Boosting Business Revenue through Affiliate Marketing

In today’s digital age, the integration of affiliate marketing into existing business models is increasingly being recognized as a potent strategy for boosting revenue. This approach is not intended to overshadow core business activities but to complement them effectively, thereby enhancing the overall income stream. In this blog, we go over strategies for Boosting Business Revenue through Affiliate Marketing and how it can transform your business. 

Enhancing Existing Business Structures with Affiliate Marketing

Businesses with an established e-commerce platform or digital product infrastructure stand to gain significantly by incorporating affiliate marketing. This strategy leverages the trust and customer base they have meticulously built over time, potentially boosting profitability with minimal extra effort. Engaging in affiliate marketing allows these businesses to offer additional value to their customers without substantial investments in new product development, thereby enhancing customer loyalty and increasing revenue streams efficiently. This approach not only capitalizes on existing relationships but also opens new channels for growth by tapping into networks that affiliate partners provide. Affiliate marketing, when added as a supplementary income stream, can harmonize with the business’s offerings, thereby creating a seamless experience for customers and a more robust revenue model for the business.

Strategic Product Research and Selection

Selecting the right products is crucial for the success of affiliate marketing. Platforms like ClickBank are invaluable resources where businesses can find affiliate products that align well with their existing customer base and provide attractive commission structures. It’s particularly important to focus on products that offer recurring commissions. These types of products help ensure a consistent, ongoing income stream that significantly boosts a business’s financial stability. This strategic approach not only enhances short-term profits but also lays the groundwork for long-term revenue growth, making it a smart move for any business looking to strengthen its market position.

Practical Implementation Tips

To effectively implement affiliate marketing strategies, businesses should adopt specific practical measures. One effective strategy is to place affiliate links on thank-you pages right after a purchase, which lets businesses capitalize on the momentum of customer engagement. Additionally, creating targeted email marketing sequences to promote affiliate products to both existing customers and new leads is highly beneficial. These strategies not only enhance the customer’s journey by offering them additional value but also increase the business’s opportunities to generate more revenue. Incorporating such methods ensures a smoother integration of affiliate marketing into the business model, making the transition seamless and the marketing efforts more effective in driving additional sales.

The Importance of Recurring Revenue

Focusing on products that offer recurring revenue is a strategic decision aimed at securing long-term financial benefits. These products provide a steady income and establish a predictable and reliable revenue stream, essential for long-term business planning and growth. This approach not only stabilizes financials but also enables businesses to forecast and allocate resources more efficiently, enhancing their ability to scale and adapt in a competitive market.

In conclusion, strategically integrating affiliate marketing into an existing business model is a sophisticated and effective approach to revenue generation. This integration not only complements a business’s existing strengths but also opens new avenues for profit, proving indispensable for companies aiming to thrive in dynamic market conditions.

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Affiliate Marketing With Clickbank for Beginners in 2021: Earn Your First $100

Empire builders, one of the great benefits of running an online business is that there are many ways to generate multiple income streams. Some of them are relatively passive. That means you can pretty much just “set it and forget it” while still dedicating most of your time to your main business. Affiliate marketing with Clickbank is one of the best examples of this type of online income. 

I want to emphasize that it shouldn’t be your only project. But affiliate marketing is a fantastic opportunity for just about anyone. Whether you have an established ecommerce business or are just getting started, I’m going to teach you how to make affiliate marketing with work for you. 

Why Affiliate Marketing With Clickbank Is the Icing on the Cake

I have a long history with affiliate marketing because this was actually the strategy I used to earn my very first dollar online. This was 13 years ago when I was a freshman in college and just beginning to dip my toes in the world of making money on the internet. My experience with affiliate marketing really opened up my mind to how the whole process of making money online works. So much has changed since then, and many methods are simply outdated. But affiliate marketing with Clickbank is still an excellent source of extra income in 2021.   

If you don’t know anything at all about affiliate marketing, you can think of it like this: 

An ecommerce business is trying to promote its products. But instead of spending all its marketing dollars on Facebook ads or something similar, it pays someone like you to promote the products. Affiliate marketers use a designated link, and they get a cut every time someone uses that link to purchase the product. Since the companies only have to pay when you actually make a sale for them, affiliate marketing is potentially a more effective source of traffic for them. In other words, these companies WANT you to succeed.

Of course, the problem with affiliate marketing is that you’re not working toward building your own business or creating your own assets. You’re really helping someone ELSE build their business. I recommend you take control of your ecommerce business by selling your own physical products or digital products. Even better, sell a combination of both. Then you can layer on the extra income from affiliate marketing as the icing on the cake.  

