Find Winning Products With These Dropshipping Product Research Tools

woman finding profitable products with dropshipping product research tools

Empire builders, you already know that the key to success in the ecommerce industry is selling winning products. This is a simple concept, but how exactly do you go about finding these winning products? Check out all the tools I have used to find myself and my Ecommerce Empire clients extremely profitable dropshipping products below. Don’t just take my word for it. Start using these dropshipping product research tools in your own market research to find profitable ecommerce products and niches today.

Market Research Is What Sets You Apart

There are tons of individuals joining the ecommerce industry every day. What you need to understand is that market research is what separates the success stories from the “could have, would have, should have” stories. There is no magic pill, site, or product when it comes to success in the ecommerce industry. You have to put the work in, and you have to put emerge yourself into market research on the daily if you want to have success within this industry. 

The research tools I’m about to share with you are the tools I use myself in all of my market research efforts. I also recently revealed some of the top-performing products right now. I focus primarily on utilizing free market research tools. It’s all you really need to find winning products. However, I will share some paid market research tools that I have found success with too. 

Free Market and Dropshipping Product Research Tools

Before you go looking for the perfect product or sourcing method, you must make sure there is a market for the products or niche you’re trying to get into. Don’t be the person selling products or breaking into a niche where people aren’t already buying. Your compelling offer and good marketing mean nothing when you’re selling a product that nobody wants. You have to do your research before jumping headfirst into a niche. Search for articles that discuss market trends and utilize the following free tools to determine if a potential product or niche is likely to be profitable or not. 

1. Google Trends 

screenshot of "bread baking" search volume over time on Google

The first free market research tool I recommend using is Google Trends. You can use this tool to find the average search volume of various keywords, phrases, products, or niches. I love using this tool as it gives an excellent insight into the potential that exists within various products or niches. For example, you could look up the average search volume for the phrases “bread baking” or “bread machine.” If these phrases show a strong average search volume, then bread-making products may be a good niche to get into. 

2. Amazon 

After using Google Trends to determine if a niche looks promising, I make my way over to Amazon. Believe it or not, Amazon is one of the best free-market research tools for dropshippers. Amazon gives you access to real market data by showing you what products are selling well in various sales categories. You always have to look at the data because data never lies. 

The first thing I like to do when I get to Amazon is to type in a keyword or product and then put a space after it. This will show you what the most popular searches are regarding this product or niche. For example, if you type in “bread making” and put a space, Amazon will show you the most popular searches with this phrase. This shows you what potential customers are already looking for and gives you insight into potential products you can include within your sales funnel. 

You can use Amazon to discover both physical products and information products you can use to pair with your front end product. Once again, with bread making as your niche, you can find information products like popular bread making books that are selling on Amazon. Look at the table of contents of these popular books and then create a quick, yet beneficial 3-4 page information product that gives the beginner bread maker some tips or tricks. 

Overdelivering is key with first-time customers. You can’t just have a front-end offer. It would be best if you paired your front-end offer with complementary physical and information products that provide added value and incentive to the customer. You have to make your offer both clear and enticing to make the sale.

3. AliExpress 

The final free market research tool I frequently use is AliExpress. After I’ve seen what products are selling well in a potential niche on Amazon, I head on over to AliExpress to discover how I could source these potential products. 

The first thing I do on AliExpress is to look at the current sales volume of potential products. If there are tons of units being sold, I have a winner as there is a clear demand for the product. After I’ve determined the product’s potential, I search AliExpress for complimentary products and order bumps that I can offer with my front-end offer. 

Paid Market Research Tools 

screenshot of Ecomhunt during a video conference

Now, the three free dropshipping product research tools are all you need to have success with your own market research. However, I understand some of you might want something that provides a little more in-depth analysis. 

If you’re going to pay for a market research tool, I recommend getting a subscription to Ecomhunt. I’ve used this site to find some cool products in my various niches. The site gives you access to an in-depth analysis of various products, Facebook ad examples, and YouTube videos of the product being used all in one convenient location. Keep in mind that there is no magic research tool — paid or unpaid. Your success within the industry will be determined by your ability to put in consistent effort.     

Consult With the Pros

man learning dropshipping business tips at home

I’ve set you up with some great market research tools today. So, how will you use these tools to create your own ecommerce empire? If you feel like you’ve hit a plateau in your own ecommerce efforts, we can help you get the ball rolling again. At Ecommerce Empire Builders, we can help you build, launch, and scale your own profitable dropshipping business. Sign up for access to our exclusive free webinar today. Be sure to check our YouTube channel for even more free resources and insights into the dropshipping industry. Remember, your empire starts nowTagged : / / / /

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