an endless inventory of niche-specific items.

Consider the pilates wheel—let’s say you want to create a workout guide. Here, you can find some popular YouTube video guides for pilates workouts. You can then hire someone on a site like Fiverr to convert these videos into text and image guides. You’ll then have your own digital products that you can rebrand and include with your pilates wheel product. This justifies your price markups.

Be Cautious With These Strategies and Transition Away From Amazon as an AliExpress Alternative

While both of these strategies we discussed can help you get orders to customers faster and boost revenue, it’s worth reiterating that Amazon dropshipping isn’t the most sustainable model. 

For one, Amazon could become suspicious of your account if it appears you’re taking advantage of its lower pricing and placing many orders of the same or similar products. Also, customers may become more familiar with the products you’re bundling with your digital content and the brands behind them. That takes the attention away from your own brand.

At some point, you’re better off transitioning away from Amazon as your AliExpress alternative; when you can, switch to an American warehouse where you can fulfill your orders and promote your brand. This is precisely what we did with one of our seven-figure dropshippers who started with Amazon before establishing his brand’s proof of concept and turning to us. 

Want to discover other ways to build a successful dropshipping business beyond this AliExpress alternative? Get started by reserving a seat at our free eCommerce masterclass with Peter Pru today.

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Dropshipping Product Research Course: How to Find Shopify Products in 2021

When building your online store, the biggest question will be about the right products to sell. Dropshipping product research can be the difference between making a six- or seven-figure profit and a big fat zero. After all, it’s essential to fill your online store’s inventory with top-quality merchandise that you can sell affordably to your customers. By choosing winning items to sell, the amount of profit you can generate is limitless. So, buckle up and learn how successful dropshippers find Shopify products for their businesses. 

1: Peek Into Amazon Best Sellers

Arturo showing how to use Amazon search results to find Shopify products

You can browse Amazon Best Sellers to generate a list of best-selling and winning products that refreshes every hour. Although Amazon features many branded products, such as Nike, Apple, Lego, and so on, you can still find numerous non-branded products to sell on Shopify. 

To identify a winning product, try to find the most popular generic products and then figure out if they are available on Oberlo. If that is the case, take that product and start selling it on your own. Simply put, if the product is a best seller on Amazon, it can be the same thing on your dropshipping website. The strategy is to take a generic product, create an enticing brand behind it, and begin selling. 

2: Utilize Wish to Find Shopify Products

Wish is another eCommerce platform that features its best-winning products with sellers. The platform has very active reviews plus a rating section that helps you research popular products. Besides, plenty of their winning products are purely generic, making it easier to feature similar effects on your online store.

Another exciting thing about Wish is that most products are designed to be bought impulsively. Such kinds of products are perfect to market on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. When browsing through Wish, ensure you choose colorful, fun, and unusual products as they often become winning products. 

3: Spy on Your Competition 

Snooping on eCommerce stores similar to yours can give you a great idea about the best product to sell. Find successful online stores and analyze what they are selling. Even if you don’t find the same item they’re offering, you can get good ideas from their success. For example, if you’re starting an eCommerce store in fashion, you can get current trends by visiting a famous fast-fashion store such as H&M.

The strategy is to identify successful online shops in your niche and get the best of what they’re offering. By going through your competition’s website, you will find patterns and connections you can utilize for your own success.

4: Check eBay Watch Count 

The eBay watch count lets you see the most popular products on eBay. You can search based on keywords connected to your niche or store. But to get more specific results, go with a more detailed description. 

Obviously, the winning items for your online store are those with the highest number of views. However, if your search is more specific, views will be fewer, and that’s completely normal since many shoppers don’t go into specifics when searching for an item. 

5: Try Oberlo to Find Shopify Products

Oberlo is the gateway to thousands of products that you can find on AliExpress. Besides having access to one of the largest eCommerce stores in the globe, you can view the most popular products over the last month or half a year. That allows you to check if the item is a continuous success or just a current trend.

Oberlo also allows you to see a lot of helpful metrics on each product, including how customers rate products, by browsing through their comments. Other statistics include imports, giving you information about the number of stores selling that exact product and those that launched in the last month. 

Types of Products to Pick for Your Dropshipping Store

Shopper browsing through engaging products and ads

Let’s face it; there’s no way you’ll find a product or niche that appeals to everyone. Therefore, picking the right demographic of shoppers is key to having a successful dropshipping store. Some items that can make your eCommerce store a success include:

Products Related to Hobbies

People who are really into a hobby will buy anything to fulfill their interests. Examples are pet products, tools, stickers, equipment, merchandise, sporting gear, and more. 

Products Targeting Business Customers

Business customers are a great group to target since they usually buy in bulk and become recurring customers. If you can build a good reputation with business clients, they’ll bring in cash for the long haul.

Products That Solve a Problem

People continually seek ways to make their lives smoother, and most successful business ideas are often based on that notion. For example, washing machines and robotic vacuum cleaners make life easier, and people will feel relieved by investing in them. Of course, you need to do your research well to identify products that solve modern-day problems.

Hard-to-Find Products

You don’t want to offer products that shoppers can purchase at any store close to them, such as batteries. If you want to capture paying customers, you need to find Shopify products that are not easily available in their area. In such cases, they’ll be willing to pay well for the item and wait for the shipping patiently. For example, getting medieval knight armor might be impossible in many Halloween shops. So, consumers will have no option but to order it online.

Get Help From Ecommerce Empire Builders as You Find Shopify Products

Arturo showing how to find products on AliExpress after researching product ideas

Overall, marketing is the biggest driver of sales for dropshippers. Since your online store is probably not well-known already, your business can’t just rely on organic reach or reputation. You need to employ a well-executed advertising campaign and offer a product that is easy to market. Ecommerce Empire Builders can help you through dropshipping product research to identify winning products for your online store. Click here to reserve a seat at the Ecommerce Empire Builders masterclass and push your online business from struggling to thriving. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for marketing strategies and tips.

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