Choosing a Product to Promote With Affiliate Marketing

Screen grab of Peter Pru exploring different offers for affiliate marketing with Clickbank

If you already have an ecommerce business and a built-in audience online, affiliate marketing is designed to fit in perfectly with your current niche. There’s literally an endless amount of products out there that you can be promoting. There are affiliate marketing offers for every type of consumer and in almost any market. For example, if you’re already selling fitness equipment or fitness-related information, you can promote a complementary product that has to do with fitness. The key is to find a quality product that people will actually be interested in. You really don’t want to go out there and promote something random that you’re not familiar with. Definitely try the product and learn as much as you can about it before recommending it to your audience.  

If you haven’t gotten your business off the ground yet or maybe don’t even have a niche, you can choose an affiliate marketing product by thinking about your own interests, passions, and hobbies. I always recommend you use that as the starting point. Are you into video games, cooking, computers, or travel? These kinds of topics are typically evergreen. That means there’s always plenty of digital and physical products being launched in these niches. Choosing a popular topic is what makes it a scalable business with plenty of opportunities for you.  

Using for Affiliate Marketing

The place I love to use for affiliate marketing is, and you can set up your account completely free. I’ve used all the different platforms out there for affiliate marketing. is the best one, especially if you are looking for recurring affiliate marketing offers. That means you sell a subscription product that will go on to pay you a cut every single month. That’s the kind of excellent passive income you really need, and is great for tracking those kinds of offers. 

I did a live demo showing you how to use to find some great offers, but it’s very simple to use. Log in and head to the Marketplace tab to sort through all the different affiliate products that are currently available. There’s a ton of different categories, and you want to choose the ones that are most relevant for your niche. 

How the Math Works on Clickbank

Sticking with the fitness space, maybe you decide you want to promote a weight loss supplement. Head to the weight loss supplements and compare all the different options. provides crucial information to help you choose the right product, like the average percent conversion. They also provide a Gravity rating. This is calculated by Clickbank’s algorithm to show how well a product has been selling over the last 12 weeks. As an example, Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a superstar product with a high Gravity rating and a high average percent conversion. If you drive traffic to your affiliate link for this product, you would be earning an average of $132.51 for every sale. Those are the kinds of stats you want to see for a product you would potentially promote.

Again, you want a quality product that’s doing well and that will give you some nice commissions. In my case, I do also make an effort to find subscription services that will be paying me every month. That’s free money in the bank! 

Affiliate Marketing With Clickbank Case Study: Custom Keto Diet

Screen grab of Peter Pru showing how to use Clickbank

As part of the live demo, we took a deep dive into one product with great potential for affiliate marketing. Custom Keto Diet is one of the top sellers in the Keto diet niche, a category that’s definitely hot right now. This product is also a subscription service, which is excellent. You can see on their profile that Custom Keto Diet pays their affiliates $21.31 every month for each purchase made from your link. 

Every business on will have a variety of great resources to help you sell their product. The better you can do, the more sales you can generate for them. Custom Keto Diet is a great example of this because they truly offer everything you need to promote the product. If you decide to market Custom Keto Diet, the first step is to generate your own unique link and head over to their page for affiliates. This is where you can learn much more about the product and also get a wealth of content that will help you promote it. You can find a ton of slick, professional images of the product to use for social media, blog posts, and anything else. They also have testimonials of the product, videos, and even fully-written email templates you can blast out to your list.

So it really is that simple and easy with affiliate marketing. Whether you’re choosing Custom Keto Diet or a product in a completely different niche, Clickbank makes it easy; you’re not going to have to go create your own offer stack images or anything like that. You just go in and use their content in a way that makes sense for you.  

Why Paid Ads and Affiliate Marketing Don’t Mix

Influencer doing affiliate marketing with Clickbank via videos

The affiliate marketing business model is obviously much easier when you already have an established business in a specific niche. You simply leverage your audience and existing infrastructure to make some extra money. If you’re a newbie to ecommerce, the big temptation with affiliate marketing is to try to use paid ads to drive traffic to your affiliate link. But I’m telling you right now — because I don’t want you to lose a bunch of money — that it’s really hard to make that kind of business work. Some people can manage it, but it’s rare. 

The reality is that your profit margins from earning a commission are way too slim for using paid ads. The business you’re trying to promote is ALREADY running those ads on Google, Facebook, Youtube, and everywhere else. You’re basically going to end up competing against them for those clicks. That doesn’t make any sense, and it’s not profitable for you. The business you’re promoting will make the numbers work much better than you can with your 50% commission.

The Bootstrap Method of Affiliate Marketing With Clickbank

If you really want to make your first dollar on the internet through affiliate marketing With Clickbank, you need what I call the Bootstrap Method. You’re basically pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps with the compelling content you make to market the product. All you have to do is purchase the product and then use it. You can even potentially write to the business on to ask if there’s a discount code for affiliates. Obviously, choose something you believe in and something that’s relevant to you. Then, make a video on Youtube reviewing the product. Be as thorough and interesting as you can. If possible, make it a journey. Cover multiple days of your progress using the product, how your thoughts evolve, etc. Post a link to your affiliate link in the description box!

Create the same content in the form of a blog, and again add your affiliate link. Now you’re in a position to begin ranking when people are searching for reviews of that product. This is something consumers do all the time, organically. Getting some commissions that way is the absolute best way for someone without a business to begin making money with affiliate marketing. 

Consult With the Pros

There’s so much more about how creating a fantastic income online. Register for the FREE Ecommerce Empire Builders webinar, and begin building your empire today! You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for frequent business tips and insights for affiliate marketing with Clickbank, dropshipping, and more.

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5 Passive Income Ideas That Work

Passive income is the money you generate with minimal or zero effort after an upfront investment. It eliminates the limitation of time from your ability to earn, so you can make money in multiple ways concurrently. Additionally, you get peace of mind and more time for personal interests and development. Read on to discover five proven passive income ideas you can implement to generate thousands of dollars.

1. Dividend-Paying Stocks

If you invest in a company with dividends, you earn a portion of their profit based on your investment size. In other words, you become the corporation’s shareholder, and you’re entitled to an annual or quarterly dividend.

Choosing the Best Stocks

Consider investing your money in dividend aristocrats. These are a select group of S&P 500 companies that have paid and increased their dividend base for at least 25 consecutive years. Investing in stocks with such a track record reduces the risk of losing your money.

As long as you’re earning a dividend every year, your investment is safe, and you’re making extra money for free. What’s more, your passive income from dividend aristocrats grows year in and year out.

The amount of money you can generate from stocks depends on the percentage of share price a company pays in the year. Therefore, it’s prudent to shop for stocks with high dividend yields to maximize your return.

For example, you might find a company with an annual dividend yield of $2.00 per stock. That might sound like nothing much. But what if you invested more and purchased 200 stocks? You would effortlessly earn $400 from the company that year as passive income.

2. Selling Physical Products Online

Screengrab of Peter Pru discussing dropshipping

Many consumers like buying commodities online due to the convenience of placing orders from home and waiting for a delivery. They can also access a wide range of products and prices on different ecommerce sites.

While online shopping was growing organically over the years, it made a dramatic leap in 2020 due to COVID-19. Lockdowns due to the pandemic forced even those who were skeptical about ecommerce to develop online buying habits. That’s one reason why online sales have recently skyrocketed, and you can even make a full-time income as a dropshipper.

Where to Source Products

There are two fantastic sources of physical products for resale: AliExpress and Alibaba. AliExpress is a great starting point for buying items at wholesale prices and dropshipping them to your customers. Use either platform to establish your best niche and winning products.

For better margins and more profits, move to Alibaba to stop overreliance on a few suppliers from one region. The platform features worldwide manufacturers and distributors, giving you more price options for the same product.

You’ll want to partner with reputable suppliers who have been in business for several years. Focus on building a relationship first instead of pushing for rapid supplies, especially if you’re looking for long-term business.

Ask the supplier to quote prices for different quantities of an item, say 50, 200, 1,000, 5,000, and so on. You’ll be surprised at how drastically prices can fall as you increase your order. Your selling price should include all the costs of sourcing the product and shipping it to your customer, plus your margin.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing means selling other people’s products and making a commission off the sales. It’s an excellent passive income opportunity when you have an audience on social media and other digital channels.

Find a business that offers products and services you think your audience will buy and promote their affiliate links. Build a list of customers or people who follow you or engage with you online. Then define a touchpoint where you can promote relevant affiliate links.

Be sure to promote products that you’re familiar with (preferably commodities you have used). Potential customers will be more confident if you can answer basic questions about what you sell.

Where to Find Affiliate Products

One of the best places to find products to sell through affiliate marketing is The platform has many digital and physical products you can promote online and earn commissions. Choose an affiliate product link and promote it through your social channels, email, website, blog, and other online platforms.

4. Selling Digital Products

Screengrab of Peter Pry discussing how to sell digital products

Professionals and industry experts can make easy passive income by creating and selling digital courses relevant to their field. You can sell ebooks, podcasts, and other digital resources on various subjects.

If you want a digital product that gives you almost 100% margin, try selling private label right (PLR) products. These are ebooks and video guides that you can buy once and do whatever you want with them. You can edit them, put yourself as the author, resell them, give them away for free, and so on.

Refining PLR Content

While PLRs have great content, most of them come in simple formats, like plaintext ebooks. You have to make them more attractive to your audience and customers, or they won’t read them.

Fortunately, there are many free and paid tools for improving these digital products. If you don’t have the time or don’t want to learn how to enhance PLRs, sites like sell ready-to-use content.

5. Real Estate

One of the most rewarding industries is real estate, especially if you own rental property. It’s a great business since you have a tangible high-value asset that generates long-term passive income.

Single-family units are perhaps the most sought-after houses since newlyweds and small families are always searching for new homes. You can net hundreds to thousands of dollars of passive income per month. Buy and rent out whichever real estate property you find marketable.

Where to Find Homes for Sale

Most people with real estate experience will agree that Zillow is ideal for finding houses for sale. The platform allows you to narrow your home search based on your preferences and budget.

Zillow also provides an estimate of the monthly costs associated with maintaining a given property. Add your mortgage, property taxes, and HOA fees to estimate a reasonable rent amount for a home before even buying it.

A good strategy is to ensure that your tenant pays the mortgage and other expenses. You’ll earn free money from the rent after paying off your monthly mortgage amount.

Start a Profitable Online Business Today

man succeeding with his passive income ideas in his home office

Ecommerce Empire Builders can provide the tools and insights you need to succeed in selling products online. Register for our webinar to learn how to build a lucrative ecommerce business today. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for more business insights and passive income ideas.

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3 Best Side Hustles to Make Money at Home in 2021

2020 had people shut down their businesses and stay at home. However, those in online hustles were at an advantage because money was still flowing into their pockets. Running an online business has proven that it can be more than just a luxury; it is now a necessity for supplementing your primary income source. So if you are wondering which side hustle is suitable for you to make money at home, here are the best suggestions to start in 2021 from the comfort of your home. I can testify they are ideal because I have been making money from them for the past ten years, and you can, too.

The great thing about these three side hustles I will discuss below is that they are complementary. You do not have to restrict yourself to one. You can work on them together and unlock multiple income sources; each of them will offer you a different revenue stream.

Ecommerce and Dropshipping

Peter Pru showing how to find and price items from AliExpress

Dropshipping remains my top choice for anyone looking to get started in an online business and make money at home. It entails having an online store that fulfills orders, but you don’t need a warehouse to store inventory. Instead, you get customers to make orders, which you pass on to a third-party supplier who then ships the order directly to the customer. 

You are responsible for setting the selling price. Since you will incur the cost of marketing (in both time and money) to your customers, the final price is usually at a premium. One ideal example of a service that facilitates dropshipping is AliExpress

Pro Tip: 

Once you create your online store, ensure that the prices you set are comparable with those on Amazon.

How Do You Ensure Customers Buy From Your Dropshipping Business?

You might start wondering why a customer would choose your new dropshipping business over Amazon when the prices are within the same range. You could reason that the customer has a history with Amazon they may want to keep. However, succeeding with a dropshipping business is about creating more value, not just delivering products.

The secret to having customers shop with you is to offer them digital products with their order. The best way to create more value for your products is by giving your customers PLR (Private Label Rights) products. You buy rights for PLR products to enable you to create or modify informational products within minutes, which you can then sell or bundle with physical goods and retain 100% of the profits. 

PLR products come in various forms, including articles, video, graphics, ebooks, and more. So you are spoiled for choice with the kind of informational product you can create to bundle up with the dropshipping products. Of course, the PLR products you send with the ordered product have to be related. For example, say a customer orders a blackhead removal product. Then the PLR product you bundle it up with can be a video course or ebook in the skincare category.

The best policy for starting to make money at home is by being generous with information. If you know what would interest customers, give it to them either as a bonus or sell it. However, do not overwhelm your customers with information by sending lots of informational products at the same time. Two products bundled in with their orders will do.

Selling Digital Products

Once you get the gist of dropshipping and pairing physical products with informational products, you can easily complement that side hustle by selling digital products. Instead of just giving the products as bonuses, you can upsell them to your customer. Usually, you can combine at least five of the PLR products because you can already guess that the customer would be interested in them.

However, you cannot just rely on waiting until customers make orders to entice them to buy more of your digital products. You must diversify your marketing tools to include social media accounts and YouTube.

While being unique can gain you a competitive advantage, you do not want to be the first to sell a product. It is too risky. Therefore, check out what other companies are already selling by going to Udemy. By searching for ideas in the particular niche you want to pursue, you will find the top content creators. They can give you a rough idea of what consumers want. 

Such research will enable you to create relevant course outlines for your video course, podcast, or whatever digital product you are interested in selling. You should, however, be careful not to plagiarize anyone’s content. Remember to always offer the customer the right information and good value for their money, regardless of how much you are charging for it.

Affiliate Marketing

Peter Pru showing viewers how to start affiliate marketing with ClickBank

Affiliate marketing provides a way to make money at home by driving traffic to other people’s sites. You earn a commission for each customer who visits the business you are promoting through your personalized link. The key to being a good affiliate marketer is to promote a product you like. 

Let’s consider an example. Say you sell woodworking products but do not have time to make a video course promoting your tools. You can be an affiliate marketer for woodworking video courses. Since customers who purchase your products may like a woodworking course to show them how to use particular tools, you can promote one and still earn money from every customer who buys it. 

Start Your eCommerce Empire Today

Entrepreneur starting to make money at home

Starting to make money at home through an online business does not have to be complicated. Besides these three side hustles, there are many other ways of earning money. You can even earn money online without having to create a website or buy products for resale. Sign up for my exclusive free webinar, where I will reveal a simple 5-page ecommerce funnel I used to create a full-time income online.  Hurry to reserve your seat and start making money at home. You can also visit my YouTube channel for fresh tips and insights. Your empire starts now!

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Five Easy Digital Product Niches That Can Earn You Millions

Digital products are some of the best products to sell online if you want to maximize your earning potential. But many people who try to sell these products take the wrong approach. Selling digital products is considerably different from selling other types of products. But it all comes down to the specific digital product niches you want to target. 

There are many ways you can use digital products to earn more money, whether you’re running an ecommerce business or affiliate marketing site. The key to succeeding with digital products is knowing how to produce, advertise, and sell them effectively within a specific niche. This article will help you get started selling digital products and earning millions of dollars with an effective strategy. The following are some examples of easy digital product niches worth pursuing.

1. Dog Training

Screen grab of how to search Udemy for digital product ideas

One of the most lucrative opportunities to sell digital products is in the dog training niche. Take a look at the topic “dog training” on Udemy, a site containing millions of free and paid courses. You’ll see thousands of courses that show how popular this niche is. 

(On a side note: Udemy doesn’t always have the best courses worth selling. But it’s a great way to validate the niche you want to target and gauge its popularity. If you see hundreds or thousands of results when searching for your niche, this indicates that there’s a huge market for it.)

If you’re thinking about starting a dog training course, Udemy can show you what courses are out there. It also shows which specific topics and subtopics people like the most. From there, you have one of two approaches you can take to selling dog courses:

  1. You can make your own from scratch. 
  2. You can repurpose content that’s already out there.

Repurposing Existing Dog Training Videos for Packaged Courses

Would you rather use content that’s already been produced and is ready to market and sell in a course? If so, then we recommend heading over to YouTube. There, you can search for dog training courses around the topics you want to cover. Now, you’ll likely find many channels with videos attracting millions of viewers, but these aren’t the ones we’re looking for. Instead, try to look for prolific channels that produce a lot of content but aren’t as popular. Channels with several hundred subscribers and many videos with thousands of views each can actually provide better opportunities for you than the biggest channels.

Once you find a channel you like, you can send them a message letting them know you like their content and asking them if they’d be willing to work with you. You can then offer them a chance to package their videos in a course, which you can market and sell to your audience in exchange for a commission sent to the producer. In the dog training niche, you’ll have no trouble finding content producers putting out plenty of videos that you can repackage and sell.

Using for Other Types of Dog Training Content

If you want to sell content other than video, you can visit to check out ebooks, articles, landing pages, and other course materials around dog training. On this site, there are plenty of pieces of content with private label rights (PLR). That means you can purchase this content, repurpose and rebrand it, and sell it as your own product. Simply buy a package of content at an affordable price, repackage it, and resell it for a profit.

2. Cryptocurrency

Another popular yet highly specific niche is the cryptocurrency space, which also provides plenty of opportunities. You won’t find as many courses on Udemy due to the specific nature of the niche. But it’s a very worthwhile space to target.

It’s important to keep in mind here that, like in other digital product niches, you should truly be good at what you do in the niche you target. If you plan on producing courses covering various cryptocurrency topics, for instance, you should know what you’re talking about. Otherwise, find people who have that expertise that you can lend to your digital product packages.

On, you’ll have no trouble finding myriad digital products covering a wide range of cryptocurrency topics if you want to sell ebooks or other written content.

3. Meditation

Screen grab of looking for meditation digital products on ThePLRStore

Meditation has been — and remains — one of the best niches to target, with many viable opportunities. Like with other bigger digital product niches, it’s best not to target the most general meditation topics. Why? You’ll wind up competing with some of the largest competitors out there. However, you can target good subtopics that may be less competitive, giving you a chance to attract audiences looking for those specific topics. Many people are always looking for the best meditation techniques and classes, so you should have no trouble finding an audience here.

You can target specific forms of meditation, including particular techniques. Start small with these branching topics, and as your business grows, so can your topic coverage.

4. Weight Loss

Weight loss is always a popular, evergreen niche worth going after. There are always new strategies and products available to help people lose weight. Even better, that trend isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Weight loss is especially popular today, with so many people spending more time at home and struggling to maintain a healthy diet amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Again, your success in this niche will come down to the specific subtopics you cover in your content. Focus on narrower areas like  “weight loss for parents,” “weight loss for busy professionals,” or certain nutritional tips or workouts such as Zumba.

5. TikTok Marketing

Over the last couple of years, TikTok has been making waves as one of the fastest-rising social media platforms. As a result, many businesses seek opportunities to market to young TikTok audiences, making TikTok marketing one of the hottest digital product niches to target.

Many people are looking for topics about how best to market on TikTok, how to manage their accounts, and plenty of other areas you can easily capitalize on. We recommend you prove yourself to be an expert in this niche first, gaining some recognition as an authority on TikTok marketing on social media and other platforms before you go into offering a course and other digital products. While it might take some work, this niche is quickly becoming one of the best to pursue.

Start Your Ecommerce Empire

Ecommerce business owner researching digital product niches at home

Each of these digital product niches can give you ample opportunity to sell digital products and make millions. By finding the right niche-specific topics to cover and producing or repurposing high-quality content, you can easily sell digital products that earn money fast. Do you want to learn more about how to make a full-time income online and develop a winning sales funnel for your online business? Then attend our free ecommerce masterclass. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for frequent tips and insights. 

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Start These 3 Massive Passive Income Opportunities in 2021

People love to talk about passive income, but they don’t really tell you how to get to that level. Today we’ll show you our three favorite passive income opportunities for online businesses. You will learn how you can start implementing these things into a new or existing business.

What Is Passive Income?

Screengrab of Peter Pru discussing the timeline for passive income growth

Passive income takes activity on your part to get started. Having sufficient passive income is possible, but it usually comes from many income sources. We have about 20 income sources, and a lot of them are happening even while we sleep. 

You may be trying to get passive income quickly. Realistically, it does not happen right away. By putting in a little effort over the next month, six months, and beyond, you will see passive income starting to come into your bank account.

Our first tip is our favorite way to start making money and turning it into passive income. It’s called ecommerce. Why is ecommerce one of the best passive income opportunities out there? Think about everything going on in the world right now. You have probably been ordering things mainly online for the past few years. Buyers continue to double month after month through online shopping. Wouldn’t you want to start your business around an industry that is already on the up? Of course you do! That is why ecommerce is our favorite way to get started, especially through dropshipping.

1. Dropshipping

Why do we say dropshipping is our top choice? Overall, it is the lowest risk and lowest cost way to get started.

Maybe you have a lot of money to get started on these passive income opportunities, and maybe you don’t. When we were getting started, we didn’t have a ton of money to reinvest into a new business. If you do, that’s perfect — it is going to make your journey a little bit easier. The goal is for you to make everything low-risk and at a low cost to yourself when you get started, especially when it is a new business idea. 

Consider these tips:

  • DON’T do things that are going to take up a lot of your time.
  • DON’T get involved in things that require a lot of upfront money.
  • DO start out with something low-cost.
  • DON’T spend time sourcing a huge volume of inventory.

For dropshipping, you generally work with overseas suppliers. They ship products on your behalf to your customers. Your job is 100 percent just to market the product. They give you a good price for products, and you charge more to your customers. You take the difference from what your customer pays, making it nearly risk-free. You could start with a couple of hundred bucks.

All the methods you are learning today can be stacked together. To generate real passive income, it works better when your income streams are complementary to each other. You should not completely rely on just one product, supplier, or method. Why? Because if your main one gets cut, all your income streams die. However, you do want them to be complementary. That way, when you are working on one thing, you are impacting the others, as well.

2. Sell Digital Products

Dropshipper organizing her passive income streams

Our second favorite way to start generating passive income is selling digital information products. Selling digital products is amazing because you create them once and then sell them over and over and over again.

The profit margins are better than selling physical products. There is a caveat, however, and we are sharing it here since we know some of you will decide to skip the dropshipping. Selling digital products only or by themselves can be very, very difficult. So how do you do it? How do you start?

Here is what we recommend. Let’s say you start a dropshipping business selling fishing equipment. Then you decide to start selling digital products. What you would do is sell digital products to the people that are already buying your physical fishing products. This is a sales technique called upselling.

For example, a customer buys a fishing lure from you. After they make that purchase, they go to your first upsell page with one click. You say, “Hey, do you want to purchase our five-video mastery guide series for tying your own fishing lures?” When they click “yes,” they purchase it with one click and are automatically billed.

The Big Benefit of Digital Products

That digital product — the video series — was created once. Maybe you paid somebody to create it for you or you made it yourself. You have some time invested in it. But every time you sell that video series, it is free money.

If you have a dropshipping business right now, try this. Put together a video course, a high-quality PLR (private label) product, or a PDF product. You can purchase information products from other websites and then resell them under your own label. It’s a great way to resell products and not have people asking for a refund.

The key is over-delivering the information products. With physical products, customers wait to get something in the mail — we call it the Christmas effect. We call a digital product the Amazon effect because they get it right away. Follow these tips:

  • DO sell the physical product first.
  • DON’T try to sell digital products as the front-end product.
  • DO upsell the digital product.
  • DO sell a mixture of both to start creating passive income.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Our third favorite way to build passive income is using affiliate marketing. Once you have your dropshipping business going and upselling digital products, it is time to add affiliate marketing. This essentially is where you sell other people’s products and earn a commission. You send them customers, and they handle the fulfillment. They manage all customer service, and you make a commission.

Affiliate marketing is a great business model but remember: you are not building your own business here. You are helping somebody else build theirs. It is important that you build your own customers and your own business. Don’t spend all of your time helping somebody else build their empire. You should even have affiliates for your own business!

Use affiliate marketing to interweave with your business for products that you don’t ever plan to sell. It is an amazing way to boost revenue for your business.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing

Let’s say, for example, that your business is selling supplements like green juices and smoothies. You like selling these products to fitness pros and people that love working out, but you are not interested in creating courses on that topic. The alternative is going to affiliate marketing websites such as You can sign up to be an affiliate for video courses, PDFs, and digital products. When your customers purchase the green juice, you refer them to the other company’s video training course (or whatever it is) and earn a commission. But keep these tips in mind:

  • DON’T refer your customers to other people’s products that you may sell in the future.
  • DON’T refer your customers to affiliated products just for the sake of earning a commission.
  • DO refer your customers to products that will benefit your customer, and you have no plans of launching yourself.
  • DON’T refer your customers to affiliate products that you would not use.

How to Put Together the Three Income Streams for More Passive Income

Ecommerce Empire Builders workshop

A good interweaving of these three business models is the way we recommend setting up your ecommerce business. You are making sales in your dropshipping store, you are selling digital products, and you also have some affiliate marketing products. It makes three income streams created from one single dropshipping product.  

Which one of these are you going to implement in your business today? At Ecommerce Empire Builders, we give you all the tools to launch the massive, passive income opportunity you need for 2021! Follow this link to get in on an exclusive, free webinar to learn in detail how to start a passive income business. And remember, your empire starts now!

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Top 3 Online Businesses for Beginners to Start in 2020

Hey, Empire Builders! In this article, we’re going to talk about the three best online businesses for beginners to start in 2020. I wanted to go over the top online businesses that anyone can start without a huge investment or any experience. While some online businesses for beginners require a massive budget with substantial overhead costs, some need a much smaller investment. Those are the ones we’ll be talking about today.  

1. Ecommerce and Dropshipping

This is my favorite option. It’s the best business for beginners because of the low risk involved. If you don’t know, ecommerce and dropshipping are terms for selling products online that your supplier sends to the customer, in exchange for a cut of the profits. It’s that simple. Dropshipping allows you to cut the usual costs for inventory and shipping.

For example, with my dropshipping business, when someone buys something from my website, the supplier is notified and they ship it out. I never even see the product in person. It’s just my job to sell it, the supplier does the rest, and I make a cut of every sale. 

It costs as little as $250-$500 for ads to get started. That may seem like a lot, but it really isn’t considering that it’s your cost for starting your own business and gaining financial freedom. This is pretty much the lowest start-up cost you’ll find. It’s going to take an hour or two a day to learn enough to be successful. But the more you invest, the more you get out.

How to Start an Ecommerce or Dropshipping Business

Beginner dropshipper starting his business at home

You need to pick a product and make sure it’s something people want. Google “list of hobbies,” and nearly everything on that list is a good choice. The best advice I can give you is to choose something you genuinely enjoy and find interesting. That’s the difference between waking up every day excited to get to work and being stuck in a daily grind.

Once you pick a hobby — gardening, for example — go to Amazon and search it. You want to sell what people are already buying. Remember KISS: Keep It Stupid Simple. When you look through the results, there are a number of physical and digital products. That’s how you know it’s a good niche with multiple options.

Pay attention to the “frequently bought together” section, which tells you what else you can sell and each product’s rank. If the ranking is under 20,000, then that tells you there’s a demand for it. Going to AliExpress will then show you how many units are sold, and you can find a supplier with a cheap enough per-unit cost to make you a good profit. While dropshipping is one of the best online businesses for beginners, it’s not just for beginners. As you learn, you can scale up your business and create multiple businesses.

2. Selling Digital Products

screen grab about how to create and market digital products

This includes courses, PDFs, and other digital media. The profit margins are high because it doesn’t cost money to make, so it’s pretty much 100% profit. While it doesn’t take a large monetary investment, you have to invest a lot of time into it. You must position yourself as an expert that people trust so they’ll want to learn from you, and that can be tricky if you’re just starting out on online businesses for beginners.

If you want to sell high-ticket digital products ($1,000+), you’ll need to create free content every day to show your expertise, entice them to learn more, and build that trust. If you’re selling cheaper digital products ($5-$50), then all you need to do is add value by solving a problem.

As far as the budget for this, if you’re working on the lower end of the price range, you can advertise for free. If you’re going to use ads, though, I always recommend a $250-$500 minimum.

How to Start a Business Selling Digital Products

Again, take advantage of Amazon. When you type in the example niche — gardening — you’ll see many books available. You can also sort by category for books if you don’t see any pop up immediately. You can do the same for video content.

This provides a clear picture of what information products are being purchased and what problems they try to solve. First, decide on your price point, which should generally be $5-$50 or $1k. This will help you determine what kind of informational products to look into creating. This can range between a short how-to guide and an in-depth video course.

Udemy will give you a better idea of in-demand courses. Type in gardening again; there’s a lot to choose from. The course description will tell you what people are learning. You can sell courses here without spending ad money, too.

If you want to sell text-based information products, you can write your own or go to The PLR Store to buy one. You can buy the rights to content and sell it, make improvements, whatever you want. If you type in gardening, you’ll find a pack of articles on low maintenance gardening, something you can sell for $10+ while only paying $5.99. Dress it up with images and fonts to make it look worth the money. Then you can sell it on ClickBank without paying to advertise.  

3. Affiliate Marketing

Shopper reading content from an affiliate marketer

One of the most popular online businesses for beginners is selling products for someone else and making a commission for every sale — that’s affiliate marketing. This is especially easy if you already have an audience from another business or website where you can promote products. Then this is a no-cost way of making money/ If you only promote products with a good reputation that work well and add value, then it’s also risk-free. If, however, you use your business platform to promote a product to your audience that’s of poor quality or doesn’t work, then you’ll lose trust and business. So, make sure you’ve tried it and really want to recommend it.

How to Start an Affiliate Marketing Business

ClickBank can help with this too. Use their navigation bar to find products you’d want to sell. Let’s use gardening again. Once you find one you want to sell, click promote and you’ll get a custom affiliate link. It’s that simple. Don’t forget to buy and test the product first before endorsing it. Then all you have to do is drive traffic to their site, and when someone buys something, you earn a commission.


The great thing about these online businesses for beginners is that they work well together, too. Maximize your profits by integrating them into one business model. If you want to learn more and make more, sign up for my masterclass, where I’ll teach you how I made a full-time income online with a 5-page funnel — all without touching a product, building a site, or investing in ads. I’ll even throw in the $100k funnel template FREE just for showing up. Get ready to build your empire!

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